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2.1k · Jun 2012
Freja Jun 2012
Glassy eyes, wide and Staring,
And yet filled with Fear.
A pale face, an open Mouth,
Silent screams are seen.

Thrashing, as if tangled.
Ripping, as if caught.
Choking on an unseen Gag,
Foaming at the mouth.

Soon is Stiff, Soon is Rigid,
Soon is paralyzed.
Staring in an empty pit,
Waiting for escape...
I have witnessed epileptic seizures and they are terrifying. Though it would be worse if you were the victim...
1.3k · Jun 2012
The Beach Dog
Freja Jun 2012
Water shakes of his gleaming fur,
    As he bounds, Splashing through the waves.
The sun beats down, And the speaks of water,
  Flying through the air.
Are now Crystals, jewels and Priceless dimonds,

His shining eyes show his delight,
  As bounds and leaps at froathing foam.
Riding waves down to the shore,
       He is plasted with crisp, white sand.
He soon burrows in a cooling hole.
              Sleeping peacefully, in the land of Dreams...
1.0k · Jan 2013
An Island(Home-Sickness)
Freja Jan 2013
The crashing waves rolling,          
The silent peaceful air,
The scene makes me homesick, forcing memories to surface..    

The vast stretch of sand, is my garden back at home,
The water is my pool, from so many summers ago,
The silent air is the quiet nights we spent gazing at the stars.

And as I look across the sea,
          All I know is *home.
790 · Jun 2012
Freja Jun 2012
Hidden in all fashions,
Hidden in all ways,
Hidden complete by camouflage,
Hidden behind a leaf.

Hidden high above the ground,
Hidden from all sights,
Hidden from each strand of noise, swaying in the wind.
Hidden away from touching.

Hidden away from grubby hands,
Hidden away from humans,
Who destroy my land.
Stick insects living in trees are often disturbed by destructive children, who do not relise their toys are capable of dying from being disturbed to death.
725 · Jan 2013
The Atom
Freja Jan 2013
Creating, Collapsing,
I helped with the universe; I’m the Creator off all things.
Split me for a world of chaos.

My positives and negatives,
Contrast within me.
I once created you,
Soon I will leave you.

*In the Doorway between Darkness and Light
536 · Jun 2012
Freja Jun 2012
The class echos disturbance,
     The teacher Tries to shoosh,
  The class Screams,
        The teacher cries, And runs out of the Room.
Sorry to teachers. In fact practically all my teachers I've had have been awesome.I'm just writing about some classes against other teachers.
532 · Jan 2013
Freja Jan 2013
Deep into it's sinking depths,
You try to swim and catch your breath.
Swirling water ***** you in,
Daring you to sink or swim.

You take the dare,
and swim and swim,
But the oceans currents have ****** you in,

Your drowning now with no hope left,
sinking slowly to your death.
i wrote this poem when i was 10 years old. I hope its good.
499 · Jun 2012
Freja Jun 2012
Words are power,
Words are guides,
Words are the way we learn.

Words flowing a rhythm,
Words stating a pattern,
Words creating a Life.

Words are the way we say Hello.
Words are a way for emotion,
Sorrow, Hate and Love.

Words create who we are,
Words create the lives we live,
Words are our existence.
488 · Jun 2012
The Dancer
Freja Jun 2012
She was graceful, she was leaping, she was arching and twisting,
Her body just flowed, like tears down a face.

Then she turned, she was a gone,
Though just for a moment,
She returned, came spinning to my arms.
Our eyes were locked, a rainbow twinkled in her eyes,

She fell, I caught her
She relaxed, *In my arms
439 · Aug 2012
Freja Aug 2012
And although your gone,
You'll forever be near,
*A wisdom in our hearts...
The last stanza of my poem... I wrote it for my Nan. She died, i cant remember the rest of my poem, it was burned in her hands with her...

— The End —