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Geetha Raj Nov 2011
To the needy -

A smile - that can charm
A thought - that is warm
A gesture - that can calm,
Is even holier than the psalm!
Written on 15th November, 2010.
I have often seen peope help.
But its often not when others are in need.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I love you...

For how you make me smile, when I least expect...

When you make me tear up, saying things no one ever has...

When you hold me tight, and make me feel all yours...

When you kiss me, and make me feel safe...

When you smile, and lit up my life...

When you gaze, and make me shy...

When you sing, as if I were the only one...

When the brat in you makes me feel, you are my child...

When the man in you, makes me blush...

When the boy in you, flirts...

You are the thought - that lets me sleep,

And the thought I wake up to...

I love you...

With all my heart,

And I love you...

With all I have!
Written on 25th October, 2010.
And I fell in love again. This time for good.
Or so I trust.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
'I Love You!' is too simple a way -

It doesn't convey half of what I'd want to say.

In real, I'm crazy about you, in my own ways,

I wish to be lost in your embrace - whole night, whole day!
Written on 16th October, 2010.
While in love, you are indeed lost!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
You didn't knock,
You didn't call,
You just barged in
And made me fall...

Madly in love with you!
Written on 11th October, 2010.
Sometimes four lines is all you need. Works for my guy!
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Why am I so vulnerable
When it comes to love?
Why is it that they ask to 'let go'?
Is it so that, one can ask for more?

I ask you Lord,
I ask you now -
Why me, of all?
When I had just again, began to crawl!

Don't push me further down -
For you know this cliff is tall...
Don't wait there with stones to haul -
For from here, very steep seems the fall!

When people called me cute,
To him I used to be queen!
Now, when people say I am bright
He says, I am his little sunshine!

I am no queen.
I am no sunshine.
I am a normal girl -
At times, a soul that whines!

If you are here to visit,
Please don't offer to stay.
For I tend to believe.
For I tend to wait.

Don't promise me a life,
And walk away with mine.
I may not come after you,
I may not stalk your way.

I will go away -
And stay hidden always.
To you I may appear stone-hearted
Mean, dead or someone who's gone astray.

But here I will await,
Longing for what was mine.
Hoping for you to return -
At least to return what you had once entwined.

I will face newer days
I will face longer dawns...
Spring will be here soon
The winter seems long.

Don't offer me your home
Just to keep me warm
For even your shoulders
Can bring in calm, for now.

Don't give me your palm,
I may hold on.
For you have no clue,
How much I am drawn!

I let go all that was mine...
Not so that I can get more
I let go all that was mine...
So that I can live on!

I have no love left in me now.
Hatred too? I really doubt
If not for these seldom tear drops
I'd say, I've learned what life is all about!
Written on 9th October, 2010.
One of my friends once told me, the only cure to love - is to love more.
Then, I mocked at him.
Now, I realize it is true.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
I want someone who'd stand with me -
The day I lose my degree,
The day I lose my teen.

I want someone who'd hold me close -
Despite the skills, I've always lacked,
Despite the dark days, I have tread past.

I want someone who'd love me true!
Not for my charm, nor the curves,
Not for my cleavage, nor the verve.

I want someone who'd wish me luck -
Even if it would take me away,
Even if my return delayed.

I want someone who'd kiss me to sleep -
Who would, for me, stay awake
Who would never, to me, be fake.

I want someone who'd wipe my sweat -
Before asking for the money I'd kept,
Before reminding me of unpaid debts.

I want someone who'd see my soul right through -
Who had loved me before I was born,
Who would love me when I'm gone.

I have found that soul, that someone in you!
I find the solace you offer, a boon!
I'd be blessed to be born again, in your womb!
Written on 29th September, 2010.
People you take for granted are sadly, the ones who love you deeply without expectations.
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
Lucky are those who can die for love - true!
I would, like to lay down my life, for you.
For no amount of money, no amount of joy
Seems to take away my tears, when I am lonely, my boy!

I may sound insane, crazier by the day,
But I'm a well-wisher, so don't run away!
If you had loved me once, kindly remember to pray -
To God, to keep your thoughts outta my mind and way...!
Written on 28th September, 2010.
Another insane moment. Thank god it comes out as poetry.
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