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Mar 2015 · 367
Gaspar Valdez Mar 2015
I left her to a diminutive moon
To those doleful hounds of Spring
To their arms like the blue hissing of flames
Groping at her lover's body  
Their fingers tearing at her like sharpened teeth
Mar 2015 · 369
Even You
Gaspar Valdez Mar 2015
My girl
My girl
My one & only darling girl
Dig your heels in the ground
& hang your head like an awning
God loves everyone—
Maybe even you.
But as for me:
I would rather cut my hands off
& feed them to the dogs
Than share your bed again.
Gaspar Valdez Mar 2015
It was Spring then
When you were kicking
Up from the bed
Contiguous to my face
3 years & 16 days since
You buried our sweet baby
In a womb for worms
Mar 2015 · 480
Tonight (I Died)
Gaspar Valdez Mar 2015
The air is ******* its cheeks
& surgical--
Whilst I walk through the tufts of mottled grass
Fetishizing stage mothers falling on kitchen knives
& school girls wearing **** whistles around their necks like charms
& at 11:26 it comes on to me
In the choking on discussions of
Muted liberties—
Civil duties—
Toothless ethics—
& the sleight given upper hands
& now they glass me real good
Looking to me for my rebuttal
But it is now taut around my throat
Taking hold like a drunken uncle
For all the times I stuck my neck out on the line
& it happens like this most every time
In moments so gentle, so tranquil
The kind that only the sting of a horsefly
Or the discovery of a tumor could tamper with
& I am left filled with a love so grandiose
So indescribable—
That my heart swells & threatens to burst
& if they could hear me mutter just that
Then maybe this wouldn't be such a bad way to go at all

— The End —