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Fred Tabitha Sep 2019
looking up to the sky
looking back wonderin' why
they chased me
to the ends of the earth
why they hit me
so hard that it hurts

looking down at the ground
wonderin' if i'll ever be found
if i run
as fast as i can
and they run
as fast as they can

looking out to sea
wonderin' if i'll ever be free
will they catch me
all over again
will they hurt me
i'm wonderin' when
9/13/2019 fri
Fred Tabitha Aug 2019
was it the tone
am i alone
cardboard person
in a cardboard house

sitting there
just thinking
filled with junk
nobody around

some one came to talk to me
but i pushed them away
someone breath life
into my cardboard house
Fred Tabitha Aug 2019
people seem to think that i'm insane
but i'm only halfway there
and i don't think that's fair

they don't seem to see
i don't remember many things
and really is that fair

maybe they shouldn't judge
maybe they shouldn't hate
and it really isn't fair
Fred Tabitha Aug 2019
as i walk the streets
of my home town
i  think of him
and get so down

find myself in the city
still thinking of him

an i sit down at a table
that could have been ours
thinkin' of nothin'
but us

and i walk back to my house
sit down think back to

how it never happened
back then
and i look up to the sky
and wonder why
Fred Tabitha May 2019
maybe it's peer pressure
maybe it's love
but i don't know
and all i know is
that i can't stop
thinking about you
maybe it's not my fault
maybe it's theirs
but i don't know
and all i know is
that i can't stop
thinking about you
maybe i have a heart
maybe i'm a mess
but i don't know
and all i know is
i can't stop
thinking about you
and it's not your fault
but maybe it's mine
and i wish i knew
but all i know is
i can't stop
thinking about you
i just wish
i could find a fix for this
this is for the boy i like 5/24/2019
Fred Tabitha May 2019
i'm alone
going where i'm going
so alone
why 'm i going where i'm going
so alone
people think i'm happy
so alone
people think i'm crazy
so alone
nothin's holdin' me back
so alone
nothin's holdin' me down
so alone
nothin's holding me up
so alone
thought this up walking to school monday
Fred Tabitha Apr 2019
it's a waste of time to try and change her mind
don't even try she's got a guy in mind
it's a waste of effort to try and steal her heart
it's locked up in the dark
don't try and steal her heart
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