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Gayatri Aug 2013
For the first time in a long time i was home alone,
For the first time in a long time i really thought,
For the first time in a long time i really Felt the wind on my face,
For the first time in a long time i acknowledged that someone else besides me could be right too,
For the first time in a long time i could feel the warmth around me,
For the first time in a long time i looked the sun directly in the eye,
For the first time in a long time i imbibed my freedom,
and i realised that i wasn't unhappy anymore.........
Gayatri Aug 2013
My darling baby girl,
If i say that life is like a rainbow,then i would be lying to you.
Because sweetheart it isn't, life is more like rain........
sometimes its heavy, sometimes a drizzle, sometimes a storm and sometimes a dry spell.
Life is something you make rainbows in with your sunshine.....
Because like the seasons, people come and go and bad things happen to good people.
That is no reason to be unhappy!
You are too young to take on the troubles of the world and too young to be too sad.
Life can give you its worst and best on the same day, it can take you places you haven't dreamed of.
Give life a chance, let it take you on this wondrous journey.......
Love yourself my sweet and take your freedom, fly away like a bird.
Laugh sweet girl because your laugh, its the best sound i have ever heard.
I love you beyond the capacity of my heart and it pains me to see you this way,
You have a long and lovely life, begin it with some music and sway.
Dance in the rain baby because this time will never come again.
There is plenty of time to be sad in life but less time to make happiness remain
To my baby sister....... i love you sweetheart, please smile like you mean it again.......
Gayatri Aug 2013
Life is like a random array of perfectly sculpted moments.
I stood in a moment of silence reminiscing to the tune of the wind, in the glimmer of the lights in the distance.
My life, is like a photo album of assorted moments :
The first time I met my best friend ; the half afraid,lost baby gazelle look she gave me.
The first time she cried, that big eyed girl.... Tear and kohl stained cheeks, embarrassed eyes and my hushed tone : this too shall pass.
The unexpected confession of a shy person in a soft voice : I had to stalk you a bit for this, she sketched a portrait of me for my birthday.
The awkward hug and we will see you soon, I can still remember my grandpas face red and holding back tears.
The bear-like side hug and a kiss on my forehead, it was an understanding from the older brother that I never had, thank you for meeting me.
The drunken slurry "you know more than most do" from the friend who isn't a friend anymore.
The feeble hug, lingering soft fingers and a goodbye promise to meet soon, from the grandmother I miss a lot.
Those wide eyes,the feeling of respect from the sister who means the world to me.
The all-too-soft goodnight kiss from a mother on a particularly bad night, she stroked my hair an said that she loved me.
And the pat on the back and a tearstained hug , the words "I am proud of you" from the father who is the centre of my world.
There are more moments that I wanted to add ..... Maybe ill make a paragraph of this or modify the poem .... Meanwhile, this was at the top of my head.....
Gayatri Jul 2013
Loveless child, not unloved but still at sea,
Sleepless child, stares wide-eyed in a mournful plea,
Selfish child, stays quiet for the attention of the room,
Lonely child, looking for love to bloom,
Blunt child, says it more clearly than she should,
Unhappy child, impassive like wood,
Troublesome child, not doing as she is told,
Stubborn child, with her antics made bold,
Three words to this child : You are Lovable and Cherished,
Will save her Soul from being Scarred or Perished.
Gayatri Jul 2013
I am like a gust of wind,
My temperament changes more often than expected,
I go here I go there my moods go everywhere,
from the peak of happiness to the pit of anger.
I can be a piece of work.
I am rebel of sorts the classic kind,
Dark and poetic a glitch in this time,
Wild and free yet so afraid of what awaits me and what's already there.
Ego lives within me its my partner in crime.
Never believe me when I say that I am fine,
It's a trick I play more often than not,
Its a lie, usualIy hide my Feelings and thoughts.
If you ever read my poems and stories you'd know,
I write of sad things and rain and snow.
What I write reflects but on my state of mind,
It's young and childish and emotionally blind.
Gayatri Jul 2013
You gave me hope and it shattered too,
For I am bruised and battered too,
And every wound you've given me
Lives on proud like a legacy.
Since every thought I spent on you,
Seems like a waste and pointless too.
You taught me much and mended me,
But now i've grown and we are free.
You go your way and I'll go mine,
We part as friends ; the world is thine ........

For all the love and pain and dread,
And every little note you read.
I will remember the happy times,
Like tossing nickels pennies and dimes.
The comfortable quiet of our breath,
The more than often speech of death.
The stories that u often told,
Of kings and dragons strong and bold.
I will remember that odd little smile,
It got my heart racing for quite a while.
But most of all when I think of you,
I know for sure that u will think of me too .......
Gayatri Jul 2013
Because planes look beautiful in the night sky,
Because besides what science has to say, I still believe that I can jump on clouds ,
Because I believe that the night sky is purple not black ,
Because I have thinking glasses and not a thinking cap,
Because I feel cold in the summer breeze and nothing is better than coffee or the rain,
Because rose tinted glasses show me yellow rainbows and orange seas ,
Because the setting sun is a tangerine sweet in my palm ,
Because I breathe to smell and not to survive ,
Because I hate life but I love living ,
Because I am me, not who I should or am expected to be.........
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