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Feb 2017 · 250
how can you let go
if it was never yours
to begin with
but it felt like it
the end
that will finally mend
wishing that she was yours
and you are her's
but it never was
and never will be
how can you move on
if the place you want to be
is holding her hands
but how can you let go
of something that
you're not even sure
Feb 2017 · 304
i don't want things to be the same
because this time it's different
this time i'll fall in love with love again
through her eyes and smiles
and her scream and cries
this time life will finally be meaningful
a purpose to fill the void
that haunted me for years
because this time it's different
i feel it, i ******* feel it
flowing into the tunnels of my veins
this time i'll finally stay
spend each very moment of everyday
this time i'll make her my last

but things stayed the same
i am still stuck
stayed to the idea
of you and me

i'm still here
that things will finally be
Jan 2017 · 212
Time and Distance
he stares blankly at his watch
hoping that time
will help him forget
the love he will never get
he is frozen by time
because now,
he cannot call her mine.
"i wish she knew" he said

her wings cannot function
she cannot fly away
from the pain of yesterday
all of the things she held true
was an illusion after all
indeed he is far away
but her love for him
Jan 2017 · 382
" Cosmic Love .68 "
Is this what happens when such perfect life form
Encounters a lifeless heavenly body
Because the time i met you
Is where i met time
Where life revealed itself to me again
As if it waited for you all these years
Maybe we held hands since the big explosion
Or the very first day of creation
But i cannot venture into your orbit
Because chaos awaits us when we collide
I am nothing
And you are everything
We are lightyears apart
And the universe still expands
Distances that i cannot possibly comprehend
All i crave for is that
We become one planet instead
But the universe does not allow
Such magnitude of impossibility
I will forever be a rock
Mindlessly floating into the nothingness
space and time
Dec 2016 · 583
Hungry and Crying Vagabond
~here comes a love hungry zombie

asking what's the point of eating
if i know deep inside
that i'm already dead

~but here comes a human
with leaking eyes

asking when will this subside
these feelings that drown me
help me,
because i can't swim

~here comes a vagabond**
that has a built in navigation system

asking where will i go?
because my internal compass
keeps pointing at you
please let me in
because i'm lost,

~Recklessly rips his own heart
and throws it in the sea made of tears
full of love hungry zombies
and emotionally drowned humans
Dec 2016 · 285
As the fire alarm sets
And the sprinkler system activates
There we are dancing together
Inside this burning room
We didn’t care about the inferno
That is upon us
Because we are burning much brighter

Maybe that’s why we didn’t work out
Because we are two matchsticks
That burned each other
Our only memory
Is the ashes
That we left

— The End —