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935 · Jun 2011
Geanna Marie Jun 2011
She was the lonely girl who sat in the corner
He was the boy who, secretly, couldn't wait to see her smile
She loved being loveless, one of the few
All he wanted was her love

She walked on the streets with no shade of gray in her black and white world
He noticed the hidden rainbow she kept inside
She cried in her close quarters so no one can see
He saw the tears like they were a river of sadness

She finally noticed, that love does exist
He finally saw that smile
She realized all she wanted was him
He finally got that happily ever after
590 · Jun 2011
Geanna Marie Jun 2011
tears drop to the floor
the pain is so numb, i can't feel you anymore
the smiles and laughs wither away in the past
see what happens when you fall too fast?
it was like a story without the happy ending
i'm asking myself when my heart will start mending
my heart started to melt
with all the chaos that's been dealt
i wish i may, i wish i might
that this unreliable pain will end tonight
523 · Jun 2011
Happy Escape
Geanna Marie Jun 2011
I lie down in a slumber of my future
While fantasy swirls with moments of regret
Memories of yesterday, hopes for tomorrow
While the stars converse, decided my forever
I keep a smile on while I stare at my thoughts
Praying that the smile will be a permanent reminder
That I escaped happily

— The End —