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702 · May 2013
How I Really Feel
There is a pain swelling
Like a boat listing in the ocean
And every time, all I feel is the sickness
Sickness with Pain.
One and One make Two..
So why am I all alone?

Because the Two has split
And I'm alone as One
Shattered to millions of pieces,
With no hope for recovery,
Because you stole my chance
The Glue for My Heart is gone.

And everytime the Two talk,
it is like a song stuck on repeat,
With me writing false messages
Of Hope and Wonder for the Future
And desiring to speak my mind to You
I'm Alone and Lost without My Light

And How I Really Feel is Sick
Sick, Disgusted, Lifeless, Hated
Prove me wrong, My Second Half,
And take a walk down Memory Lane
Open up the pain and embrace it with me
Because with You I can feel at peace
With Myself

But Deep Down, I feel it is my fault
There are those of us that have desires
Desires to be happy without risk
To put those things that hurt us
Behind ourselves for good

There is a way to be happy
As many of us know
It is this wonderful emotion
That us mortals know as love

But love is as sour as it is sweet
And with that sourness comes bitterness
And the bitterness turns into anger
And eventually loneliness

There are simple steps to prevent yourself
From becoming lonely and mad
They may sound bittersweet,
But I promise it will help in the end

Step One, Be Honest
It is as simple as that
Always be honest to your love
And it shall be returned

Step Two, Show Caring
There is no need to be a wall
A mindless, spineless, emotionless wall
You need to return the love

Step Three, The Backup
In case one and two do not work,
It is always good to be wary of what may be
The End is as close as the beginning.

If the end does arrive, embrace it,
Embrace it with as much passion
As you gave your lover, it will hurt,
But the Hurt will only be for a short while.

The hurt will help you move on,
and not be ****** into the vortex of hate
And how can I tell you these steps, you ask?
Simple, I live them day by day.
You enter a new place.
A small child that is
lost, confused, and helpless
But you will learn it quickly.

Now you may ask what it is.
It is the main focus of your life.
It is the main focus of my life.
It is the main focus of our lives.

The Lesson that takes four years
Is one that will challenge you
And push you to your limits.
It is High School.

High School should be the best,
Rather, so I've been told.
I have to say that in closing this last year,
I have to agree and disagree.

I agree because of the people I've met,
and the valuable lessons I have learned.
I have gathered and developed myself,
and the path I will take is clear.

But I have also seen the dark side,
The side that tears those people away
and obscures your visions of the path.
It has a nasty effect on one's being.

I have a feeling of hopelessness,
I have a feeling of being lost,
I have a feeling of terror, and
I have a fear of the future.

Think about what happens,
after the lesson has come to end.
You lose all those bonds you cherish,
and you may never see around the bend.

I look towards the future,
much like a coin.
That coin that may seem bi-polar,
because we all have to have two sides.

My words have to be presented,
to those much younger than I.
That High School is a time to fix oneself,
But is also a time to cry.

May we all have a better future.
After all there is a new sunrise every day.
And I know for a fact, we will all get past,
That lesson that takes four years.

— The End —