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Gabriel Vazquez Nov 2011
I walk on i am unable to think, i am empty

Life is a idea, I am lost

I fell in a endless Void

each day grows and grows

Just like that your exhale is all that's left of you ..

No mark to leave behind in the river of time.

I am numb,the endless pain of not being able to feel..

I'de rather feel pain.
Gabriel Vazquez Nov 2011
I am in a room filled with people we don't say anything at first we wonder...

we wonder the strangest things

does she like me,do i look nice,am i on her level,does it matter

suddenly you no longer care cause you are only here for her

so we put on a mask and invest time into learning pretty soon we never take off the mask she has fallen in love with

so we keep it on doing whatever it takes to keep her here

pretty soon we wear it so long we forget who we were underneath it...
Gabriel Vazquez Nov 2011
Love is a flower people marvel at its beauty and envy anyone who has it

Its the most precious thing too us and we cant even touch it we can only look

Men fight for it and women embrace it

Its so fragile you can only look before it disappears

It is the only thing we care about more then ourselves

Love can only be whispred and as soon as you have it it flys away with the wind...
Gabriel Vazquez Nov 2011
This feeling is not one i embrace with joy

this feeling is a memorable one but not one of happiness..

i feel as if i'm helpless

you cant run from the feeling, you cant fight when its gone

never the less we strive for it we hunger we lust for it..

we all have love we all fight for not for the word but that feeling
when you share a body a soul you have that brief second when you are truly together..

— The End —