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596 · Jan 2012
For Awhile
G C Poulos Jan 2012
When I come in, you go out,
leaving me with little doubt,
you no longer care for me.
It is plain for me to see.

And, though it will hurt me so,
I will sadly let you go.
But I wish the best for you,
in everything that you do.

But I will still try to smile
for I had you for awhile.
575 · Jan 2012
Morning Sunshine
G C Poulos Jan 2012
Hello to the morning, and its sunshine,
bringing light to this little world of mine,
Morning sunshine is special in its way,
of ending night, and bringing in the day.

But a rainy morning is alright too,
'cause it is sunny when I think of you.
When it is stormy, I picture my love,
and that turns the clouds to blue skies above,

Yes, rainy, or sunny, this love of mine,
fills every morning with her bright sunshine.
560 · Jan 2012
Lost Friends
G C Poulos Jan 2012
When friends want to leave you, it is hard I know,
but sometimes it is best to just let them go
When someone is no longer happy with you,
there is not much of anything you can do.

I guess you could say the same about sweethearts.
For it seems so helpless when the breakup starts.
Sometimes the breakups occur on just a whim,
And, you are left with mere memories of them.

But just keep your chin up, and don't despair,
for you will find another great friend somewhere.
558 · Jan 2012
Little Things
G C Poulos Jan 2012
To some it would seem strange I must confess,
but I am happy in my loneliness.
All alone and broke, but I don't feel poor,
for the wealthy are always wanting more.

You may get riches, but you would still find,
true happiness is just a frame of mind.
Why not be happy with the little things?
For you may not know the worry wealth brings.

I love the little things that comfort me,
now I will drink my little cup of tea.
531 · Jan 2014
Not Like Mine
G C Poulos Jan 2014
I don't feel good, or bad, but I don't feel right,
could it have been something I dreamed of last night?
Perhaps if I searched in my subconscious mind,
the truth of it all would be easy to find.

Please tell me how things may be going for you,
are you feeling a little weird like me too?
Maybe things in your world are going just fine,
if they are, I must say, they are not like mine.
531 · Mar 2014
Heavenly Dreams
G C Poulos Mar 2014
Jacob had a dream,
Herod had a scheme.
Jacob's dream was hope for tomorrow,
Schemes can only bring you much sorrow.

God had a great plan,
to save fallen man,
for those who trust in Jesus' name,
to deliver those from sin and shame.  

What will it be friend?
What will be your end,
to listen to the world, and its schemes,
or to let Jesus fill Heaven's dreams?
518 · Mar 2014
I Forgive
G C Poulos Mar 2014
I know I could be unkind,
but it's not my frame of mind,
to be that way.
in things I say.

I just walk away from those,
who laugh at my ragged clothes,
but they should know,
it hurts me so.

Vengeance is not part of me,
so I just let some things be,
I walk away
from hurt each day.

Revenge is not sweet at all,
it is more bitter than gall,
so I forgive,
live, and let live
497 · May 2012
Dying Leaves
G C Poulos May 2012
Sometimes mornings just don't seem to work out.
And, you wonder what life is all about
The world may seem a little crazier,
And, your mind seems a little hazier

Perhaps life is just crazy anyway.
As we worry about things day by day.
As you stare at the early morning mist,
you realize justice does not exist.

Life is just a vapor that fades away,
as we worry about nothings each day.
And, those nothings don't even count at all.
They are just dying leaves, so let them fall.
495 · Nov 2013
Have A Happy Day
G C Poulos Nov 2013
How my poems are viewed, I often find,
depends on what is on the reader's mind.
If you come here carrying a bitter grudge,
be careful what you say, or who you judge.

Remember there will come a judgement day,
when you must answer for each word you say.  
Point out my flaws, but if the truth be known,
I am sure you plenty of your your own.  

I think I have said all I want to say,
except to tell you: have a happy day!
480 · Nov 2013
Bitter Seeds
G C Poulos Nov 2013
So many think they are right, but wake up to find,
they were not being wise at all, they were just blind.
But I must forgive those who may think they are smart,
who's only happiness is tearing lives apart.

For the bitter seeds they sow, they will reap their shame,
and when things go wrong, they will have themselves to blame.
464 · Jan 2012
Along The Way
G C Poulos Jan 2012
There are little things along the way,
that can bring us a smile everyday.
But sometimes we may not realize,
we must seek to find each little prize.

For we never know what we may find,
and sometimes we leave treasures behind.
Perhaps it is a memory of,
a happy time that was filled with love.

Well, it could be just a cheerful word,
or some lovely music that we heard,
just things that can brighten up the day.
And, give us a smile along the way
417 · Dec 2013
G C Poulos Dec 2013
Some mornings don't turn out the way you want the to,
just pick yourself up again, it's all you can do.
Sometimes when you pick roses, you will touch a thorn,
sometimes in the book of life, a page will be torn.

Sorrow is not forever, it's just for awhile,
and when you pick the thorn from your finger, just smile.
397 · Feb 2012
Keep Going.
G C Poulos Feb 2012
As you walk along life's dusty road,
doing your best to carry your load,
not knowing what will happen or when,
just keep on trying, and don't give in.

Sometimes we just seem to lose our way,
as we struggle and strive everyday.
But we must not give up hope you know,
we must try to make another row.

And let us be led by the knowing,
of those who need us to keep going.
382 · Mar 2013
Am I Ready
G C Poulos Mar 2013
Will I be ready for spring,
and any blessings it may bring?
or will I be unaware,
of all the glow spring has to share?

Will I even smile at all,
when April raindrops start to fall?
And, will the flowers of May,
just be something to fade away?

Will I be ready for spring,
when the mocking birds start to sing?
I keep hoping I will be,
and that spring is ready for me.
363 · Jul 2013
G C Poulos Jul 2013
How do I explain how I feel?
Sometimes I wonder what is real.
Things are going alright I guess,
and I am alive more or less.

Anyway, why should I complain?
I still have sunshine, and the rain.
The sky is still blue up above,
and I still have some things I love.

And things may not be all that bad,
so I wonder why I feel sad.
358 · Dec 2012
Happy Day To You
G C Poulos Dec 2012
I'm back here now after being gone for awhile,
Maybe I can leave a little hope or a smile.
and I brought a little sunshine here with me too.
I hope I can share a little of it with you.

I'm shouting hallelujah, all over the place,
and praising the Lord, for his mercy and his grace.
Thanking him for sunshine, and blue skies above.
But most of all, thanking him for his precious love.

Well, a happy day to you, and lots of sunshine,
and I do hope you liked this little poem of mine.
352 · Sep 2013
Pretty Lies
G C Poulos Sep 2013
Whisper to me and tell me you love me,
Even though it may not be true.
Because my heart will be too blind to see,
Any untruths that come from you.

Tell me I mean the world to you, and more,
And that you dream of me each night.
Let me believe I’m the one you adore,
And I’m wonderful in your sight.

Tell me anything thing your heart may devise,
Even if it is only pretty lies.
317 · Mar 2013
G C Poulos Mar 2013
Many thoughts are in my mind, some good, and some bad,
some about the great, and not so great times I had.

Yes, there have been some happy days that is for sure,
but there have been some times that were hard to endure,
times when I was led away by some false allure.

Yet, I cannot tear pages from my little book
though life is not always a happy babbling brook,
I blame myself for some foolish detours I took.
and some good advice I so carelessly forsook.  

Yes, there are many thoughts that travel through my mind,
But, as time goes on, more and more I seem to find,
some thought are better left alone, and left behind.

Many thoughts run through my mind some good and some sad,
some about the great, and not so great times I had.
282 · Nov 2012
My Little Poem
G C Poulos Nov 2012
Is this really me writing? I think so.
Who am I to write a poem? I don't know.
I will write without thinking about it.
If it does not turn out right, I will quit.

Hello Poetry, here I come just to write.
I must say: this a wonderful site.
It seems to me, just a wonderful deal,
to come here to write down just what I feel.

You don't know what you can do, 'till you try.
But, I wrote my little poem,  so goodbye.
273 · Jul 2013
Sad News
G C Poulos Jul 2013
Poor Bill was so lonely they say,
so he found him a wife one day,
but now he is so sad,
for it all turned out bad,
when her husband took her away.
272 · Jul 2013
Who Cares?
G C Poulos Jul 2013
Does it matter if things are right or wrong?
Does it matter if i am weak or strong?
Who cares if I stand, who cares if I fall?
Does it matter to anyone at all?

Perhaps it matters to me, more or less,
but to others? I wouldn't want to guess.
I am just myself, and not that well known,
so it seems I face my cares all alone.

If I was gone tomorrow, who would care?
Would anyone notice I was not there?
260 · Dec 2012
That Day
G C Poulos Dec 2012
I hope this will be that day you were searching for,
the one where you do not feel hopeless anymore.
The day you awake in the morning feeling good.
And, your life will be better, as you hoped it would.

A brand new day where happiness belongs to you,
and you will prosper in each little thing you do.
A day when you will thank the Heavens up above,
for all your many blessings, and for God's true love.

You may have searched, and searched for it to be this way,
and I am praying somehow, this will be that day.
260 · Mar 2014
240 · Mar 2013
G C Poulos Mar 2013
After a cold lonely sleepless night
Another day where nothing is right.
Life has become one long hopeless fight.

Early in the morning with my tea,
I wonder what will happen to me.
and ask: 'is this the way life should be'.

— The End —