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They married, very pleased
Dreams many they weaved
Happy hours simply rolled
While love grew manifold.

Onto mountainous vales
Surely they both regaled
Soon she on family way
But hurdles many did lay.

Rain came bucketing down
Enveloping sky and town
Bringing plenty of mirth
Also cleansing the earth.

Travelling from morn to night
Unborn inside snuggled tight
Serpentine roads, moonlit night
River water, like silvery light.

Sudden blind bend up the hill
Mighty engine roaring shrill
Blinding lights, opposite end
Just no time for any amend.

Mighty machine losing might
Seemed the darkest of nights
O! Wet earth simply cracked
Machine slipped, was slapped.

Chilling winds shrieking
All of them hurt, weeping
Scattered and shattered
But hope still whispered.

Eyes full of tears and fear
Lonely night, no one near
Angel inside, safe and calm
Her unborn, her only balm.

Thorny paths up the hill
Her spouse down the hill
Comrade, near a boulder
Bruised broken shoulder.

Trio braving grave adversity
Their remarkable spontaneity
With blood soaked garment
Eyes pleaded management.

Step by step, all together
Facing inclement weather
Reached the road head line
Fetching care just on time.

In portals of hospital
Healed injuries fatal
In midst of acute pain
Blessings also did rain.

She birthed a sweet soul
Love shall forever hold
O! Yes. Life's ambiguous
Tumultuous yet mellifluous!

@Preeti Kandpal Pathak
They married, very pleased
Dreams many they weaved
Happy hours simply rolled
While love grew manifold.

Onto mountainous vales
Surely they both regaled
Soon she on family way
But hurdles many did lay.

Rain came bucketing down
Enveloping sky and town
Bringing plenty of mirth
Also cleansing the earth.

Travelling from morn to night
Unborn inside snuggled tight
Serpentine roads, moonlit night
River water, like silvery light.

Sudden blind bend up the hill
Mighty engine roaring shrill
Blinding lights, opposite end
Just no time for any amend.

Mighty machine losing might
Seemed the darkest of nights
O! Wet earth simply cracked
Machine slipped, was slapped.

Chilling winds shrieking
All of them hurt, weeping
Scattered and shattered
But hope still whispered.

Eyes full of tears and fear
Lonely night, no one near
Angel inside, safe and calm
Her unborn, her only balm.

Thorny paths up the hill
Her spouse down the hill
Comrade, near a boulder
Bruised broken shoulder.

Trio braving grave adversity
Their remarkable spontaneity
With blood soaked garment
Eyes pleaded management.

Step by step, all together
Facing inclement weather
Reached the road head line
Fetching care just on time.

In portals of hospital
Healed injuries fatal
In midst of acute pain
Blessings also did rain.

She birthed a sweet soul
Love shall forever hold
O! Yes. Life's ambiguous
Tumultuous yet mellifluous!

@Preeti Kandpal Pathak
Adorable, black furry divine
With soft coat, shining so fine
Barely two and half months old
Brought it home on wintry cold.

His eyes beholding, sparkling,
He in our arms cosily cuddling,
His drowsy yawns enthralling
His movements, cries marveling.

Five months puppy soon
Heaven sent, a real boon
Friendly, graceful and playful
Muscular and very powerful.

Mood enhancer, happiness bringer
Our canine aptly named Winner
Furry pawed, with a furry exterior
Beneath, an utterly amazing interior.

Well bred, well trained, a looker
Loyal, gentle, handsome Winner
Symbol of trust and patience
Furry friend known for jubilance.

Winner's choice, my little boy
Forever running, jumping, to enjoy
Both definitely each other's toy
And undoubtedly each other's joy.

Nose driven, very nice napper
Waggy tailed, insect inspector
Nimble footed, munchy muncher
Winner, entertainer and energizer,

Hanging ears, so sensitive
Eyes expressive, so active
Our hunting, sporting companion
Our sniffing, rescuing champion.

His soulful eyes, full of affection.
But soon came his health deception
Suffering dreadful tumor, infection
All  endeavours for his protection.

He spoke but with passion
To who knew, how to listen
Our canine, God of fun-frolic
Suddenly silently melancholic.

Our firmest friend very sweet
Winner, a heartbeat at our feet.
His arrival, profound happiness
His passing away, sheer sadness.

Winner's oblivion, few decades old
His special memories, we still hold
He orbits in an unknown universe
In his memory, these lines of verse.

@Preeti Pathak

One Summer day of May
Gulmohar, bright and gay
Red blossoms hugging her
Embracing the tiny visitor
Feathered, brown coloured
Small sized, sparkling eyed
Gregarious and melodious
Muniya, the bird vivacious.

She merrily flew in and out
With twigs, figs in her snout
Framing her cosy little nest
By putting in the very best
She laid eggs, pearly white
Sentiments intensely bright
Mystic Muniya motivated
Elated, she daily incubated.

That noon, warm oppressively
All birds screamed aggresively
Slender satan climbed devilishly
Muniya fought back vigourously
Birds pecked the foe ferociously
Serpent slithered surreptitiously
Gulping the eggs remorselessly
All unborn perished noiselessly.

Muniya wailed loudly, bitterly
Her world shattered suddenly
Pain, loss penetrating the soul
Depressing, difficult to console
Emotions enveloping the avian
Her unborn drifted into oblivion  
Misty eyed, she fled mournfully
Misty eyed, I prayed soulfully.

One fine bright summer day of May
To my surprise on my verandah lay
Muniya, her eggs in salubrious nest
Fervent feelings felt, of fest, of zest
Venturing in and out gregariously
Savouring sprouts, seeds ravenously
Muniya nourishing new beginnings
Making new innings, new winnings.

@ Preeti Pathak
Radiant rising sun

Casting its rosy hue

Sky speaking with mirth

Announcing birth.

The introductory chapter!

Toiling men, working women

Flourishing flora, fauna

Bringing flurry of activities

Indicating limitless possibilities.

The next chapter!

Gracious, golden grains

Fresh, fragrant flowers

Fruitful forests, virginal vales

Telling many a profound tales.

Yet another chapter!

Gorgeously celestial butterflies,

Mysteriously dazzling fireflies

Cherries, berries, their sweetness

Reflecting happiness and richness.

One more chapter!

Wintry winds soon arrive

Petals, sepals, leaves wither.

Old, infirm lose shine

Showing decline with fleeting time.

The finishing chapter!

Spectacularly serene sunset

Casting its crimson hue

Calling, calming feature

Suggesting departure.

The closing chapter!

Witness magic yet again

Stupendous rising sun

Casting rosy hue on earth

Explaining rebirth.

The new chapter!

Bowing before the miraculously marvelous magician.

HIS ceaseless process progresses with precision!
Countless times we spot

Women on streets in rags

Impoverished and famished

Infants ******* their empty *******

Otherwise pretty but circumstances ugly

Causing anguish, deep distress

But we still look away !

Countless times we encounter

Children on streets instead of schools

Hungry, shabby and unhealthy

Eyes speaking million sad stories

Otherwise naive but circumstances tragic

Eliciting deep sympathy

But we still look away !

Countless times we observe men

Wandering aimlessly

Rustic, crude and cynical

Bursting with energy but unemployed

Otherwise hopeful but circumstances adverse

So soul rending

But we still look away!

Poverty, illiteracy unemployment

Forming a vicious loop

Social conscience navigates

Whispers panacea

Teach one, feed one

Moral imperative calls

But then, why look away ?
Celebrations! Baby girl arriving
A piece of heaven descending
Upon ecstatic parents who are waiting
Cooing, smiling and her eyes shining
How euphoric and rewarding !

In parental tenderness, blooming beautifully
Inherent virtues, flourishing favourably
Buoyantly vibrant teenager, metamorphosing magically
Lithe, lively lady moulding, unfolding gracefully
How breathlessly beautiful, this transition so suddenly !

Deft, determined lady emerging on life's canvas
Out of the shadows of parental caress
Catalysing to compellingly desirable mistress
Celebrating wins, witty and voluptuous
How stunningly sensuous !

Years go by sketching contours of the middle aged
Living through love, sorrow, fear and hope
Journey of ups and downs sculpting her
Experienced, sobered, matured portrait realised
How mysteriously ageless !

Time fleets introducing a frail grandmotherly figure
Her reticent, sentimental and feeble ways
Carving her into a contemplative, pious matriarch
Toothless, silver-haired and wierdly wrinkled
How stupendous a masterpiece !

© Preeti Pathak
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