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371 · Aug 2016
Number 4
Frost Aster Aug 2016
This evening I would like to save in a deep clay ***.

And soak myself in the silky whip of the air,
The light purple breeze and-
Any time I want!

I may comb through my hair
The creamy smooth sky,
And lather my skin
With the scent of approaching night.

Tickling, tangible, magic is nigh!
Scrub me with the budding stars,
Warm me in the setting sun,
And when I have been cleansed, nourished, and softened by this evening,

Drape me in the silken midnight that follows.
And I will gently tuck away
That deep clay ***.
293 · Aug 2016
Number 3
Frost Aster Aug 2016
I like the way you speak!
Interrupters interrupting, yes,
But they can't make this bond weak.

Best friend,
Dear friend,
I know you oh so well!
I swear, I could recognize
the back of your head from anywhere

Blinking through the hard parts,
But going forward nonetheless,
Let's continue this conversation
Without judgement or duress
204 · Aug 2016
My Calendar Life
Frost Aster Aug 2016
This Wednesday came around low and sound and quick.
I couldn't hardly catch my breath before my lip
Caught on the edge of Tuesday's page as it flipped,
Paper trails from Monday quick as a whip
But now I'm standing on Wednesday's solid ground
It's my new viewpoint for the week.
I squint to see Thursday through the fog, or Friday
In all it's shining glory.
166 · Aug 2016
The Wait
Frost Aster Aug 2016
Calm in the choppy ocean
Peace before the storm
Silence in the treetops
too still,
too still.

Scraping on a windowpane
Creaking down the halls
A plastered smile falters
too still,
too still.

How can I enjoy this?
Do I have time?
When will the end come?
too still,
too still.

Who's behind the corner?
What's underneath the bed?

I thought I saw you grinning.

too still,
too still.

— The End —