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M B Scearce Jan 2014
It's a deathless silence surrounding us--
something that we used to be
so comfortable with.
I **** on another Marlboro Red
perched between my chapped lips
and you strike up a match to light it--
there's nothing eternal about this flame.
I purse my lips;
you know it's coming.
The raindrops dance on the roof of your jeep--
a sound I used to find much comfort in
as I rested my weary head on your shoulder.
I exhale the smoke I tried to choke
these words down with,
"I don't love you anymore."
I expected you to shout
shake me
rattle these thoughts inside my mind,
but you didn't.
"I used to love you, dear.
Just not anymore..."
Shut me up darling.
You know these words can't be true,
but you just sit there like a mime
except I'm not getting the image your depicting.
I make my way out into the rain--
I'm not dancing this time.
"I'm sorry, darling."
I toss out my cigarette as I walk away
knowing the passersby have no idea
his world was purged with the lighting
of that cigarette I once held between my lips.
M B Scearce Jan 2014
We used to park
behind buildings downtown
a few hundred feet from the river
just a block from the fire department.

We had Modern Vampire of the City
and freshly *******.

It was flammable

But I thought it was better
than anything you could
find in an old TV set
or in the music you tried to write
to replenish your soul.
M B Scearce Jan 2014
a man came in
to my job today
he looked a lot like you.
I must have reminded him
of someone he had a past with
for he took several double takes
and I wasn't wearing my good jeans.

He was looking for a flower arrangement
to place on his front porch
his mother was coming to visit.

We put together a simple array
of colors and he left.

If only things were that simple
with you.
M B Scearce Nov 2013
the walls are now reaching the sky
so high
there has to be windows for the birds to fly through
these walls were build because of past lovers
and the way they broke me down
because my walls were not strong enough

well my walls are stronger and better now
and don't think you can walk up to them and start chipping with a shovel
it's just a nerve racking itch
that you have to ignore.

it's going to take a huge amount of effort
with TNT and a lot more explosives
(possibly a crane)
to tear these walls down
-- and to that person with all that effort
have fun.
M B Scearce Oct 2013
all the english teachers
tell us how writing about someone
will make them live
but my words on you
aren't to keep you around--
for you were a horrible person
in your slick corduroys
and sweaters
and the way your hands moved
ever so gracefully over the strings
of your guitars.
my words are to rid my mind
of all the horrible abstractions you
placed before me
to help me forget the words
you sang to me
from your rhythmic lips
and forget the warm embraces
the sweet kisses once shared
and the way our eyes gleamed
when looking at each other.
my words about you aren't to keep you alive
they are to choke out my dreams
and **** the love we had.
M B Scearce Oct 2013
it's a spiral staircase we live in
slipped halfway down--
onward to the bottom
clinging to the railing
strength is failing
you're gone already, child
why keep trying?

the dark abyss awaits you
a scathed hand reaches down
your arm outstretched with every tendon pulled
you just slip farther
falling into the dark abyss--
give up.

dark thoughts reverberate in your mind
eye sockets fill with tears
you scream
we scream
no one hears.
M B Scearce Oct 2013
she never wished upon shooting stars
but that night she was desperate
to try and believe
she closed her eyes and wished.
it must have been a plane that night
because everything she wished for
soon fell apart
and that was the last time
she would wish on a shooting star.
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