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Jun 2011 · 545
Gannon Jun 2011
Voices carry more weight
         than the feathers and wings of cherubs.

They pierce deeper
         than the arrows of cupid.

They crush more readily
         than the hammer of Thor.

And yet you still speak
         such hard words from such soft lips.

And undo me with a smile.
Dec 2010 · 811
One Word
Gannon Dec 2010
one word


soul filling
joy bringing
ear ringing

one word
that makes all others seem

one word
which heard once
can change a man forever

one word
which can rend
his heart

one word
which can warm
his soul

one word
that encompasses
every dream of the future

one word

one word
am I

one word

First draft. Written off the top of my head. Another work in progress
Dec 2010 · 577
Blood letting
Gannon Dec 2010
One pinch.
One short, sharp, pinch of the needle
And then
The warm rush.
Lover's blush.
The soulless kiss
Of ***** bliss.
Then the pain fades away
Pushed out by the all numbing gray.
Pushed down
To where you hope it will stay
For a minute, an hour
Or a long endless day.
But it won't stay down
It turns to attack
It creeps up behind you
Like the sweat on your back
Your legs start to shake
Your stomach in knots
Restless, you shiver
But the air seems too hot.
You cry and you rage
At ground and at sky
You pray to your God
That this time you might die
But your prayers go unheeded
There's no salvation for your soul
So again it's the needle
To fill up that hole
And then there's
One pinch
One short sharp pinch
And for another brief moment
You've scratched at that itch
And when friends and family
All ask you why
There's only one thing
You can reply
Because it feels  so good
When you start to nod
When you've been blood letting
With the Big Brown God.
An early draft of a poem about ****** use. A "work in progress" if you will.
Gannon Dec 2010
I can't read minds like the devilish monks
My membership has expired
And they don't renew this year
But the experts at the NSA all agree
That emotional ciphers are impossible to crack
Even with rooms of supercomputers
Yet I still tried with nothing more
Than paper and pen
Flowers and home cooked meals

My eyes still remember your image
But it's rapidly fading
Washed away by an ocean of salt water tears
My lips can still feel your last kiss
Given grudgingly
In the early morning dark of an A-Plus parking lot
And I wonder
How long before that too fades?
I'm sure it will be gone long before this hole in my heart
Heals and scars over
Long before the last echoes of your mumbled apology
Passes from my ears

If I could, I'd wipe away the last four years
Like words from a chalkboard
Leaving behind only the dusty remains
Of dreams that once loomed large
But I can't, and so
I'll bear the scars of battles fought
And love lost
In time, these too will fade
Just as your image from my eyes
Your kiss from my lips
Your voice from my ears
You, from my heart.
A rough draft, nothing more... critique and comment, as always, are most welcome.
Dec 2010 · 698
To Stephanie, With "Love"
Gannon Dec 2010
I could slit my wrists,
But that would require
One porcelain, bathtub, spotless, white.
Hot water, 65 gallons of.
One razor blade, sharp,
And a mere five to ten minutes of quiet solitude
In which to revel in my misery
And contemplate my end.

Or I could hang myself,
But that would require,
Rope, six to eight feet of,
The knowledge to tie a noose,
An overhead beam, 8 feet from the ground,
One chair, easily kicked over,
And another mere five to ten minutes,
In which to revel in my misery
And contemplate my end.

I could drown myself as well,
But that would require
Trousers, cargo style, with many pockets
Rocks, large and heavy,
A lake or large body of water,
A boat to fish out my body,
And mere minutes
In which I could revel in my misery
And contemplate my end.

No, it seems to me,
That the best way to **** myself,
With the slowness and misery I deserve,
Is to simply keep loving you,

For that only requires,
One fool, old enough to know better,
Two hearts, one easily broken
The other bitter and jaded,
And a long life,
In which to revel in my misery,
And contemplate my end
I wrote this years ago for my ex-wife, but little did I know then, that it was really written for the woman who, years later, would actually crush my heart and destroy me.
Dec 2010 · 654
No Peace
Gannon Dec 2010
Only when I close my eyes to sleep
Do I find a bit of peace.
A slice of peace
A smidgen of peace
A hint of peace
A piece of peace.

No, who am I kidding?
I find no peace in sleep.
I find my peace in a chemical solution
A narcotic dilution
That I bang into my veins
That I slam into my brain.
No, I find no peace in sleep.
I find no peace in sleep.
I find,
This piece was written during some of the darkest days in which I was addled with a vicious addiction to ******. In it I was trying to capture, in a simple way, the hell my life had become.

Again this one, as most of my works tend to be, was originally conceived as a spoken word piece. However, I think this one actually may be stronger in it's written form. As always, constructive critique, and criticism are always welcome.
Dec 2010 · 759
Let Me, Catch My Breath
Gannon Dec 2010
Excuse me Miss,
Can you,
Just a moment,
And let me,
Catch my breath?
I said,
Just a moment,
And let me,
Catch my breath.

Let me try to,
Capture the air,
That you’ve,
Torn from my breast,
Let me try to find a way to,
Refill my chest.

I said wait,
Just a moment,
And let me,
Catch my breath.

Oh please can’t you wait,
Just a moment,
And let me,
Study you?
Let me study you like a brand new book,
Let me study your hair,
Your eyes,
Your look.

‘Cause I swear right now on my grand daddy’s grave,
You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,
I aint that brave.

But I just had to tell you,
That you made my day.
And if I died right now,
It’d be a happy death.

So won’t you please,
Wait just a moment,
And let me,
Catch my breath?
This was originally intended to be a spoken word piece, and of course every time I read it I hear it in my head as such,  so I'm not entirely sure that the cadence and timing translates all that well in the written form.
Dec 2010 · 954
Goose Down and Razor Blades
Gannon Dec 2010
This feels
Like the color,

My tiny dancer
Shock blonde
And cinnamon sugar
Watching Saturday morning cartoons
Curled up in bed.

The grey daze before dawn.
Like goose down and
Razor blades

I’m enthralled.
Rising from the dead
Of long, wrong dreams
Inside my head.

Could this be?
Could this be?
Could this be?
Or just a
Weak approximation of.

‘Cause the world seems to stop
Whenever she’s near
And everything becomes
Perfectly clear.

I perfectly understand that I
Can’t get enough
Of my
Fingers in her hair.

I can’t get enough
Of her
Artificial air.

Yes, this feels,
Like the color,
Like goose down
And razor blades.

— The End —