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 Sep 2013 Frozen Ice
Ashtin Johns
Blue eyes turn the dullest shade of grey
Bright smiles slowly fade away
Warm touches turn quickly frigid
Carefree mind becomes ridgid
Heart fading, lacking luster
Beats ending, no longer clustered
Chest rising less and less
As I take my last breaths

Mind calm, no longer manic
Muscles relax, no need to panic
Light fades into blackness
Weather breaks from complete madness
Empty rooms no longer echo
Strongest wills finally let go
Lingering dreams suddenly crash
As I slowly turn to Ash

Cheerful singing begins to drone
Sparkling gems turn to stone
The gleaming sun becomes dreary
The happiest child grows weary
Crimson leaves wilt and crumble
The lions roar no longer rumbles
Ur deepest love starts to stray
As u calmly walk away

The loudest laughter no longer bellows
The strongest winds become mellow
Colorful flora losses lush
Frozen glaciers turn to slush
Blue skies veiled in somber
The greatest minds no longer ponder
The redest rose pedals fall and decay
As I live my final day
 Sep 2013 Frozen Ice
Tam Robbie
The fog hovers
From the crowns of the pines
and the snow blows past
scouring the land

The howling wind arcs
around the sparse summit
as the pale, pastel sun shines
giving little warmth

From his mighty horse
Odin looks down the valley
wrapped amongst his red cloak.
He awaits the day
 Sep 2013 Frozen Ice
Alicia Swope
It was a beautiful night
to have you back by my side
everything could have been wrong
but it would still feel so right
I cant speak
as you load your luggage
and hurry into the passengers seat
so this is what it feels like
to be complete

but your eyes tell the story
of someone I don't know
your clothes have the scent
of places i've only been told
i would've be scared to hold your hand
if i had known
that four months from now
i'd be all alone

well now your dust is in my eyes
and i cannot see
this used to be something
in which i used to believe
but when the benefit
has nothing to do with me
i become selfishly un-wanting
of what you may need
but it's a two way street
it's exactly what you've done to me

right now your just a memory
I used to feel your warmth on me
and it's crazy to think
that it was a necessity to me
but one more night
of your face outlined
on computer screens
i swear i'll start to question
how much of this i really need
i'll start to question
how much of you i really need

Your whole body wanna be your tears,
  tears of joy to my soul bloom.

  because they penetrate your heart,
  chestnut sprout from your eyes (black o.v.)
  caress your cheeks
  and get lost in your lips.

  because they irrigate our feelings,
  germinate your cravings,
  trot rush your chest
  and absorb me whisper in your breath.

  because they flit our memories,
  emerge your vastness,
  refresh your memory
  and close my aura to your present.
February 25 2013
Our fathers, brave men were and strong,
And whisky was their daily liquor;
They used to move the world along
In better style than now — and quicker.
Elections then were sport, you bet!
A trifle rough, there's no denying
When two opposing factions met
The skin and hair were always flying.
When "cabbage-trees" could still be worn
Without the question, "Who's your hatter?"
There dawned a bright election morn
Upon the town of Parramatta.
A man called Jones was all the go —
The people's friend, the poor's protector;
A long, gaunt, six-foot slab of woe,
He sought to charm the green elector.

How Jones had one time been trustee
For his small niece, and he — the villain! —
Betrayed his trust most shamefully,
And robbed the child of every shillin'.
He used to keep accounts, they say,
To save himself in case of trouble;
Whatever cash he paid away
He always used to charge it double.

He'd buy the child a cotton gown
Too coarse and rough to dress a cat in,
And then he'd go and put it down
And charge the price of silk or satin!
He gave her once a little treat,
An outing down the harbour sunny,
And Lord! the bill for bread and meat,
You'd think they all had eaten money!

But Jones exposed the course he took
By carelessness — such men are ninnies.
He went and entered in his book,
"Two pounds of sausages — two guineas."
Now this leaked out, and folk got riled,
And said that Jones, "he didn't oughter".
But what cared Jones? he only smiled —
Abuse ran off his back like water.

And so he faced the world content:
His little niece — he never paid her:
And then he stood for Parliament,
Of course he was a rank free trader.
His wealth was great, success appeared
To smile propitious on his banner,
But Providence it interfered
In this most unexpected manner.

A person — call him Brown for short —
Who knew the story of this stealer,
Went calmly down the town and bought
Two pounds of sausage from a dealer,
And then he got a long bamboo
And tightly tied the sausage to it;
Says he, "This is the thing to do,
And I am just the man to do it.

"When Jones comes out to make his speech
I won't a clapper be, or hisser,
But with this long bamboo I'll reach
And poke the sausage in his 'kisser'.
I'll bring the wretch to scorn and shame,
Unless those darned police are nigh:
As sure as Brown's my glorious name,
I'll knock that candidate sky-high."

The speech comes on — beneath the stand
The people push and surge and eddy
But Brown waits calmly close at hand
With all his apparatus ready;
And while the speaker loudly cries,
"Of ages all, this is the boss age!"
Brown hits him square between the eyes,
Exclaiming, "What's the price of sausage?"

He aimed the victuals in his face,
As though he thought poor Jones a glutton.
And Jones was covered with disgrace —
Disgrace and shame, and beef and mutton.
His cause was lost — a hopeless wreck
He crept off from the hooting throng;
Protection proudly ruled the deck,
Here ends the sausage and the song.

The Bulletin, 9 February 1889

Published during the 1889 election campaign for the New South Wales General Parliament
 Sep 2013 Frozen Ice
Sarah Goli
An ocean of thoughts
inside my lungs
suffocating me.
At night
I carve shadows
slowly down my arms,
feel rivers of words
drop onto the white tiles.
The water surrounds me
and I surface
begging to breathe.

In the morning
I wake with wet hair
my sleeves scratch
against the memories.
And the tide ebbs, and the tide flows.
I don't know if you're alive or dead.
Can you on earth be sought,
Or only when the sunsets fade
Be mourned serenely in my thought?

All is for you: the daily prayer,
The sleepless heat at night,
And of my verses, the white
Flock, and of my eyes, the blue fire.

No-one was more cherished, no-one tortured
Me more, not
Even the one who betrayed me to torture,
Not even the one who caressed me and forgot.

— The End —