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Feb 2012 · 887
Manicotti Expert
With delicate grace, I stuff my face.
There is no shame
Only the pain
The oinky oily pain.
Grab the nearest plate
It's time to celebrate.
Celeron inside, Celeron outside
Don't go too far now,
Don't even knoww how
Aug 2011 · 979
Froupog Tabar Glanicio
So good my girl that she be
Be the one that made for me
She do the dish and make a meal
She lovin' good das good an' real

Nobody know how she make me feel
A stain my life leaves on her sheet
Heaving up a gunk of dweet
And rubbing all about her leek
She gonna need a new bath deet
On the verge of tumbling,
I suddenly remembered how I disliked the act on fumbling.
Would I break my face?
Or would I get up again, always wary of when the next fall would take place?
On the verge of tumbling,
I suddenly remembered how I disliked the act on fumbling.
Would I break my face?
Or would I get up again, always wary of when the next fall would take place?
Aug 2011 · 6.0k
Fish Fart
Grodey gassy bubble flow
Up to the surface, now it is known
That here did relinquish fish
A gripping odor Atlantic
I sniff'ed the breathe of that pungent fish ***
I chok'ed and gripped for the head of the mast
But when it came too far in I couldn't have last
Expired by breathe of that frightful fish gas
Aug 2011 · 1.6k
Dish on it Gwib
Dish on it gwib
**** on my bib
From the bib dribbled a slibular fib
A glandular ****
A rugged soghard
A pish-po-dish get it wet
Pish po dib, gwib, flib
flippy pippy whip slick
The tick slipped wicked from the slippy drib
Michael Jordan basketball
New Kix,
Box of
Got it three-ninety-nine in the aisle
Put it on the box of it did it
Why didn't I do it?
Did it.
Sock hard the block guard
The twiss'ed grits
Aug 2011 · 856
Turnine ten eleven
**, good lad!
Say, do you seem to remember where I have  left my slab
of glab,
Stop. The glabular slab appears.
Granular cartography.
Marsh, swamp and boggery,
all over naught but a slab!
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
Whiney Pompous Baby Claire
Rush, Rush!
Gunky plush bagog
Nugget sog
Peedle glog
Plundering down the boulevard
I saw what seemed to be a Schmagtap
Under his  buttons, there grew his
Mutton branch, penal franch
Sogging down the grittle bog
And briggenfagig squeezing a bib,
Soaked in carrot juice frib


Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Hand me a Buffet
A threshold of toast greets me
Gravy boat. Gravy train.
Take me away great gravy train!
Bring me to the pluppet tuppet.
Saw me a muppet.
Killed me a muppet.
Hang him on my wall.
Aug 2011 · 1.9k
Peanut Butter Coil Egg
The slithering ob-nut ****, pussywillow free-fall down all Guss,
I step'ed on that egg, that delustrious egg, with white cascading gucky on the plague'ed way.
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Hoagie fest is the best
Walking down the street
to get me a treat
at the hoagie fest
'cause you know they are the best

I saw some kielbasa
with some seilgasa
in a brown dish
and it was better than fish

but they were ignored
like a bored board
because hoagie fest is back
and i brought me a sack
'cause i dont wanna lack
any hoagies in my meat sack

but then i got lost
on my way
and i had to say
that it would cost
the big mayne
like any gayme
under the sea
is where i will be
in an octopusses garden
in the shade
cause pulp is gross
in all gardens
even if it hardens

katana knife blade stromboli
Aug 2011 · 1.7k
Alabaster Flat-Knock
Whipping chip, clipping the drip,
The droplet of alabaster flat-knock,
Rocking the winded chalice off the fat dock,
Plock, Magock.

Skibdoof, pibby.  Dr. Pibb.  Dr. Face,
Take'ed off my face glands,
Jovial hoagie,
Mold'ed Imhotep,
Brendan Frasier is my hero.
The Mummy 3, see it in theatres.

Must See
Aug 2011 · 1.6k
Rugged Soghard.
Oh pasta wig!
My angel hair pasta hair blows in the wig.

Touch the slop.
With a drop.
Don't stop.
Clip clop.
Pitter patter tip top.
Goes the batter of all matter.

Toe mater
Cars 2, see it in theatres.
I have bronzen blazen brazen.
All amazen.
In the amazon.
White Lightning.
Aug 2011 · 743
Fresh and Smok'ed
It's about Kielbasa,
This sausage.

This is the age.

Theres nothing better about a girl,
If she likes...
Better than fish.....

Cause I mean.

Plunk it in my duts,
Why you rough?
To be so jagged is to be cuffed,
By meat links.
Aug 2011 · 768
Pull it out my guft.
Pull it in my guft.
Pull it out my guft.
My guft needs some extraction.
Squash a butternuft and do it rough.
In my guft.

Floppy worms taking doopy turns.
Now it's stuck.
In my guft.
Pull it out.
Aug 2011 · 3.3k
Diarrhea Boom
Diarrhea boom...
I am sweating on this silent throne,
Cold is my sweating double lump, my ****-ox.
Dripping sopping is my hole, wet for you, my boo.
That is my plural drip, my dipping **** flow, Niagara.
Ookatini flip, my pencil fell in.
Fish it out with my hand.
Ooh, Telpavin.  Time out time, sitting on the toiley.
There is no doiley to conceal this mess.  Ten sixteen.
3 A.M.
7 A.M.
I'm not even wiping yet.
My dad comes in from working the steel mill.  He needs the can.
I cannot.
Offer him.
I wiped for hours.
Then I pooped again.
Like an elephant.
I need a colostomy bag.
Diarrhea Boom part 5
Aug 2011 · 595
Bowel Movement part 3


Aug 2011 · 3.1k
Silent Hate pt. 2
A broken heart isn't to be dreaded.
Not when the tender lobe of your ******* sway divine in the silky wind.
A fresh caress of your velvet brow, undercropping my twisted heart.
Let not the heart grow weary, for it isn't a bug that is crushed 'neath booted foot.

Because I cannot stray from you,
Ever bound to your tide,
And never to have you again kills me,
Don't act like you don't know me,
Silent destruction is in and of me.
Aug 2011 · 805
On my right eye I lost the glob.
Give it back.
I need it to snack on the sack.
You do.
Me do.
Are doo.
Put on your shirt.
Rub me in the dirt.
Wash my face with your glove.
Aug 2011 · 685
There ain't no more tame
And there ain't no game
Mario was my main man.
Now he is just lame.
I am new to this main.
For this ain't the same.
I miss the T Dubz.
For he now has changed.
He's not the same guy.
That we used to love.
For he has chilled elsewhere.
Our life is different.
Cause he as changed.
I'm no longer T Dubz.
Don't call me that.
Aug 2011 · 1.5k
White yak from Kroger.
Today I took a stroll.
I found a dusty beard and I knew it would suit my face.
Now this beard I cannot erase.
News gribble.
When I sleep, on my beard I dribble.

Some days I wish my beard would melt away.
But usually, I accept that on my face the beard will stay.
Quirt on the squirt. Squirt it off.
That's all it took. Now it's gone. Oh floff my toff!
Now I am nothing but a beardless face.
Aug 2011 · 1.6k
Pepe Dance
Swingy with my e-pe-tay
This is the dance of wewe gay
I shove it in and lunk it out
Along your ****-crack do I spout

THis is the sound, sound is of pepe
I shook forlorn out of my wewe
all the drips of ural seepy
so that no more weepy when i pepe in my bed
Aug 2011 · 4.0k
Crab Yard Mink Face
Cars, are's, bars, ***-are's, oov-are's, dars and mars
With these I can construct a rooping Flargnar. Cigars.
And without these I am too **** in the far.  Pooping in the car.
Now can I find the Kragar? Or have a lost it in Nar?

Wigga foug under the dug like a big bug in the rain, its all the same.
What a doog? Got a Spoog? Butter up your hands and put them in the dands.
If ever should have shooken my loog, then up-chuck all the poog! What a gwoog! Me!
But who else could it have been! In the long run no one but we.

We cannot it be, it was the glove who fell in love with that dove!
Show me the rub! For we need it to subsub.
Hrug, Hrug, hrug magug! shrug off the flug, please doug do a love for the bitter twub!
In the end it doesn't matter, I had to fub to wub it dub!
Aug 2011 · 2.5k
Ipp deeb voove
Ipp deeb oob voove

Shrek in the me
Hirk ma do dee
Irk groove verande
Trek goova grande

Move the book
Yelp in the hook

Panda in the look
And a bag shook
Never get the dook
Teens are on the clock
Slivers got the shock
Aug 2011 · 833
Bring me a Dunkaroo
Out my mouth big chunk.
I won't clean it up. Chunk again.
On the wall, at the wall, in the wall.
Saw my dad.
I told him not to eat the Dunkaroo.
Or else he would be chunking too.

We couldn't bear to be in the chunky dunk sea.
We left our house.
Aug 2011 · 1.8k
Fig boo obba do
Uptar guivbar
Ceeb zoop gabba
Koop neeb wabba vo

Muck pocket locket bug
Even sub lubbet dug

Ibber tug vagga dug
Neek mug dar rug

How well
Ew shell

Angus meat funk
Skunk eats the big dunk
Seeba doob la lunk
Gwuts on gwanilliagax
Ready hot gwip

Trill on the vibrant note gabeeboh
What a thril it is to be in nice gazeebo
What a punk that doused on the free zobe
What punctillious panagax that frigged all the wets out
And when the trip to the sausage make didnt pull down alaz
Alaz, I am the wet tug.
Alaz, the sprig of wheat ***** taint.

Didn't you say you loved me?
Well, the bruts on the wagon sauce now
Didn't me have a big one, tug one, sauce one?
Well elemayo gwit gwits gwit gwits gwit gwit.....gwit

Embryo collecting on the branch of a saggy
My baggy be ripped, dripped all the can out
Me step on a puddle, the wet one, the biggy
My pets on the leg, rub, all on it sticky, how ******
He chugs out a wet belch and creams on the gricky
How quaint is his fat bristle comb, of his **** I am assured
This great honkulous tank sub that brits on my dimbo,in limbo my ship
It greats on the grates treat me to a sub snack ship ***** ***** factory get e
Tag me on your webpage, then **** me silly
Aug 2011 · 608
Push on It Fwub
Syrup from the tree
Syrup all over me.
Me all sticky. Roll Around on the floor.
Gotta wash off on the door.
Rub on the door.

I went to the Frigdar so see my Sprinigmar.
He noticed I was sticky.
I said I was sorry.
I was sorry.
Aug 2011 · 1.0k
Pupu Ohoh he said no no
Pupu Ohoh he said no no
Igga do bu me ga poo poo
Siga eeva go ba pida
Smaga queevo da

Ommy geebo
Nu veebo

Misa peego
Enga vido
Aug 2011 · 990
Chug Nerp
If when the thistle wet drip on my log
If when I throw the stone down to flip on my pog
If do the wet log, sog, gets to the gog
Then the bog twist suckle nutted left on the bar

If a man is prized by the dead wind buttel
If it is a sprig of wheat tugging on the chug narg
Then flark my tizzle, wet the bed
Put the thick log on my head
I am not a sped
I just dread the nut
Put it on my fat leg
Put it on my fat one
Oh yes
Oh yes
Now drip the salt, salt my boney
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
Rice Tummy Treat
Peanut butter ear toe
Touching on my face.
Munch Lunch
Eat Gunch

Plastic finger meat mug
Drink the meat juice
Eat it.
Spit it out
In my spout.
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Coolio Awesome Poem
Guep seeb do fug
Uptoob queev buh
Luft goo dub ug
Fleeg dahs luh

Obku *** qwuarsh
Fab go mud marsh

Me go fabroso
Egvar seeg lu
Imba go mu
Cabbo de
Ogg be

— The End —