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Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Inky Recall ~
Frieda P Apr 2014
your inky recall
   recoils under
        my skin
   took its toll
    in beastly
        violent shades
black & blue
       darkly drawn
    bad blood
    crimson oozing
       burnt scars
indelibly sunk
       into my psyche
encas'd my heart
      in ice temples
       glass'd apprehension
   left its mark
         upon the soul
marr'd of spiteful apathy
             bane of my existence
retreating behind
   secrets of
        closed doors
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Fed upon your metaphors...
Frieda P Apr 2014
Fed upon your metaphors
        like a zombie's lust for blood
howl'd at the moon in your
            verbose verbiage's alliteration
piece by piece, like Frankenstein's
              monster you conjur'd me whole
  ****** out the guts and laid me
         flat in ghostly passages twisted cravings
  dwelling 'tween light and darkness
         assimilated in your inky draft
   dancing amuck within your tangled webs
       just the other side of nightmare's exposure
drinking in the sea of your heaving tidal steamers
           punch drunk in phantasmal's obsession
high voltage flipped me over like an abstract
               Dali painting's w*e
  I come away ghastly satiated,
              macabre though it may seem
  thrills and spills in every tempting morsel
            of affecting poetry's sinful appetite
Frieda P Apr 2014
stuck on a hook....
cobalt metal monkeys cling
in reeling creative circus chaos
like dripping molten ash
ache from the fallout
you exhale darkly riddled pain
i inhale smoky denial
lives lit on fire
spun in gray matter
disjointed cold sober allegories
falling from a desolate sky
craving kicks inclination
embers hitting pay dirt's
fix'd enslavement
stuck on a hook
self destruction’s behavior
bent on indifference’s
obsessive sweet tooth
jonesing for a speeding bullet  
an injurious habit's alibi
shot through the eye
at the scene of the crime
more than one fatality suspect
poppy blooms wither'd
sacrificed in crimson's desire
whilst laid out in entomb'd
conviction's escaped act of faith
Frieda P Apr 2014
Steamy ink boiled over
the kettle of opportunistic metaphors
poison'd doses in gray's gangrene slur,
don't attempt to sleep in my mouth
like a w*e in head, the sword in bed
taboo artistes in monotonic ambivalent jaws
clamping down without remorse
chomp'd away at an asunder analogy
****'d in my jeans and expect'd to get fed
spit it out on the polar opposite cafe floor
unicorns dwellings of butter'd blessings
broken bread & barely berry wine of Monet's encores
bite the ear that fed you preaching van Gogh
perhaps they'll listen for insanity to be set free
confining rules taught us naught to stutter
pay your monopoly dues in bleakest sermons
pass the bucket of superiority's conquests
bled of analgesic ego's epic divided faction's fiction
don't forget to wipe your shadow on the way out
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Moonglow's perceptions ~
Frieda P Mar 2014
I paused longingly
    in your haunting metaphors
in phases of moonglow's perceptions
under enticing whispers of glint'd skies,
          a calm filled of scorch'd shudders
   & twilight's blossomed delusions
       under the influence of divine cravings,
                 breaths of magnolia's sighs
   uttered in shades of nightfall,
         dreams aspiring of
               scented reminisces  
                                  to soar once more
Frieda P Mar 2014
I tread softly upon your legacy
angel of mine with broken wings,
traces left behind in soft whispers
the best of times gone awry,
when you whirl through my head
soaring on kaleidoscopic tranquility
wrapped in lavender zephyr sighs
dancing on clouds of ethereal hope
carefree and peaceful without worry
floating above lapis forbidden skies
like a effulgent butterfly haunting me
   in the darkly mindless hours of night
when the haze clears my conscious etchings
       you flutter amidst my words
exhaling ephemeral moments of poetry
swirls of splendiferous opulence
dreams beyond my comprehension,
I escape to heavenly dimensions
'drips of moonlight washing over me'
    lingering in this stately haven of intention
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
Prism in high-def...
Frieda P Mar 2014
Butterflies in my head

like percolating coffee suds

i walked a little faster

to catch up with my mind's anachronisms

future like a prism in high def

building castles of cotton candy vapors

smoky salt tears whisper out loud

like a hot knife through butter foam

dancing in enraged twists of prophetic cyclonic squalls

shindig of cobalt's eclectic leaves storming fiercely down

wading in puddles of refractive delirium's trippy next dip
Mar 2014 · 940
Exhal'd Lunacy
Frieda P Mar 2014
You tripped over my exhale
I plummeted into your anxiety
my tongue was twisted in your head
as I breathe in your vibe of misfit disparity
surrender deafen'd my equilibrium
in your attempt to polish our symmetry
checks & balances fell like insufficient collateral
wound up in a flaming well of a dried wicked asylum
inky promises that were deferred as charged
negotiations postponed without further adieu
locked and vault'd as another lunaticism lesson learned
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Grinding Litany
Frieda P Mar 2014
Walking on glass, breathing it in
cutting sighs bled of same shade's blood
cloudy veins purg'd in progenator's denial
flying in shadow'd lit fear of fight
stick a neede in my eye sideways
obsession's self fulfilling prophecy
heart races to halt the finish line
fragment'd monkey guts strewn about
grinding litany of guts and tombstones
twisted paradox of fixation's sweet tooth
dragg'd in the violent overtow of another
death rings a toll in it's exhaled kick
chlorine dreams on point to gut'd hell
Mar 2014 · 744
Frieda P Mar 2014
Crippled teardrops ache
relief drips crimson pools
fragile heartfelt moments
buried deep within damage
misery rages in aged flames
afraid to breathe in fire,
scars affect hourglass time
dying in the anesthesia
cuts deep to the bone
annihilating freedom's tomb
killer instincts in sorted rush
bitter taste upon the soul
cold truths' pithless shivers
strangers bared in rhyme
blood cours'd through cursed veins
crushed 'tween hung tooth'd denial
Frieda P Feb 2014
fell to earth like the death of a mockingbird
claws still left in my heart's discontent
lost its shine before its untimely demise
musings come undone mid-flight
this plight never had a chance to fly
scatter wildflowers on my grave-site
will you kindly please,
here lies the soul of peaceful lyrics*  
*sing song's
Feb 2014 · 583
~ Poison'd Beauty
Frieda P Feb 2014
Behind her veil'd facade
she writes her memoirs
enticing nectar'd touches of a woman
pickled with tartness & zest of a wanton need
closes her eyes when she takes her quill
upon her honey'd *******
scripts love letters of a past sinful lust,
seasoned times she can reminisce
  in her foolish head she had a dream,
    blinded by desire, was never meant to be,
in her rush to be discreet
    her scarlet letters smear'd
emboss'd her mark upon raised braille
despair'd should anyone find her
             true heart's intentions,
one final evanescent indulgence
  of a poison pen'd sleeping beauty
Feb 2014 · 655
Swept away in a quiver ~
Frieda P Feb 2014
Swept away 'tween rapture's dance
       pause'd naked round fiery embers
our souls like whispers
    hush'd in the wind's howls
stars smiled gently upon ***** skies
   enchanted lunar moon
      twinkling in his eye
         lit upon desire

sipping streams of dahlia wine
   drink you in with each sinful spin
thrumming in this twirl of ecstasy
  music pounding in the heart
bodies pulsating to a swaying tempo,
   thrashing rhythmically in this crush

   fading into each breathless tremor
       sounded a gentle quiver
  bodies bent in intoxicating unison's swagger
connected in a rhapsodic concerto
   intertwined in synchronized euphoria
           exhalations of frenzied elation
                      blared a sultry night
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Bodacious ginger'd poetry ~
Frieda P Feb 2014
Bodacious ginger candied poetry
still life of Moet's marmalade art
dark cherry wine lingerie
Beethoven's flair of symphony
surrendered in your rapture
submitted to your every whim
bonadage and silky wraps
rapid rhythmic rhyming beats
reverberate breathing sparks
painted Daliesque posies
silent echoes of dark apparitions
ocean swells anointing bliss
moon tides sacred kiss,
nature's chromatic dust
pink pearlized polka dots
intoxicating kaleidoscopic eyes
reflections of butterfly hues
darkly encapsulated horror
naked souls, weeping spirits
sculpted iridescent rainbows
brazen relished heart's desire
rubik's cube algorithm mind games
wrap'd in figgy puddin' ladyfingers
tickling traces in bold context
power of words compels us,
cure all for anything at all,
  salty sea breezes
& poetry* ~
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Hallowed Breathing
Frieda P Feb 2014
Haunted in my flagrant dreams,
    awake on hallow'd ground
you watch me breath
        as I seek you out
cold spirits taunted past
           spasmodic verses chant
hollow insides afraid to sleep
  your  sanctification renders me
                  uncomfortably conscious
numb within breath's shallow inhale
       undone in the nothingness of rhyme
   fearing truth's brutal reality
     bewailing in grief's heartfelt desire
pull me up to new sight'd heights
   in your wayward plight's surrender
       save me from this cruel humanness
Frieda P Feb 2014
Lost in reverie's
  abandon'd rhyme
immersed upon
grassy pleasures
I lie down in
the sunbeam'd earth
still feel your
utterances of my name
in whisper'd burbles
unto the nape of my
pulse's quiver
in enchant'd moons'
feathery touches
of fiery delight
blazed upon my skin's desires
blush'd with fluttery kisses
sing songs of our
true love's plight
my tears fall
unto the ground
absorb'd in darkly
dismiss'd tinges
no longer brilliant painted
hues of cobalt skies
I lay still, abiding of umber'd
soil's dissolution,
pausing for tulle's silk'd
lustrating rains to conceal this flurry,
immersion imbath'd in
nectar'd vales
perhaps, liquid sunshine's
heavy dew
will set me free* ~
Feb 2014 · 867
Apprehension's Rhyme
Frieda P Feb 2014
Apprehension, tucked in heart's intuition
    love grows old and insignificant
      once upon a time there
          was felicitous anticipation

This plight haunts my memory's spirit
   captured within guilt's sunlight
    windows upon my soul,
         now darkly tinged contemplation

Pensive thoughts rain hit or miss through
                   a frosted window pain
         sad cricket sounds remind me of an old rhythm
              when  poetry still rhymed ~

Winds blow by, arresting breath
    as growing older fades star's night
      wise man once told me, believe in
           the angels of your own fateful heart

We used to dance in well versed harmony
         bluebirds never sang of stormy endings
              and there was no such thing
                       as 'once upon a' in time
Frieda P Feb 2014
prancing about on your
illustrious painted  words
  finely tuned elusive emotions
      that leap from the heart
my soul immersed in fine
   pomegranate wine's
     effervescence,    glissading  
        upon silken grassy gradients
             of yesteryear's intentions
  romancing the spirit's
       rhythm'd inclinations
     within this enchantment
         of poetic's movements tempo
inhaling vapor'd affinity of
   ecstasy's diaphanous illusions  
       bumble'd upon convictions
             confection'd sensibilities
   floating on celestial air's divine
             wafting impulses
    ecstatically dying a little death
          with each fine tuned melody
    dancing in the cadence of *****
             nectar'd blissful notes
                  of poesy's mesmerizing etchings
                              upon a soulful caress
Feb 2014 · 2.7k
Green Grass Dreamcatcher
Frieda P Feb 2014
i want to wake up in your arms at 3 AM
whist a hurricane is raging         within
those turbulent clouds and find my momentum
spiraling in heavy bays and raging gales
rotating around damaging unleashed surges
destructive force that slam'd unto my heart

i want to be your green grass dream catcher
                   & capture mockingbird lullaby's
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Breathe Fiercely
Frieda P Feb 2014
Breathe me,
     feed my spirit, burn my *****
take me to that place
I've never known,
  do that frenzied tango
that fierce lovers do
if only for a night,
   or a million years
   moments are ephemeral,
     drapes are drawn
you may not know me,
in the light of day
swift exits cause
    scarlet regrets,
don't let this rush slip away
with wild horses flight
deep yearnings stampede
emotional ties,
forever after lasts
but a twinkling in time
Feb 2014 · 629
Consecrat'd Madness
Frieda P Feb 2014
Consecrate me in your madness
    sanctify this communion,
sketch me in bursting metaphorical hues,
  color'd tinges blushed of cardinal's soft sonnets
paint a picture within inky filigreed lace,
  finely woven silken thread'd tapestries
my religion breathes your affinity
      harmony's rapport of favored essence
twist poetry into my hair,   whilst
   dancing upon the music in your stanza's hymn
bathe me in peachy champagne bubbled prose
  suffuse butterfly shivers up my spine
i breathe the air you've fervidly script'd
   etch'd in blood flow awakens my senses,
the emotions artistes' bleed out
   you are my strength, my power
          my weakness, my Achilles heel ~

swooning in the phases of your darkly lit moons
           cut me deep into the heart & gut
piercing movement of echoes unfold.  
        moving majestic amethyst  mountains,
shred my soul with your dragon's breath
     anoint my *******, oils that seep from thy quill
            make me punch drunk aberration's tipsy
        drenching me in sparkling scarlet wine
clinging from the vines of destiny's path
           my soul's existence is solely dependent
    upon your utterly blissful verses within Elysian Fields
Feb 2014 · 747
~ Consuming ~
Frieda P Feb 2014
Lust's sweet intentions
   caught up in fiery impulses
riding upon wild horses' dreams,
   relentless cravings of the soul

Unfurling in the touch of scorching heat
   desiring licentious will is never ending
satiated within intensity's finale
   luster'd in the feel of scarlet satin sheets

Breaking all the rules,
  devour'd in animalistic hunger
til breath blares an acoustic prayer
absorbing emotions through ****** intensity

tenderly your sword plung'd deep
   surrender to this wanton addiction
senses whirling in flame's yearnings
    fell under your fiery hypnotic spell

I'll gladly die a thousand little deaths
  to acquiesce with no restraint
within these all consuming confines
of this delectation's heavenly annihilation
Feb 2014 · 560
~ Endless Scribbles
Frieda P Feb 2014
She scribbles endlessly, ferociously
waiting for her true love to glance
  the aching in her wanton heart
pen'd in crimson's darkly hued soul
   inky passages of the past
when the sun still shine'd a'glow
   and all was write with the world

As the wind rushes over the moors
  she thinks of her Heathcliff'd dreams
reverie of timely love season'd skies
   when spring sprung eternally
old man winter was only a notion
  frozen in another's memories
  til stormy nights overcame the fantasy

Still, she revisits her place in the sun
  bleeding out on paper without conscience
a wavering inner voice triumphs demurely
   as emotions spill over the tethered wastelands
once a land of wide open lush filled pleasures
  this place now only a reminder of tormented defeat
yet, her resolve for passion's affection remains
Feb 2014 · 701
~just a flutter'd thought
Frieda P Feb 2014
I smiled in my mind sipping in your words
   coffee in hand, poems warming my intentions
a day without poetry is not my cuppa tea
    so much passion and emotion spilling forth
steaming pages to be fervently devour'd
      whets my appetite from within
fills my cup so it runneth over captivated in anticipation...

I see myself reflected back in creamy billows of frothy foam
          fettered in the dark richness of your brew

Languishing in these moments, sharing so many views
    fills my heart with gladness that we have collectively pen'd another day
a poet's ardent soul is meant to be shared and cherished
     like prayers on gentle winds they float en masse on wing'd spirits

I do so on this glorious day as you earnestly flutterby...
Feb 2014 · 409
Screaming at the Night ~
Frieda P Feb 2014
I longed to speak to death,
                        it was silent as a lark

Screaming at the night I sought truth
beg'd your return on a wing'd prayer
what sinister darkness looms overhead
words never heard, hearts bled black

Vengeance was never in my name,
revenge never part of the game

Whisper the secret of the ages in my ear
I'd die for you I swear, accept the broken flight
gone before the brilliant light was subdued
enslaved by the insanity of moonlit passages
******* in the valley of darkly trespasses
flickering in dusty stars of nightmare

Wolves bled you before the story was told
         silence is a steel drum ringing in my head
you were first to leap into the valley of despair
            I'd take your place if I could only hear
                 the voice of death pounding in my  heart
Feb 2014 · 961
braille to the touch...
Frieda P Feb 2014
You wrote in Braille upon my heart
  tattoo'd  black etchings darkly lit
echoes of what was once impressionist art
     vanquish'd with a glance of thy sword
words not decipherable in the name of love
  inscribed delectation's sans an endorse'd mark
vintage designs deleted of scroll'd scriptures expression
   signature'd confessions bestowed within crimson's pen  
hush'd in unsettling breathless interpretations,
     blindly I followed til you resonate'd in barely touch
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
~ like Mozart
Frieda P Feb 2014
I soak you in as if a Picasso,
your masterful precision
sets my mind to artful awe
lush sweeps of brilliance as Monet
tones of Maestro's chords like Mozart,
*and a little boys heart
dress'd in Armani
Feb 2014 · 571
Ice'd Lullabye
Frieda P Feb 2014
Your untouchable promises
     chill'd in my veins
my fragile posies were left
           out in the frosted reign
swept me up in your darkly
                 abstruse sweetness
etch'd love songs
          on my skin's tremblings
prayers that were answer'd
          with sad weakness
lullabies dull'd my sensibilities
        and dying fortitude
fell on my knees upon
         my own strangled heart
rescuing  me from myself,
          you brush'd ***** tendrils aside
in contemptible silent sighs,
               from the depths of apathy
i need your emptiness to
      fill my void'd briny spirit
frosted over my convictions,
             i lie frozen in icy drifts of regret
Feb 2014 · 712
Mind field's windowpain...
Frieda P Feb 2014
Peer out the frosty crack'd windowpain
translucent poetry in fractured hand
vintage thoughts rise from a steam'd
cuppa emphatic billowing overtures
prelude to the days's negotiations
darkly processing as ink bleeds
out through  cynical purse'd lips
embers of dark eye's glean'd glow
mind field's traffic steadily high-season'd
blinking lights dimly reflect'd thunder
gingerly flavor'd pungency's flair
smacking on a charm'd lick of despair
speculating rain'd on parades chagrin
put on another *** of stimulating spirits
peppering a **** melodious harmony
pen'd a snappy sparkle with a bite
left out on a din'd windowsill overnight
hullabaloo's brouhaha made a boisterous clatter
bedlam nearly snared the disquiet of will's disposition
dancing moon lover's save another testament'd hue
witness'd by evidence within a cafe's smoky allusions
covenant's bargain within the scheme of another frosted avenue
forced to whittle time in disguise flying above landscape'd rhyme
sword'd dilemma's cut another frothy fizzling perspective
twilight closes illusion's blinds on facades picturesque view
delusion's of a torture'd poet stirring in frenzy's  flurry never slumbers
Feb 2014 · 786
. . . _ _ _ . . .‏
Frieda P Feb 2014
Some days, most days
i could do without my head
cut it off before i drown
suffocation is a slow way to go
living in the vast oceans of what has pass'd
         wars fought, battles lost
         the history that once was
written out, Morse code in my mind
    thunderous sounds of sinking ships
dots & dashes deafening, it never ceases to exist
.... . .-.. .--. help, sinking fast
   i'll show you the frost that killed the posies
  it remains intact like the iceberg that sank the titanic
    it drips enough to drown the opposing stroke'rs
      spaces between the echoes of a soul saved
        breathless, pleading for air before the third time
          waiting patiently for my three dots & a dash...
Feb 2014 · 501
Waiting on a black moon~
Frieda P Feb 2014
Waiting on a Black Moon
    to rise from my heart
paradox's of kaleidoscopic
     cobalt blue views
absurdity of lovers clueless
          tune'd melodies
wrapped in gauzy tunnel
                  vision'd eyes
dance'd around the floor
       of self contradictions steps
changing reflections continually
              shifting under foot
symmetry of heart's desire
              gray'd under the influence
high tides shifting to the skies
                    of lovers in denial
Feb 2014 · 915
Beauty from pain...
Frieda P Feb 2014
As does the phoenix exalt from the embers,
agony scorches the ashen'd memories
far above it all lies deliberation's beauty
disciple'd of a higher power's calm
guardian of my life's golden moments
swept up in the tides of angel's echoes
tears stain crimson's forgiven skin
aching days linger eternally remiss,
eye's vague flashes could not comprise fatality
gracious generosity of mocking clouds fill
soaring above a blustering tempest's nest
rancid squalls uprooted a tumultuous upheaval
candlelight's flickering flame keeps me unearthed,
breathless, waiting on beauty from pain...
Feb 2014 · 686
Endless scribbles~
Frieda P Feb 2014
She scribbles endlessly,
waiting for her true love to see
the aching in her wanton heart
pen'd in crimson's darkly hue'd soul
inky passages of the past
when the sun still shine'd a'glow
and all was write with the world

As the wind rushes over the moors
she thinks of her Heathcliff'd dreams
reverie of timely love season'd skies
when spring sprung eternally
old man winter was only a notion
frozen in another's memories
til stormy nights overcame the fantasy

Still, she revisits her place in the sun
bleeding out on paper without conscience
a wavering inner voice triumphs demurely
as emotions spill over the tethered wastelands
once a land of wide open lush filled pleasures
this place now only a reminder of tormented defeat
yet, her resolve for passion's affection remains
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
~Mystical Yearnings
Frieda P Jan 2014
I loved you 'fore the beginning of time
mystical yearnings captivated my soul
endless longing of passion and
tenderness's absolute rapture,
intoxicated in love's sweet cherry wine  
senseless I dance in  whirling euphoria
my existence lies in the spirit of heart
let me be your moonlight eager to glimmer
the flower garden of thorn-less rose's bliss
power of wildflowers surrender to the sun,
beyond the starry night, void of space
transcending all earthly joys
an aura of splendiferous grace & adoration
fiery sacred honorings tormenting skies
hungering for your taste of passion
drunk in the inhalations of your ecstasy
Jan 2014 · 721
Close my eyes~
Frieda P Jan 2014
I close my eyes when you speak
your wistful words a nectar'd lullaby
my safe haven amidst the stars,
I dance on moonbeams shine,
heart skips to your rhythmic tune
'never have to cry'
reigning in melodies of sweet harmony
my world's a better place,

and I owe it all to you...
Jan 2014 · 618
Wild Thang
Frieda P Jan 2014
You know you love it when I'm a wild thing,
    i can hear your heart pounding out your chest
when I lick you so seductively
         and you rise to the occasion
my ***** are on fire, c'mon
       give it to me one more time
no gentle caresses,
       give me the nitty gritty
real passion with flavor
             you wanna hear me scream
put me over your knee,
            you call'd me wild thang,
    now, make it worth my while
set my spirit to frenzy off the charts
    then i'll show you how a real lioness roars
              reverberate me...move me,
my soul is singing to your machismo
  i'm machinating to throw you off guard
        our dance of the sheets is just the beginning,
                 groove into me with all your might
              bend me to suit your needs,
         i won't break, perhaps only your heart
Frieda P Jan 2014
My ink bleeds unto the page
        wandering from the mind's vortex
  spiral twisters, compulsions
                      and desires  
  wafting through rambling quills
     hearts devour'd & core exposed
        unstrung melodies of spirit's zest,
         flutters of gossamer wings on zephyr's glide
            touching moments unravel'd,
                  nature running poppy wild

               ...and then once again,



  from the top one more time
    gliding on a dance floor
           of rhythmic seduction
             is it rhyme or reason
                 that keeps me coming back to you
Jan 2014 · 1.8k
Sadden'd Violin Strings~
Frieda P Jan 2014
sadden'd violin strings
     wreak havoc
         in the torrid rain
pouring out flutter of hearts
        within melodic aqueous bliss
   whispering unto raven's breath
      dancing upon fire 'tween
           the dewdrop'd baubles
   splashing in spirits of darkly
         relentless melancholy echoes
Here is a link for the music that inspire'd me to write this, if anyone is interested.  Lindsey Stirling is amazingly talented and her music moves me so.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Paint an aura~
Frieda P Jan 2014
my mood of mind beckons
me to paint an intense aura
   colors flavor'd  of ***** interludes
reckless abandon in tint'd hues of scarlet sin
    a sultry dance of rhapsody unfurled
restraints of silk ribbon'd enchantment
    ending together in a little death of
     poetic frenzied ecstasy
Frieda P Jan 2014
stuck in a darkly whirling vortex
spiraling out of control
landed in twister's head
heady twirls of whiplash'd senses
tides grasp in the rolling upsurge
rushes in to suffocate my breath
ripples of truth flood upon the crest
heaving gushes of a rocking influx
loop'd in this turbulent sea
convolutions bring me to my knees
these polluted waters endure
takes down this helix,
conclusive in tsunami's surge
final disturbance overwhelm indecisive flux
blows frigid winds to engulf emotions
deluges of insanity's pleas silently shaken,
obliterated by an overpowering plunge
wiped out in a drench of overflowing despair
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
Crucified Little Earthquakes
Frieda P Jan 2014
looking for my savior to undo me
under the rubble of victims remission
my chained heart nailed to a cross
lust'd sheets beneath the ***** streets
crucify myself lookin' for imprinted adoration
little earthquakes of my soul unload'd
save me from myself and these blood tears
my heart thunders like a roller coaster ride,
struggle to captivate your poetic prowess
never good enough to leave my impassioned stain
severe'd connections in feeble breath's wake
washed away in torrents within ocean's depth
castles crumble in the chaos of my mindless muse
" ~inspiration Tori Amos, Crucify "
Jan 2014 · 1.8k
~Go Ask Dark Alice
Frieda P Jan 2014
“We're all mad here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Go ask Alice

about the adventure,

how she fell from grace

into that ungodly space

amongst mad people
places that go meow in the night

yesterday, she was a different kind of gal

believing in the impossible before breakfast
out of touch with smoking caterpillars

she left the rabbit hole
with new frightful  insight

it hardly matters which way you go
it's always a huge puzzle

It was no secret she was entirely bonkers,
whence the queen squealed off with her head

Mad Hatter served tea
with uncommon nonsense
whilst chasing dust bunny shrooms
chatting backwards,

then asked curiouser & curiouser

'why is a raven like a writing desk'?

They all jammed yesterday and today,
into clouds, sand & sea, so that
eventually, logic and proportion of the Red Queen,

only made eccentric sense to the dormouse
feeding your head...


uncle Walt getting richer on the hookah smokin'
blonde ***** pill popper,

~too bad the moral of the story is frozen for posterity...
Jan 2014 · 657
Sea E'scape
Frieda P Jan 2014
I lie still in the midnight surf
crashing waves rushing over me
pummeling an already broken soul
ravaging my cold chamber'd heart
torn apart by thunderous clouds,
that day you sail'd for better horizons

Sinking breathlessly onto the edge,
hoping for ocean's depth to unfurl
this magnitude of boundless space
left behind in your parting tides,
sand engulfs my weeping eyes
etching how blind'd love can be

Hauntingly sad violin cries in the distance,
strumming the siren call on wing'd strings
whilst ebb'd flow of tears immerse,
drowning ceaselessly in streams...
Jan 2014 · 828
Darkly Dancin'
Frieda P Jan 2014
Fallen under a darkly cast spell
eerie spectral vibrations in my bones
music compos'd upon churchly organs
rushing shivers up my uncompromising spine,
demons playing charades on blacken'd keys
heart bleeds a dull beryl hue of expir'd crimson
mind whirling in gray'd remuneration tunes  
dance tracks takes fight without raven's hindsight
commission'd by devil's own apathetic self
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Nightfall's Avenger~Senryu
Frieda P Jan 2014
Fear upon the soul

teardrops of a frightful heart,

nightfall's avenger
Jan 2014 · 641
_Sour Grapes_
Frieda P Jan 2014
I should have seen you coming
fine wine of the worst kind,
missed all the clues in your roving eye
your demeanor won me over
confidence up the *****
now I'm wondering
what the **** was I thinking
with the likes of your kind,
bought me pretty posies
that just wasn't enough
thought I'd beat the odds
so did all those other women
who took a chance at gambling
with their hearts and souls
left a sour taste in my mouth
to accompany my age'd  whine
Frieda P Jan 2014
Lanced hearts with sharpen'd derisive swords
praise in quest of soul with fortress'd intensity
humanity's depths of breaths & declination
flippant whirl around fury's surge
dance'd with indignity around posies
knelt before the gods in reverence
vivacious adoration of nature's beauty
languid solemnness dip'd in gravitas
bruised butterfly wings, birthing conception
satiated desires within abstract'd notions
language combined within torrents of gusto
floating on gale winds and simplex'd zephyrs
artful appreciation prais'd in kind
communion encompassing a state of being,
complexities of a poet's psyche*

Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Serendipitous Uncertainties
Frieda P Jan 2014
Logic, never etch'd within love
broken galaxies bent with regrets
star clusters came unglued under pressure
reasoning bit the dust'd path

comet tails exceed the limit
delusional constellations play with fate
staring up becomes looking down
on night path footprints’ maze  

heart's exploded into fragment'd cinders
hanging onto darkly serendipitous uncertainties
waiting for crystal azure skies to sheen upon
twists of destiny's dismal glitz again

still fractur’d moonbeams
broke rank in obsolete formations
collecting emotion’d confessions
draped by black velvet sighs

wishing upon radiant eventide
whilst dancin' amidst twilight's glimmers
waves crashing sympathies last grasp
that dusky nightfall brings us sunrises

once eclips’d by passion’s shade
looking directly upon its hidden glow
wind’d breaths of amber blushing
sing sweet lullabies to morning’s harmony
Collaboration ~ Jack & Frieda
Jan 2014 · 935
Serendipitous Uncertainties
Frieda P Jan 2014
Logic, never etch'd within love
broken galaxies bent with regrets
star clusters came unglued under pressure
reasoning bit the dust'd path

comet tails exceed the limit
delusional constellations play with fate
staring up becomes looking down
on night path footprints’ maze  

heart's exploded into fragment'd cinders
hanging onto darkly serendipitous uncertainties
waiting for crystal azure skies to sheen upon
twists of destiny's dismal glitz again

still fractur’d moonbeams
broke rank in obsolete formations
collecting emotion’d confessions
draped by black velvet sighs

wishing upon radiant eventide
whilst dancin' amidst twilight's glimmers
waves crashing sympathies last grasp
that dusky nightfall brings us sunrises

once eclips’d by passion’s shade
looking directly upon its hidden glow
wind’d breaths of amber blushing
sing sweet lullabies to morning’s harmony
Collaboration ~ Jack & Frieda
Jan 2014 · 987
Amber'd Reminisces
Frieda P Jan 2014
In dark amber twilight recesses
     folded over and safely tuck'd
memories mull like sweet dandelion's tangy wine
          of burgundy'd evenings bliss
    spice of nectar'd afternoons
            morning's satiated stares
I beckon these recollections
    on tempestuous rainy days raging such as this,
        reminiscing when we danc'd 'tween raindrops
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