I noticed something sad in your eyes lately.
A spark lost,
A dream blown away.
I wish I could tell you
"In the end everything works out,"
but honestly
i cant promise you that
i have no idea what you're going through.
And, No,
I would never force you
to change,
to share
something you are not ready to share.
Just like
I would never force you to change who you are.
but something else
has forced you to change.
I can't find it in me to judge you
for the sudden cold shoulder
or the cynical attitude.
Since i can tell it's a defence
against whatever it is your hiding.
And No
I cant pretend to understand you
We're all different.
I don't know
what's in your heart
or what caused it to be there.
Some day,
You'll be able to tell me and say at the end
"But i'm better now.
I'm over it.
I'll be okay.
I survived.
There's better out there."
And really mean it.
I could not leave you,
Not alone,
So i hope that
you don't mind
if I just stay
by your side
in silence.
No matter
How hard it would be
to keep my thoughts to myself.
You just don't want to be reminded
Of your Deamons
or troubles,
I'm there.
I'll make you laugh
If i can
or distract you.
You know I can always distract you
with my gooffy run on sentences that make no sence at all.
I want to make you laugh.
I want to make you forget.
The pain,
It's too great
And you feel torn up
Its too far deep
And too far out
for my reach to
fix it
with a couple of laughs.
I'll still be there for you.
Isn't that why you call me friend.
And I can't promise you that it'll hurt less.
But at least you won't be hurting alone. *
If I forget
to tell you
how much you mean
to me
I'll tell you now.
You were there for me.
You didn't notice
I was on the border of tears but you made me laugh and smile.*
I want to return the favor
Because you mean that much to me.
I want to be there for you.
Everyone has their own daemons.
I know,
I've had mine.
Yours are greater than mine...
I can't know
Because I would never fully understand.
I am not you.
There is
You don't deserve
to be hurt
the way
you're hurting
right now.
All i can offer you is myself.
And even if I did tell you
all the right words
I still wouldn't be much
this is
Tragic or not.
You decide.
All I hope for is that
You realize I'm not
The only one
out there
who would do this
for you.
There are so many
out there that
you've touched heart with
because of the way you are.
Luv ur invinsible
And if some
broke your heart
And you're only feeling sorry for yourself i'll punch you too.
I'll do anything just to make you smile again.
Perhaps its not much but i'll try and just know i'm here.
And in your heart.
No matter how corny it sounds
it's true
you know it.