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Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Move on
Without looking at your mistakes
Living is better than dream
Don’t think too much
Just do it!
If you fall, get up!
Remember your past
And not repeat again
And yes, get new results
New chances
Hold up
If not hold up
Every opportunity
How do we know?
Battle for you,
Battle, Fighting
It makes us feel alive.
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
My desire is to find out
a little more than passed
a little more than they already know
but little ...

Listening more
up stories
stories lived

Make plans

Learn more

There are things in life
that only experience
It is able to create.
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
A cup of tea
and music playing
sitting on a corner
contemplating empty thoughts
affecting my insane mind.

Stop to think
what I see,
what I feel,
what I want.

They are just thoughts,
useless, done as a hobby
valued hour going
only split second.

Words omitted
placed in simple verses
it is sometimes the only
how to find
an answer
without distinguishing the right.
a tree house let's build
tucked amid the leaves

where no will is unfulfilled
for the soul to ever grieve.

up away from madding noise
create a cave of peace

where tears flow of pure joys
nothing feels amiss.

far from the rush of town
high on windy space

where blissful hearts without frown
pure love harness.

let's make that home on tree
out of reach of race

for the mind to bloom carefree
in forever happiness.
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Is about
The fear
It's haunting and
It makes you think terrible things
What makes you think that life has no more meaning
Feel? Feeling!
Feel like ...
Everything was unlike
And you don't have the strength to untap
As if the wind blew and
Doesn't relieve
Oh fear!
Fear of the dark
from street
the will
to want
to have
all broken
all distorted
all wrong
Everything is fear

— The End —