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4.3k · Dec 2013
Stargazing Poet
Frieda P Dec 2013
taste of salt air and nectar'd apricot brandy
musky scent of silken satin sheet'd sin
lips bruised of unfurled ecstasy
coral fire in the ***** ignited rapturous essence
eyes glistening in the moment of a little death
soul of  a poet on the edge of reflective verse
once chosen     surrender in zest's soulful unveiling
blithely trapped stargazing unto eternity's sublimity
3.2k · Oct 2013
Pink Posies on Unicorn Wings
Frieda P Oct 2013
You want to read little pristine pretty posies
not get involved betwixt & ignore the thorns of life
whatcha gonna do when your scratch becomes infected
hiding in the bushes of denial will get you hives
of the contradicting type, bucking like a bronco
amidst the flowery storm clouds of refusal
riding through wild fields of four leaf clovers
on unicorns wings of phantasmal puff'd perfectly pink skies
pseudo fairy tales conjured up in the mind
never to cross the median line of reality's mock deception
swallow the chimerical pill of inauthentic utopia
just be sure your mythical allegory never plays havoc
in your secret garden of rainbow streaming sublimity,
the fall is greater from the zenith of repudiation
"You cannot hide yourself behind a fairytale forever..."
2.8k · Dec 2013
Enchant'd Moonbeams
Frieda P Dec 2013
You speak to my soul and make my eyes smile
warm as sunny days, enchanting as moonbeams
your thoughtful words permeate my very being
I carry your friendship as a precious locket
always available to hold dear and admire
safekeeping next to my heartbeat's ardor
scripted designedly in golden stanzas
pendant's everlasting imprinted verse*

For my sweet friend, you know who you are. xo
2.7k · Feb 2014
Green Grass Dreamcatcher
Frieda P Feb 2014
i want to wake up in your arms at 3 AM
whist a hurricane is raging         within
those turbulent clouds and find my momentum
spiraling in heavy bays and raging gales
rotating around damaging unleashed surges
destructive force that slam'd unto my heart

i want to be your green grass dream catcher
                   & capture mockingbird lullaby's
2.4k · Jan 2014
Psychotic Waltz
Frieda P Jan 2014
Fundamentals of madness
    wraps the skin around my brain
miter'd head splits wide open,
        like blue skies wanting to thunder
dark heart leapt out from under
          blinded burnish'd eyes
world looks annihilated
       from the validity of upside down
birds have severed vocal chords,
butterflies shed their wings
          there's no dance left, aside from
   ghost steps of a psychotic menacing waltz
          & one dark raven hauntingly swaying
2.3k · Dec 2013
Ice Cream Clouds
Frieda P Dec 2013
you nuzzled your head

unto the shoulder of my soul

tears streamed into my heart

steamy moments of resolution

lingering breaths of quivering whispers

stolen moments of life's endurance

wafting through  athanasia's elusion'd moondust

dreams of uninvited icy cloudbursts

plunging wing'd poetry into posterity

remembering future's sacred pinings

like fire gasping under waterfall's torrents

i wished upon a snowflake before it took flight

   appease this illusion yet one more night
Frieda P Mar 2014
I tread softly upon your legacy
angel of mine with broken wings,
traces left behind in soft whispers
the best of times gone awry,
when you whirl through my head
soaring on kaleidoscopic tranquility
wrapped in lavender zephyr sighs
dancing on clouds of ethereal hope
carefree and peaceful without worry
floating above lapis forbidden skies
like a effulgent butterfly haunting me
   in the darkly mindless hours of night
when the haze clears my conscious etchings
       you flutter amidst my words
exhaling ephemeral moments of poetry
swirls of splendiferous opulence
dreams beyond my comprehension,
I escape to heavenly dimensions
'drips of moonlight washing over me'
    lingering in this stately haven of intention
2.3k · Oct 2013
Sultry Trance
Frieda P Oct 2013
Your musky scent lingered
wafted through my mind
my eyes glistened in the recall
echoed in enthralled moments,
Chantilly laced and perfumed
my body aches to do it again
a shiver tickles my inner thigh
flutter of fiery passion enraptured
left its brand upon my breast
your torrid kisses bruised my lips
pain and ecstasy of divine bliss
sizzling in thrashing slow motion
within my trance of sultry nights
2.1k · Jan 2014
Poppy Love
Frieda P Jan 2014
You know where I live and breathe,

enchantment in your eye led us amid a field of poppies,

etching my skin with wildflowers I flourish'd

we languished amongst meadow's feathery pillows

moon shone upon our charm'd sensual dalliance

skies of apricot nectar loom'd brilliant as we merged,

as ethereal stars connected of our primal yearnings,*

breathless, we paused in desire's transcendent afterglow
2.0k · Jan 2014
'tween raindrops
Frieda P Jan 2014
i yearn for you
     'tween raindrops
    of early morn's dew,
    of twilight's mist
dark cherry wine's
& comforts
    of a different rhyme
those spaces
   that enchant musings
toxic perfum'd lacings
     air filled of metaphorical
blush'd smoke
    gasping for surrender
'tween honey'd breaths
         wafting in my mind
  of nectar'd
       burgundy enchantments
2.0k · Jan 2014
Crucified Little Earthquakes
Frieda P Jan 2014
looking for my savior to undo me
under the rubble of victims remission
my chained heart nailed to a cross
lust'd sheets beneath the ***** streets
crucify myself lookin' for imprinted adoration
little earthquakes of my soul unload'd
save me from myself and these blood tears
my heart thunders like a roller coaster ride,
struggle to captivate your poetic prowess
never good enough to leave my impassioned stain
severe'd connections in feeble breath's wake
washed away in torrents within ocean's depth
castles crumble in the chaos of my mindless muse
" ~inspiration Tori Amos, Crucify "
2.0k · Jan 2014
Hanging Out with Unicorns
Frieda P Jan 2014
Over the moon where unicorns play
is where your love sent me -- a flight -- a
journey to places beyond time and space --
No one touched the stars as you did;
my heart turned a heavenly hue -- and
then you cut me and i bled -- a
different darkness: betrayal... and
Though the memory lingers, the lesson is learned:

*When you hang out with ****** unicorns you get ******.
2.0k · Oct 2013
Honestly Kidding
Frieda P Oct 2013
These poetic issues are full of antithesis
consistently random at best
no means yes to friendly enemies
personal business is as public opinion
it's all pretty badass, now and then...
an adult child speaks invalid relevance
the big baby in a dark comedy
mild enthusiasm of a life denied,
constant ambivalence of brief speeches
this chilling fever has risen in acute apathy
of confirmed rumors by current history
equally diverse in the same difference
whilst the walking dead, accept rejection
burning cold in their blind sight
sigh to a clearly ambiguous sad smiley,
yet everyone generalizes a beautiful disaster,  
odds are even, my head is seriously insane
living deceased what a crime, the future is today
honestly kidding*...No comment
It's totally nothing~
1.9k · Sep 2013
~Pearls, Sax & Lace
Frieda P Sep 2013
I breathe in your essence
the musk of morning ardor
mingle of last night still lingers
     heat permeated somewhere
between pearls & lace
lust, the scent of you
ignites the longing flames
I feel the blaze building
hot musicality beat in our *****
waves of ecstasy wash over me
eagerness of  nether bliss
wet warmth should be a clue
         sans lace should be your cue
wrap these pearls
          around your ardency
           lavish me with
your male machismo
    I'll fervently submit
                         to ravish your firm desire
            tune you like my saxophone of love
play that instrument
   all  the night and day long
1.9k · Jan 2014
~swim in you
Frieda P Jan 2014
fell for you like amber raindrops
     burnished by the sun's satiation,
golden in my heart you will remain
     our love story as sinister storm clouds,
turning sapphire skies to bleak trickles
     sank in drowning pools of our own undoing
  baubles of lust dissipated on the horizon
        yet, I still swim in you on dismal days...
1.9k · Mar 2014
Prism in high-def...
Frieda P Mar 2014
Butterflies in my head

like percolating coffee suds

i walked a little faster

to catch up with my mind's anachronisms

future like a prism in high def

building castles of cotton candy vapors

smoky salt tears whisper out loud

like a hot knife through butter foam

dancing in enraged twists of prophetic cyclonic squalls

shindig of cobalt's eclectic leaves storming fiercely down

wading in puddles of refractive delirium's trippy next dip
1.8k · Dec 2013
~Wisteria Secrets
Frieda P Dec 2013
A feverish tickle at the nape of my neck
reminded me when you placed flowers in my hair
an unlikely choice of amethyst wisteria
cascading down my bare shoulders
we threw caution to the wind & laughed at the world
our intimate secrets never to be shared
now, whenever the winds blow
i imagine you standing there
stroking my locks, kissing me subtlety
whispering unto my ear,
    'the mysteries of the univese were our's to keep'
as our wistful worlds collided under moonlit tears
1.8k · Jan 2014
~Go Ask Dark Alice
Frieda P Jan 2014
“We're all mad here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Go ask Alice

about the adventure,

how she fell from grace

into that ungodly space

amongst mad people
places that go meow in the night

yesterday, she was a different kind of gal

believing in the impossible before breakfast
out of touch with smoking caterpillars

she left the rabbit hole
with new frightful  insight

it hardly matters which way you go
it's always a huge puzzle

It was no secret she was entirely bonkers,
whence the queen squealed off with her head

Mad Hatter served tea
with uncommon nonsense
whilst chasing dust bunny shrooms
chatting backwards,

then asked curiouser & curiouser

'why is a raven like a writing desk'?

They all jammed yesterday and today,
into clouds, sand & sea, so that
eventually, logic and proportion of the Red Queen,

only made eccentric sense to the dormouse
feeding your head...


uncle Walt getting richer on the hookah smokin'
blonde ***** pill popper,

~too bad the moral of the story is frozen for posterity...
1.8k · Jan 2014
Sadden'd Violin Strings~
Frieda P Jan 2014
sadden'd violin strings
     wreak havoc
         in the torrid rain
pouring out flutter of hearts
        within melodic aqueous bliss
   whispering unto raven's breath
      dancing upon fire 'tween
           the dewdrop'd baubles
   splashing in spirits of darkly
         relentless melancholy echoes
Here is a link for the music that inspire'd me to write this, if anyone is interested.  Lindsey Stirling is amazingly talented and her music moves me so.
1.7k · Jan 2014
Nightfall's Avenger~Senryu
Frieda P Jan 2014
Fear upon the soul

teardrops of a frightful heart,

nightfall's avenger
1.7k · Jan 2014
Frieda P Jan 2014
I sip your essence, it rushes through me,

                   swells upon a quiver of my mind

blushing up against my burnish'd lips

                      boldly filling my ***** with warmth

reminiscing the surrender of our souls

                               traces of your lingering aromatics

musky scent of sandalwood and lust

                       my eyes drew you in of dire ecstasy

drinking in your sweet fragrant notes

                        surging high above memory's intoxication
1.7k · Sep 2013
Frieda P Sep 2013
Perdition falls from your lips in pretty posies
sanguinary lies woven within an embellished fairy tale
they drank the kool aid of your bastardized  aspersions
it's evil spell cast, hypnotizing the living dead
devil with archangel wings doth pose in velvet idioms
spewing respite in dark undertones of ego's rejection
perusing any that would annihilate acrid truths
peer in the mirror to see the lying heathen lecher
****** venom dripping from your deceptive sword
in bitterness of jagged tongue's kissass contempt

hell hath no fury as a soulless man scorned*

How did you get to be so unkind?
1.7k · Jan 2014
Don't piss off the muse...
Frieda P Jan 2014
Madness rules the pen,
   freedom of speech
         not even a concept
what the muse says goes,
  just give in to the inky blows,
     dip that quill in ****** tears
  color it with apricot custard dawning's
    ravage erotica's blissful yearnings
       crack a rib on that funny bone
if you fight the urges,
   you'll end up on the chopping block
         writer's imagination arrested
don't ******* the muse,
         'tis a woefully dreaded plight indeed...
1.7k · Oct 2013
Wafting Wildflower Musings
Frieda P Oct 2013
You whispered so gently when you tucked violets behind my ear
as we writhe on a bed of windswept  poppy petals,      the earth moved
the sun shone on your face whilst the moon dipped in our sighs,

that was the last time I felt your warmth  aside me
yet in the stirring chill of unfurled dark November mornings,
I can still smell the wafting scent of wildflowers in my hair
1.7k · Oct 2013
Soulless Kissass
Frieda P Oct 2013
Perdition falls from your lips in pretty posies
sanguinary lies woven within embellished fairy tale
they drank the kool aid of your bastardized  aspersions
it's evil spell cast, hypnotizing the living dead
devil with archangel wings doth pose in velvet idioms
spewing respite in dark undertones of ego's rejection
perusing any that would annihilate acrid truths
peer in the mirror to see the lying heathen lecher
****** venom dripping from your deceptive sword
in bitterness of jagged tongue's kissass contempt
'don't talk about it, talk about the weather'~
hell hath no fury as the man unveiled to the masses
history repeats itself and no one seems the wiser....**

How did you get to be so unkind?
I think everyone has been taunted by a bully in their lifetime, the real shame of it is when people stand idly by and don't do a thing in defense of justice and honor....just a rant.
Frieda P Feb 2014
fell to earth like the death of a mockingbird
claws still left in my heart's discontent
lost its shine before its untimely demise
musings come undone mid-flight
this plight never had a chance to fly
scatter wildflowers on my grave-site
will you kindly please,
here lies the soul of peaceful lyrics*  
*sing song's
1.6k · Feb 2014
Bodacious ginger'd poetry ~
Frieda P Feb 2014
Bodacious ginger candied poetry
still life of Moet's marmalade art
dark cherry wine lingerie
Beethoven's flair of symphony
surrendered in your rapture
submitted to your every whim
bonadage and silky wraps
rapid rhythmic rhyming beats
reverberate breathing sparks
painted Daliesque posies
silent echoes of dark apparitions
ocean swells anointing bliss
moon tides sacred kiss,
nature's chromatic dust
pink pearlized polka dots
intoxicating kaleidoscopic eyes
reflections of butterfly hues
darkly encapsulated horror
naked souls, weeping spirits
sculpted iridescent rainbows
brazen relished heart's desire
rubik's cube algorithm mind games
wrap'd in figgy puddin' ladyfingers
tickling traces in bold context
power of words compels us,
cure all for anything at all,
  salty sea breezes
& poetry* ~
1.5k · Oct 2013
Frieda P Oct 2013
Cut me, leach this tumor within me
it has festered into a separate entity
with its own blood supply
grown overbearing in  its voracity
taking up more space each day
edging me out of the picture entirely
seems as though it'll devour me whole
dismemberment appears imminent
I'm only afraid of what I'll find
a face similar to mine with two heads
a cancer of your caliber, eating me alive
cold, ruthless treachery of no denial
ancestral antecedent, I'd prefer it dead
set fire to your name in vain
demon feasting decades after
it will never surrender peaceably
1.4k · Oct 2013
Karmic Desserts
Frieda P Oct 2013
Is it karma or just desserts
that brings you to this humbling juncture
kneeling in the excrement you imposed on others
1.4k · Apr 2014
Fed upon your metaphors...
Frieda P Apr 2014
Fed upon your metaphors
        like a zombie's lust for blood
howl'd at the moon in your
            verbose verbiage's alliteration
piece by piece, like Frankenstein's
              monster you conjur'd me whole
  ****** out the guts and laid me
         flat in ghostly passages twisted cravings
  dwelling 'tween light and darkness
         assimilated in your inky draft
   dancing amuck within your tangled webs
       just the other side of nightmare's exposure
drinking in the sea of your heaving tidal steamers
           punch drunk in phantasmal's obsession
high voltage flipped me over like an abstract
               Dali painting's w*e
  I come away ghastly satiated,
              macabre though it may seem
  thrills and spills in every tempting morsel
            of affecting poetry's sinful appetite
1.4k · Mar 2014
Grinding Litany
Frieda P Mar 2014
Walking on glass, breathing it in
cutting sighs bled of same shade's blood
cloudy veins purg'd in progenator's denial
flying in shadow'd lit fear of fight
stick a neede in my eye sideways
obsession's self fulfilling prophecy
heart races to halt the finish line
fragment'd monkey guts strewn about
grinding litany of guts and tombstones
twisted paradox of fixation's sweet tooth
dragg'd in the violent overtow of another
death rings a toll in it's exhaled kick
chlorine dreams on point to gut'd hell
1.4k · Dec 2013
~Web'd Iniquity
Frieda P Dec 2013
captive in your web, i stuggle for release
beguile'd by the catacombs of your mind
you lured me, then chamber'd my heart
seduction was an enticing bite of euphoria
then a spun betrayal of being sealed away
stuck in this web'd hollow grotto
your den of iniquity ****** me in
impenetrable and incomprehensible,
this filigree'd labyrinth holds my soul
entangled for an eternity in this maze
i pray for redemption in that end sting,
placate your every whim to set me free
1.3k · Dec 2013
~Ecstasy's Flush~
Frieda P Dec 2013
We danced
under a trance
like glimmer
of moonbeams
the beat
bellowing in our *****
wildly frenzied
each step closer
to heaven & hell
you dipped into me low
to high exaltation's
mesmerizing foreplay
caressing my every bone
spirits soared
to carnal knowledge's expectations
heated exchanges
nearly exploded the skies
stars were born
of our incandescent essence
we lay spent
in the radiant afterglow
of this rapid flutter
flickering moon dust
as we lie motionless
in ecstasy's flush
1.2k · Apr 2014
Inky Recall ~
Frieda P Apr 2014
your inky recall
   recoils under
        my skin
   took its toll
    in beastly
        violent shades
black & blue
       darkly drawn
    bad blood
    crimson oozing
       burnt scars
indelibly sunk
       into my psyche
encas'd my heart
      in ice temples
       glass'd apprehension
   left its mark
         upon the soul
marr'd of spiteful apathy
             bane of my existence
retreating behind
   secrets of
        closed doors
1.2k · Sep 2013
Your Embrace
Frieda P Sep 2013
Your embrace, the sweet taste of hot mulled cider
touching upon my poetic soul like burning embers

Scent of sun's ripplings upon ocean's salted clean air
I hear a soft babbling brook, aside a majestic tower

A rhyme sung out in epical tunes of yesteryear
calling upon idyllic temptation's imagination

Swept away in the grasp of imperfect rapture,
zealous release of poetry's tenderhearted bliss
1.2k · Jan 2014
~Mystical Yearnings
Frieda P Jan 2014
I loved you 'fore the beginning of time
mystical yearnings captivated my soul
endless longing of passion and
tenderness's absolute rapture,
intoxicated in love's sweet cherry wine  
senseless I dance in  whirling euphoria
my existence lies in the spirit of heart
let me be your moonlight eager to glimmer
the flower garden of thorn-less rose's bliss
power of wildflowers surrender to the sun,
beyond the starry night, void of space
transcending all earthly joys
an aura of splendiferous grace & adoration
fiery sacred honorings tormenting skies
hungering for your taste of passion
drunk in the inhalations of your ecstasy
1.2k · Nov 2013
Drowning in Impudency
Frieda P Nov 2013
my pretentious voice doesn't match the noise in my head
verses etched as silken decoys unfurled by titanium recoil
hiding in the recesses of silent protocol's evasive gibberish
clamoring to speak the truth within history's chapters
my stealth commute from childhood to insanity
rewarded by awkward stares of disbelief and disgust
i've waded in the pool of denial's wavelengths
lost in aftermath's undertow of insolent impudency
i've tread water til i drowned an insignificant death
still breathing the vapors of past grievances
grousing under a tidal wave of crush'd soul's imperfections
breached in the indignity of transgression's metaphors
personifications of a role better left blinded by fear
than face the nakedness of turbulent truth
1.2k · Jan 2014
Close your eyes~
Frieda P Jan 2014
Close your eyes
*picture butterflies
escaping from a meadow of wildflowers
feel a gentle zephyr hug your cheek
imagine it's someone dear,
let the mind flow of babies breath
and first love's fluttery kisses
speak to the moon in enchanted tongues
feel the power of the majestic seas,
sing with birds on a captivating morn'
watching the burnish'd sun enrapture the earth
the world is easily our oyster'd pearl
if we seek the joy within our hearts,
find the ecstasy in simple things
1.2k · Sep 2013
~I Am
Frieda P Sep 2013
I am a fragrant lily
soft as morning dew,
strength of mother lioness
    protecting her cubs

I am nonsense, clever,
   sensual & extravagant
I can make your day
   or break your heart

Take care of business,
   roar in the bedroom
     appetizer in the galley  

I could raise your sun
  or blow your mind
Be your concubine
   or take control

I am tender inside
and out
with a soul
   of titanium

I bend but
don't break me

I am woman
in purest form
1.2k · Jan 2014
Serendipitous Uncertainties
Frieda P Jan 2014
Logic, never etch'd within love
broken galaxies bent with regrets
star clusters came unglued under pressure
reasoning bit the dust'd path

comet tails exceed the limit
delusional constellations play with fate
staring up becomes looking down
on night path footprints’ maze  

heart's exploded into fragment'd cinders
hanging onto darkly serendipitous uncertainties
waiting for crystal azure skies to sheen upon
twists of destiny's dismal glitz again

still fractur’d moonbeams
broke rank in obsolete formations
collecting emotion’d confessions
draped by black velvet sighs

wishing upon radiant eventide
whilst dancin' amidst twilight's glimmers
waves crashing sympathies last grasp
that dusky nightfall brings us sunrises

once eclips’d by passion’s shade
looking directly upon its hidden glow
wind’d breaths of amber blushing
sing sweet lullabies to morning’s harmony
Collaboration ~ Jack & Frieda
1.2k · Dec 2013
un trust
Frieda P Dec 2013
trust is better left out in the cold
when temperature changes unfurl
tend to excel when your back is turned
silence is titanium in the voice of
those who claim to be your friend
let the foe in them be debased
their tongues sterilized for contamination
1.2k · Jan 2014
~Last Night's Fancy
Frieda P Jan 2014
...i wish my pen could capture last night's fancy,
flight of divergent apparitions took my breath away
hallucinations of a dream so real it made me weep
for i saw your face high above the clouds
you appeared as an angel with chimerical wings,  
in their flutter released thousands of butterflies
each one carried a smile of incandescent light
promised posies of an altered moment & space
where poetry becomes reality traced on lofty clouds
amidst trances of tranquility & enchanted frivolity
so here i await on ink's flow with a fool's faith
of glinting endings and freshly burnish'd beginnings...
1.1k · Feb 2014
Hallowed Breathing
Frieda P Feb 2014
Haunted in my flagrant dreams,
    awake on hallow'd ground
you watch me breath
        as I seek you out
cold spirits taunted past
           spasmodic verses chant
hollow insides afraid to sleep
  your  sanctification renders me
                  uncomfortably conscious
numb within breath's shallow inhale
       undone in the nothingness of rhyme
   fearing truth's brutal reality
     bewailing in grief's heartfelt desire
pull me up to new sight'd heights
   in your wayward plight's surrender
       save me from this cruel humanness
1.1k · Oct 2013
~Howling At The Moon
Frieda P Oct 2013
...when the quiet transfixed my eyes,
finally realized your darkly overt tenor
no matter how often you change colors
beastly burdens invasion upon mine soul
piranha eating flesh of thy innocent young
professing peace, love, interminable charity
wolf in sheep masquerade of disavowel's claws
scraping bottom of bowels and viscera
have you no soul, even fiends take offense
cut thy own tongue and feed it unto thy ego
wallowing in the contradictions thine own self
repudiation will be thou own ruination in* HELL
1.1k · Jan 2014
~Last Night's Fancy
Frieda P Jan 2014
...i wish my pen could capture last night's fancy,
flight of divergent apparitions took my breath away
hallucinations of a dream so real it made me weep
for i saw your face high above the clouds
you appeared as an angel with chimerical wings,  
in their flutter released thousands of butterflies
each one carried a smile of incandescent light
promised posies of an altered moment & space
where poetry becomes reality traced on lofty clouds
amidst trances of tranquility & enchanted frivolity
so here i await on ink's flow with a fool's faith
of glinting endings and freshly burnish'd beginnings...
1.1k · Jan 2014
~soup & salad of the mind
Frieda P Jan 2014
What  saves a poet's sanity
soup and salad of the mind
comforted with scattered warmth
& lines drawn in the sand

are there ever any perfect words
I draw blood from my pen
overflowing vessels of circumspect denial
pondering an accepting benevolent heart

discriminating souls wave a vigilant flag,
poetry a force of conjecture and calculated risk
speaks who and what we are without completion

I lie naked on these shores of cadenc'd bliss
a'waiting a fate worse than creativity's abolition
confirmation comes served in slices of firmament's breath~

exhaling again to capture the essence of vaulted contention
1.1k · Dec 2013
Poetic Prophecy
Frieda P Dec 2013
people come and go,

souls touch our essence

some rock our psyche to the core

other's hum sweet lullabies

in every instance

we are changed by generosity or malcontent

hit by incandescence's stark light,

perhaps plunged to total darkness

every breath we inhale of another's poetry,

our indulgences austere or elaborate

leaves an imprint within our chamber

housing love, hate and indifference

into eternity's vast ocean of insights

of our own reflective perception of vision

divination's flowing through our wings

touched by angels subliminal prophecies
1.1k · Feb 2014
Breathe Fiercely
Frieda P Feb 2014
Breathe me,
     feed my spirit, burn my *****
take me to that place
I've never known,
  do that frenzied tango
that fierce lovers do
if only for a night,
   or a million years
   moments are ephemeral,
     drapes are drawn
you may not know me,
in the light of day
swift exits cause
    scarlet regrets,
don't let this rush slip away
with wild horses flight
deep yearnings stampede
emotional ties,
forever after lasts
but a twinkling in time
1.1k · Jan 2014
Paint an aura~
Frieda P Jan 2014
my mood of mind beckons
me to paint an intense aura
   colors flavor'd  of ***** interludes
reckless abandon in tint'd hues of scarlet sin
    a sultry dance of rhapsody unfurled
restraints of silk ribbon'd enchantment
    ending together in a little death of
     poetic frenzied ecstasy
1.1k · Dec 2013
Dancing Round Indignity
Frieda P Dec 2013
who's reflection is this i see
staring back at me....
*forged in the flames of adversity
whispering ink leaking past blots
scarlet threads woven intricately
through portals of  complicity
machinations of another time and place
laced within roots of strangling tendrils
mutated pretty posies succumb to history
dancing round the fire of life's indignities
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