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Feb 2010 · 810
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
I dig; soft, soaked soil.Rain makes soft, soaked wood.The shovel,"clank!" on the closed chest below.You dig; through storms and stars.We'd just been born.The shovel,"clank!" on the closed casket below.The worm digs; cracks through the clay.Leaving tracks that trail through time.The shovel,his soft skin, he wishes to go home again.I dig, you dig and the worm digs too.We'd just been born.
Feb 2010 · 1.8k
Must have been the tuna.
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Hey! Hey, Tom! Wake up man! Did you see what happened to him?His arm is a bruised as a baboons behind.Could it have been the tuna?What the hell was he thinking?And listening to Metallica, my God he was setting heimself up for this.What's with the Godzilla tattoo?
Feb 2010 · 941
Crimson Sky
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
How did the crimson and tucson spattered sky cry tears of iron?a quant, old-fashioned, northern town;the season of the dragon brings arise such miracles.I wish these times would never end...Smog in smout;next year,at this time,no dragon will cry iron tears
Feb 2010 · 670
Points of Light
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
A million points of lightascending to the skystanding watch in the darknessuntill a sun will rise.Screaming to an emptinessof how we once defined ourselves,claiming all of creation,blinded by the hands over our eyes.What power inspires in us this madness,that our existence should be definedby a light that no one can see?What inspiries in us this madness,to base our existence  on that which we can't see?That which can't be seen?A million points of lightascending to the sky,archangles in the dark stand watch,untill the one will rise.Is this our definition of progress?I doubt how far we've come.We appear to ourselves as deities,claiming what nature has presented as our own.We **** everything, damning us as a devided race.Our actions betray, offering us blindness and stupidity.Can anyone see our self-destruction?No one seems to remember our existence,so very delicate_without the light we are but shadowswithout the light we are but dust.A million points of lightascending to the sky,the archangels watchuntill we ourselves fly.
Feb 2010 · 952
Bubble Boggled
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Bubbles bobbing, balancing beneath solid, slick surfaces;
bewildered as to if they're to fall up or down.
"Up" makes the most sense one says to the other, do we not float?
"True", the other says, "we rush like white water twards the light."
"Our last glimpse of hope and freedom frozen before our eyes."
Spheres of air pearched precariously between two worlds.
Bubbles bobbing, balancing beneath solid, slick surfaces.
Feb 2010 · 1.8k
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Eons old ink
Echo from the depths of the sea where the distelfink
Lay.  It’s resting place discovered by divers who deserve to sink.
Not because of their ability to dive, but because of their ability to lip-synch.
What do I do, and to whom do I do it to?  Think
I must, for I am on the brink

Of collapse.  Do I go on living; knowing full well that this paper, on the brink
Of destruction, will lay forever on the bottom of the ink
Colored water from which my work was discovered.  Think,
For my life depends on it, the life of my beloved distelfink.
This whole tiddly-wink of a subject puts a kink in my ability to lip-synch.
Wow, what a link I thought, might this have something to do with the ancient sink?

Yes, yes, but of course, the sink
Of my past people; presented nicely in the present.  My people, on the brink
Of destruction, now have but one hope…my ability to lip-synch.
Where is my paper?  Where is my ink?
I must create more, more distelfink!
What can I do, this is such a stink?  How can I think

About the distelfink?  When I must think
Solely about the outcome, the cease of distruction, to our precious ancient sink.
No, no my brain of pink must help me render up some distelfink.
****, my mind is not in sync!  My body is on the brink
Because of how much I have to double-think.  The ink
Will not flow, and with that, in a wink, I’ve lost my ability to lip-synch.

Outthink, outwit, out measure, I must regain my gift of lip-synch.
This cannot happen unless the cross-link in my brain fixes itself and allows me to think.
What will happen if my ability to think and cross-link forces me to ink?
Like an octopus scared for it’s life, scared that we may never save the sink.
Like blue-birds that can’t sing, I am on the brink
Of madness, madness at the thought of never completing my distelfink.

What if I never complete my distelfink.
Will I ever be able to lip-synch?
Will I constantly be on the brink
With the thought of not being able to think?
Will I save my people, my sink?
It all depends on my eons old ink.

Eons old ink creates pink water soaked distelfink
As it flows into the sink and out as lip-synch.
I must think or I will stay forever on the brink.
So yeah, it's a sestina.  I wrote this my senior year of high school in my creative writing class.  I thought I would challenge myself to write it with rhymes and it blew my class away....or just really confused them.
Feb 2010 · 914
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Order is shattered in a strange guttural tone that resounded
among the walls of the houses, which seemed dead and deserted.
Behind the closed shutters, eyes watched the conquerors, who,
by right of war, were not masters of the city and of the lives
and fortunes of its people.

In their darkened ruins the inhabitants have given way to the
same feeling of panic which is aroused by the natural cataclysmns.
Their wisdom and strength alike are of no avail for those
devastating upheavals of the earth.

Though the same feeling is experienced whenever the established order
of things is upset, when security ceases to exist.  When all that
was previously protected by the laws of man and nature is suddenly
placed at the mercy of brutal unreasoning force.  This feeling of
panic and confusion, this allowance of ourselves to become dazed
in the whirlwind of abusing senses that is in its own right invasion.

An earthquake buries a whole people beneath the ruins of
their houses.  The river, over-flowed by the unforgiving rains which
seemed destined to never end, runs in spite; sweeping away the
bodies of drowned peasants together with the carcasses of
cattle and rafters forn from roofs.  The victorious army; slaughtering
all who resist, making prisoners of the rest, looting by right of
the sword, and thanking their god to the sound of canon.
Feb 2010 · 875
Winds Destination
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Have you ever thought of where the wind might come from,
Where does it start...
Feb 2010 · 988
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Centries old wood
Weathered, damp, moldy layed to
Rest eons ago.
Feb 2010 · 768
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
Life is as simple
As the universe appears.
Is it that simple?
Feb 2010 · 642
Rain on Water
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
The water
Smooth, black like onyx
Tickled ever so gently
By the millions of glistening stars
That from heaven to earth fall.

Dancing on the surface
More stars bounce up from below.
Heaven passes,
The dancing stops,
Onyx return.
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
Music and Government
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
The beat, the snare, the drum
Starting in at the floor and flying to my brain
**** all the people who say I’m numb
I’m sane, oh so sane!

My thinking, once a cloudy, congested, coagulate of incoherent thoughts,
Now flows free from its once catastrophically, closed chasm,
Bringing fourth meaningless, mindless motions and movements,
Showing all, that you are who you are, don’t be afraid to fall.

As the smoke clears, the crystallized casts of crushing vocals
Radiate to my ears; all we hear is the hate, the hassle, the hustle
The bustle.  Look beyond what has spawned to see what you find fond.
Blinded we remain; we fight, frightened and furious against this foe.

Conformity hinders our ability to show individuality.  They attack us
With ambidexterity to keep us statues of our own subconscious design,
Yet we continue to follow these wrongly deified prodigies.  They’re using
Us as antibodies to cleanse what are others conformities.

Enlightened I will stay to ensure Elysium for my fellow enthusiasts.
Free from these prodigies, my persistence will not fade
To grey, black, white, withered, wretched wasted thoughts.
My mind is free, my soul deep, this music is the up-beat.
Feb 2010 · 880
The Moon Worshipper
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
The glow of a midnight moon touches
The tears of night’s cold gaze.
The moor rolls heaven’s stars
On into the great forest.

Who will ride to the grove
During autumns chilly nights?
None other than the moon worshiper
His cloak loose and divine.

Knots of the Celts painted on his face
His eyes envy green.
To the grove he rides to meet them,
The druids of his own clan.

Their horses hushed at the grove’s edge
A circle formed with rocks.
Each flattened stone with a symbol,
Matching each of the worshiper’s cloaks.

Chanting begins slowly
Their arms raised to the sky.
To the moon they pray for life itself
Pray they never die.

The fire burns brightly
From the moon to the druid’s heart.
His soul one with the forest
With the fire he heals its pain.

The ivy begins to sprout
From the trees of the grove.
From his hand to his fingertips
The moon begins to glow.

The yellow glow swirls round,
The great plants begin to grow.
The runes pulse with ancient light
The elders raw power.

As their eyes burn bright
The trance still strong.
The worshipers chant slows slightly
His eyes still envy green.

The arms all fall.
Their heads swing low.
The runes stop their humming.
It has been done.

To his horse he walks,
On its back he mounts
From the grove he rides on autumns night,
The forest now full of life.
Feb 2010 · 3.1k
Fridge Magnets
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
though skys manipulate woman
white winter wind drives ships beneath the gorgeous sun
lazy and smooth spring floods shine partly in luscious gardens
worshiping the Goddess is a dream
black forests spray weak frantic pictures on the moon
less delicate symphony's of whispers scream you and i together
delirious we smear your chocolate hair and honey skin
mad & drunk with love they beat time in a still summer
their music like rainstorms chain life & death in a shadowy eternity
what I want is to swim your void of sweet milk
leave you running atop mist and water sleeping by me
we sing chants by tongue painting a vision of true love
moan this essential language
in our bed sweat away all aching and sadness
cool light soars from blue petal to pink rose
these raw elaborate moments crush & shake most
up boy
go girl
under bare feet power beauty
As the title stats...I crafted this using a collection of fridge magnets over the course of four drunken nights visiting a Navy friend in Virgina Beach, VA with my twin brother.
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
The ice chimes to me songs of a lost beauty,
echoing her auburn hair and endless smile across the evergreens.
The sun shines her smile through a cool cloud
and whisps a crisp kiss to my longing lips.
I search for her among the looming hardwoods and across the winded plans, hoping to find something of myself lost with her.
Looking to a star filled sky my tears fill the air,
hoping only to hear her laughter once again.
Long lost are the days we walked this path together.
Her simple and natual beauty now come to me only among nature,
only that which can match the greatness of her love.
Feb 2010 · 912
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
In lucid dreams is where our passion can run free. Painting epic love poems across ancient cave walls, weaving eternal knots of oak and elm, and dancing through moonlite grasslands with fairies and flowers as our only compainions.
Just a little blip that came together during a stink I had in Montana.

— The End —