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Jun 2012 · 438
Gabriella Jun 2012
I don't understand you
One second, we're made to be
I see your hand in mine,
I feel your breath on my neck,
I sense your warmth next to me,
Then, moments later,
You're gone
I don't know what to do
All I know is that I've never felt more alone
Jun 2012 · 316
Gabriella Jun 2012
Everyone has those moments,
Those moments where everything seems hopeless..
Well, sometimes it seems I'm stuck in one
I find something that makes me happy
I cling to it, I absorb it,
Only to have it ripped from me
It leaves wounds, giant gaping holes
They fill with disease; hate and sadness
Depression, stress, regret
They ooze from me, leaving me a broken mess
What's the point in finding more, when you know the same thing will happen again?
Nov 2011 · 548
Lost Myself
Gabriella Nov 2011
In an ocean of doubt
Treading water
But not for long
I look around
See land
Safe and sound
I swim through thoughts
Feared differences
Am on land
Feel better
People here are sure
Love who they are
Welcome me into their circle
Of warmth
I am content
Till the crowd sees me
What crime I've committed
Under their noses
I run
Swim into that ocean
Of doubt
Nov 2011 · 918
Shady Abyss
Gabriella Nov 2011
I can't control this...feeling
I guess I was born this way
My mind is still reeling
Old morals run out of the way
I tried to ignore it for years
But now I see how it is
I swallow up all of my fears
And dive..into the abyss
Nov 2011 · 429
Till next time, Goodbye..
Gabriella Nov 2011
The story ends
It is time to face
The next tragic end
Goodbye my friend
Nov 2011 · 476
My love for you
Gabriella Nov 2011
I pick you up
You push me down
Deeper and deeper
Into the ground

I don't know why
You just don't try
and stop this torment
of my life

You're a hopless case
But I just can't face
The feelings true
Of how I love you

— The End —