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458 · May 2015
Gabrielle Ann May 2015
I leave footprints, a trail
Something to mark I was here

An impact left
A story untold
For all they know was I was here

Do they understand?
A footprint in the snow
How can I show them
Will they ever know?

The story untold
The words never written
For all they know is **I was here
314 · Dec 2015
Lonely Trail
Gabrielle Ann Dec 2015
I walk a lonely trail
In the woods far away
A cool breeze pulls at my hair
There are small patches of light shining through the trees
as if a promise for me
The birds and bees all sing their songs
forever humming this little tune
And in this afternoon the promise is real
I keep walking into the unknown
There are trees, plants, and stones
And I am still alone
The road ahead seems long and hard
But at the end there will be a reward
Because nobody is ever alone.
311 · Sep 2015
Gabrielle Ann Sep 2015
These backhanded comments
They're what make me stay awake at night
Wondering where I went wrong
What I could have changed
Sometimes I muse to myself
That you’ll walk up to me with a big smile on your face
Only to see the very next day
The frown implanted there
Sometimes I don’t understand why I try
To make you love me
But then I look in the mirror and ask myself
Am I even worth that love
A broken girl stares back at me
And I wish I could help her heal
But I’m only silly old me
Silly old me who’s a little too tall
Who laughs a little too loud
Who smiles to big
Who wishes a little too much
Who tries a little too hard
There’s a story in this girls eyes, waiting to be told
but no one gives her the time of mind
she’s just a silly girl
passing through time.

A year goes by
little things happen
she looks in the mirror once again
a frown has started to implant itself on her face
the light in this girl’s eyes, has turned into a shimmer
there one moment gone the next
She is a hollow shell of what she has once been
No one stops anymore
No one gives her the time of mind
And that little light starts to flicker

Time goes on
I start to miss the girl with optimism
The girl who laughed too loud and smiled too bright
I look back and wish I could find her
I search but there is nothing left

At the bottom of the ocean there may be treasure
but are you brave enough to get it?
The girl asked him,
he told her that he would find this treasure and bring it back to her
She looked up to meet his eyes,
her own holding the last glimmer of hope
as the girl held out her pinky
“Promise?” The girl whispered,
“Promise.” he repeated and snaked his own pinky around hers
and when I saw the girl in the mirror that night, I looked back
For there was a shimmer,
in her eyes fading in and out
I couldn’t help but wonder who this girl is
I wished for her something I hadn't wished in a long time
I wished for her to be happy

Time is something that never stops,
it's always coming and going never to slow

She looked back at the boy on his knee in front of her
He held a box out one with a ring so beautiful,
her eyes started to ***** with tears
The boy looked to her and said the words from so long ago,
“I searched day and night for this treasure, only to realize I had already found it.”
He looked up to the girl, “And I can promise you, I found it.”

The girl looked back at the mirror and she looked at the girl, really looked
This girl was wearing a stunning white gown
but it wasn’t the clothes that made her look different
It was the expression she wore
One of a whole,
of a girl whose eyes sparkle when she smiles
of a girl who tries too hard
who wishes too much.
This girl was happy, and as I looked at the girl, I smiled too
I got my wish for this girl, for her to be happy.
284 · Dec 2015
Can we go back?
Gabrielle Ann Dec 2015
The end is near
I can feel it closing in
The walls press against me
I am done
I fall
I look up to see a bright blue sky
The sun peeks out behind a fluffy white cloud
The grass tickles my arms
I stand to gaze at the world around me
It is perfect like before
When the sky showed blue
And the sun shined yellow
When children would run and laugh
When people weren’t dying in the streets
When mass graves weren’t dug
Now it’s the After
After, when the sky is molten gray and the grass a hopeless brown
Where children work in the factories
Where everything blends together
But I am free,
Free of the hopelessness we call our world
Floating onward and upward
I am a feather
I am air
I have no body
I am short lived
I am eternal
248 · Jan 2016
Gabrielle Ann Jan 2016
Sadness is a hollow thing
It's all consuming
It takes no prisoners and  leaves destruction in its wake
It's a deep ache in your mind soul and body
Something that never goes away and is always present
It stays with you at all times
After all it is the only one who does stay
Eventually the ache turns into a pain
It hurts you in the places no one sees
It stays in your heart
It stays with you until the end
Until the trigger is pulled and the rope is drawn
Only then when the last breath leaves your body will it ever leave you
Sadness is something you can count on to always be there
When you're ready to leave this Earth and travel to the next, It’ll be beside you
It will leave an imprint on your soul, mind, and body
Society likes to think we’re over dramatic
because they can’t see the pain inflicted
They can't see the battles we waged and the wars we lost
But I mean it's all in your head right?
226 · Dec 2015
Meant to be
Gabrielle Ann Dec 2015
To be happy
Is something to achieve
Only a few delude in this rare delicacy,
And to be happy is something so sweet,
It is something of wonder, and of awe,
Something no one person can achieve,
If only if the people around them build them up,
Then can this dream become a reality,
To be happy is to find love or hope or a dream,
To be happy is to see a future, something golden, rare, and elusive,
To be happy is something sweeter than all the kisses and candy in the world,
To be happy is something with only one key,
To be happy is to accept others as they are meant to be,
And then and only then will happiness be meant to be.

— The End —