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140 · May 2017
fux May 2017
Like I don't know if my decisions are right,
I hope that everything won't fall apart,
That I'm right,
Why do I keep breaking hearts,
I don't know if I ever was in love,
I keep falling for these girls,
I keep changing the way I want,
I wish there was some guide,
That I could know that I did right,
I miss all those things that were here at the start,
The funny thing is that I never get really what I want,
It always slips by,
Yea these broken hearts,
I guess I'm not used to be alone anymore,
I wish I was that strong,
I hope you don't know these struggles,
Such a shame that I was never so strong to really get what I want,
I'm so confused now I need some sign,
That finally I'm not wrong,
That I won't change my mind,
The chemistry behind relationships is so dark,
Oh girl why are you so smart,
I hope I won't break your heart,
Because if I will I know I will regret it,
You're still the beacon I've selected,
And without you there’s not much to do,
Not many ways to find out the truth.
22. December 2016
138 · May 2017
fux May 2017
I'm sorry for what I did to you,
I wish some things weren't so painful,
I needed some space to get my **** together,
But I should've done it some other way,
I know I've hurt you in every way,
I don't want your forgiveness,
I just wanted to let you know that you're a princess,
And that I regret smashing the best thing I had to pieces,
And that you should do what is best for you,
What you want to do,
Loving sometimes means to let go,
And I will understand if you don't want to try anymore,
When it was me who let you go.
5. February 2017
136 · May 2017
fux May 2017
It's always the same thing,
over and over again,
I could use some pills,
then fade away,
feelin' a bit empty,
when you're not the same,
there's just nothing left to say,
so I keep screaming,
looking in the dark,
hallucinating… dreaming…
with no place to hide,
only the strongest will survive,
others will give up on life,
because of this insane society,
then we end up feelin' we're not the ones that we used to be,
or even wanted to be,
now regretting every piece of it,
livin' life we were dictated,
not the one we wanted to live,
so in the end,
everything is lost,
you & me,
it all comes across,
I watch you as I'm slowly getting more and more lost...
18. January 2016
136 · May 2017
fux May 2017
You know how to be alone,
My hands are slipping from the Throne.
Ow how i feel alone,
The things i wanted go by,
You will never feel how am i,
These things are blurry on my mind,
Will I ever live to see my kind,
Or will I die?
These questions never dissapear,
Am i the only one to live to see the point,
Or will i die trying to be on front,
These things never dissapear,
My mind goes clear,
What do i want?
What's the point?
If i die nothing happens,
Just another soul will fade to no point,
If i lived for a reason why don't i see it,
Fading forever these reasons,
So be it,
I should live to see another reason.
30. January 2017
fux May 2017
Hey you're my best friend,
I won't give up on you till the end,
you're the smartest girl I've ever known,
so please don't do everything on your own,
there are some bad times and there are some good,
but I know you're gonna make it through,
even if I should get swallowed by the ground,
I will ******* help you reach that high,
because you would do that for me too,
you know that I'm telling the truth.
21. January 2016
126 · May 2017
fux May 2017
And if you're still breathing, you're alive,
Don't dare to quit, make me proud,
Make everybody who doubted your​ smile,
Prove them wrong,
Show me what you got,
And if I will still be here to see it,
I will help you with the believing,
But this journey is yours to take,
I walked mine the same way,
When you will achieve it,
Don't thank me, I will be long gone,
Make somebody else to believe it,
Make somebody else this strong.
8. March 2017
114 · May 2017
fux May 2017
Do you know how it feels to be down?
Do you know how should you act when you're breaking down?
What to do when they ask you what's wrong?
When you want to say everything,
When you want to get anything,
That would help you to get up,
That would help you not to cry,
Not to give up,
Because you have no other choice than to make it,
If you fail you don't forget it,
You will regret it till the end and you will see what it means to regret.
2. December 2016
113 · May 2017
fux May 2017
A simple smile can make you feel great,
A simple goodbye can make you feel so empty and dead,
Will you stand by me when these lights begin to fade?
Or will you run like the rest who left me in this pain?
I really can't tell,
The world is cruel,
You live only in memories,
When they die you die with them,
Noone will remember you were even here,
I don't believe that we will live again,
I think we are chasing the ghosts of ourselves,
The persons we would like to be,
The life we would like to live,
But all we do is dream,
Then we wake up,
And there is no-thing.
24. May 2017

— The End —