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1.1k · Aug 2013
Four For Glory
G David Schwartz Aug 2013
Please accept the attached the original, as yet not published work written by G. David Schwartz - the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish
Appraisal of Dialogue and Midrash and Working Out Of The Book
Currently a volunteer at the Cincinnati J Meals on Wheels, Schwartz continues to write.
His latest book is Shards And Verse  (2011, Publish America).
             Names are not real people

                        G David Schwartz
Four For Glory
The Night Was Cut Off From Smiling
        G David Schwartz
Oh, I will not die
The night was cut off from smiling  
I sat there crying

Broken Wings Fly Upside Down
         G David Schwartz
Whether red or brown  
broken wings fly upside down
Do not touch the clown

I Hear The Firer Frying
G David Schwartz
I hear the frier frying
I hear the burgers burning
I also here the wind
Early out this morning           

I Am Not Ashamed
        G David Schwartz   
I am not ashamed
I will do anything with you that you wish
except of course
eat some uncooked fish
589 · Feb 2017
I Am Not A Big Talker
G David Schwartz Feb 2017
I Am Not A Big Talker
G David Schwartz
I am not a big talker
I am always a mime
But if you wish to think
Just think you are mine
586 · Sep 2014
I Would Write A Love Story
G David Schwartz Sep 2014
I Would Write A Love Story
G David Schwartz
I would write a love story
For the one whom I do love
It could be a disease
The way it danced on me  
I want you so **** bad
Swiftly walk behind the slower
Not bad, not great but I guess that? s just fate
I hear the vampires are getting hungry
I heard from someone else not themselves
Hybridism, entropy, philosophic information
I felt the shard of advancement
It spotted tea on my chest
Take this sound out and put it in some wisdom
making time from wisdom

— The End —