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Jul 2015 · 852
Le temps
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Le temps circulaire
Le temps naturel
Le temps sans commencement, ni fin
A tout en même temps rapide, et insubmersible , fragile
Pourtant indélébile
Le temps qu'il traverse le quadrant de l'horloge
Et que redémarre toutes les douze heures
Sa ronde éternelle .
Jul 2015 · 524
What would it be ?
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
What is happiness for you?
Being healthy?
Have money?
Have the car of the year?
Have the biggest house in the world?
Have the best clothes with the best brand?
Have sculpted body?
Have beauty?
Have video game?
Have TV?
Have computer?
Have mobile phone?
Have internet?
Have a notebook?
Have a family?

And if  we didn't have anything?
And none of these related things I mentioned above?
And if we had ourselves, one body, thrown anywhere, a forest, a desert?
Nothing, absolutely nothing.
We die?
We would be crazy?
What we would be?
What would the world be?
What would be happiness for you?
Jul 2015 · 375
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
It's a confusion
Is there?
Is it true?
Sometimes it seems, but
It's just a mistake
Invention in your mind
Waste time on something empty
Empty hope
All in vain
As a matter of fact ...
Just want to feel loved, complete
Something that makes you feel real
A true story
That it isn't all a pretense.
Jul 2015 · 294
I want
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
I want your kiss sweet
I want your body warm
I want your hands
Touching my body with desire
I want your mouth soft
I want thy thoughts
To make them my own
And make your life
The end of my *eternal search
Jul 2015 · 402
Be Own
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
We need to be and not have
We need to be who we are
Even as nature made us
Be happy at any time
Know write all your feelings
Be sure of its decisions, words and omissions
Be own woman
Be sure of herself
Know that every time you need ... to live, then live
The sun rises every day is a new day, so whoever you want, live as if it were the last
Have friends, people around that pleases you, that you pass the same reciprocal affection
Keep books, this is a great tool for your mind
Get real life, not virtual
Has everything and nothing at the same time.
Jul 2015 · 651
To hold up
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Move on
Without looking at your mistakes
Living is better than dream
Don’t think too much
Just do it!
If you fall, get up!
Remember your past
And not repeat again
And yes, get new results
New chances
Hold up
If not hold up
Every opportunity
How do we know?
Battle for you,
Battle, Fighting
It makes us feel alive.
Jul 2015 · 277
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
My desire is to find out
a little more than passed
a little more than they already know
but little ...

Listening more
up stories
stories lived

Make plans

Learn more

There are things in life
that only experience
It is able to create.
Jul 2015 · 323
Simple verses
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
A cup of tea
and music playing
sitting on a corner
contemplating empty thoughts
affecting my insane mind.

Stop to think
what I see,
what I feel,
what I want.

They are just thoughts,
useless, done as a hobby
valued hour going
only split second.

Words omitted
placed in simple verses
it is sometimes the only
how to find
an answer
without distinguishing the right.
Jul 2015 · 338
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Is about
The fear
It's haunting and
It makes you think terrible things
What makes you think that life has no more meaning
Feel? Feeling!
Feel like ...
Everything was unlike
And you don't have the strength to untap
As if the wind blew and
Doesn't relieve
Oh fear!
Fear of the dark
from street
the will
to want
to have
all broken
all distorted
all wrong
Everything is fear

— The End —