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Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
A walk way comprised of wooden planks
The stores on each side vacant, deserted
The hand of winter flows with vigor
And the stars are masked by clouds
She walks with me, brown hair, and distant eyes
Her body used and discarded by many men
She saw something in me that others saw not
Though I rejected that which may have manifested love
And I ponder now what might have been
For my perception of love remains obscured
And these moments are but shards
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
Before we were born, the earth was ravaged
Then came man, a proud desperate savage
And all that was good, he came to disparage
For the earth and man formed an unhealthy marriage.

We spend our whole lives in search of bliss,
But there is no jinn who can grant this wish
And its in this search that our purpose is missed
We stab one another with knives made by the Swiss.

They order the crowds, to cease and desist
For if they do not they will cease exist
Gas and metal slugs bring forth the red mist
Knuckles are shattered as batons connect with the fist.

Man embraces fear in response to innovation,
Beating down thinkers into deepest degradation
Unable to stomach these new variations,
He herds himself like cattle into old formations.

Evil inspiration born from futility
Laying aside all thoughts of humility,
Manufactured our own creative sterility
Crushing ideas in the name of stability.

Yet the from the rubble of all we despise,
When many are dead, and the stars are aligned
Will our species awaken, stumble and rise?
Look up to the cosmos and then our open our eyes.

Not to God but to our own coalescence
Or will we choose to embrace our own evanescence?
We expect truth to emerge from the heavens,
But only through virtue can we hope to find essence.
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
My closest allies perceive me as weak,
A soft skinny *******, scrawny and meek
But they know not, what it is that I seek
For anguish or strength the end is still bleak.

A pair of jaded eyes turns back to the south,
Nonsense and hatred are spewed from the mouth
I've been desensitized to the bitterness that I spout
Thoughts caught in the cycle, awaiting the fall out.

A dying star, burns out in a glorious blaze
The galaxy freezes, now void of the sun's rays
A black hole is opened in a beautiful display,
A new universe occurs when the old one fades.

Men are small, when taken in context
And feeling insecure they turn readily to violence
We repeat the same sins that we claim are behind us
Eternal life is a sham, one that death has denied us.

We all drift away and it goes unspoken,
Pacts and trust are designed to be broken
We swallow our words and they leave us chokin
The surgeon made the wound but he left it opened.

I've turned away and I'm letting the world rot
If true heroes exist, then they are what I know that I'm not
We look up to the heroes, but the true heroes get shot
I've turned away and now I'm laughing at a dead God.

The bitter man is lost in the zone,
He is waiting for guidance and he is waiting alone
A greedy emperor torn down from his throne
Egotistical follies, his true colors are shown.

At the heart of the desert, dying of thirst
Bloodied, and hateful, ugly and cursed
In madness and fire, the angels disperse
What was once passion has become perverse

Vanity or regret, I wonder what comes first
Truth itself has long since been placed in reverse
I have seen my soul and I have seen the worst
But I will not be changed and I will not be purged
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
I reject pride, for I favor disruption
I have become one with momentary obstructions,
Those that dissolve all our mental constructions
For the righteous most often fall prey to corruption.

A flame dies faster when it burns most bright,
Preconceived honor is the ugliest vice,
Empires fall, no matter the height
I saw disciples of Jesus rip the heart out of Christ.

I have not found knowledge in my excavations,
A ******* of ethics has given rise to mutations
If only we could perform the art of levitation,
Darkness might not reach us from the earth's vibrations.

Judge how you will, I seek no exemptions
I have travelled too far from the hands of redemption
Those that reach out, and offer ascension
I prefer to savor my eternal damnation.

Truth is just a simple matter of persuasion
Beliefs stay valid through clever evasions
We cannot endure Godless deprivation
Though the mind of God is a mere quantum equation
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
A fued between parallel polarities
Inner connections, of unwavering complexity
Veiled by the naked, winds of sincerity
I can change faces swifter than a Pharisee.

Hate, cannot be measured by scopes
The devil himself was failing to cope,
With the loss of his honor and the loss of his hope
God placed his neck into the hang man's rope.

A covenant that he broke, fought hard and he choked
Existence was a hoax, he traded virtue for jokes
And in the sanctum that withers, hides at night and then slithers
The black holes draw hither, when bliss becomes shivers.

I'll place my fate, into the hands of the Seraphim
His breath stops and still I can't carry him
Eyes that bear the sorrow of a paladin,
Repressed thoughts return and they devour him.

It's all another means of control
Man's wickedness, has long since taken its toll
We observe the illusion as our essence grows cold
Loss of passion is the loss of one's soul.

Between being and nothing, I cannot distinguish
Innovative thoughts, rise up and diminish
The pride resolves, until at last we are finished
We cannot reconcile with loss of innocence.

Minds trapped in pathological discourses
Ideology imposed by the ruling forces,
Too blind to seek truth at the heart of the sources
Dissent is drowned out in a fusion of voices.

They say death is the cousin of sleep
Perhaps that's preferable to these lives that we keep
We draw blood for the profits we reap
I see all around me red, white, and blue sheep.
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
I weep, for the naïvety of martyrs
Those that bear great weight that only gets harder
But with every step, they feel they push farther
Until their legs are sliced off as they start to feel taller.

I apologize, but I think we are vile
When death knocks on your door the brave men can all smile
Until their remains are organized into a pile
We approach the gas chambers in single file.

You can bury my heart down at Wounded Knee,
Where mothers cry and children flee
The rich laid claim on all the land they could see
They sought revolution but the Sioux weren't free.

White males easily succumb to their greed
Laughing uncontrolled while the innocent bleed
You can mourn their passing with your apostles creed
At least when warriors fall in battle, in death they are freed,

From all the filth, upon this desolate earth
We **** for monetary paper yet what is it worth?
I hope a ghost kills the machine in a single burst
I have seen truth in the darkness and I long for rebirth.  

I fear I have become lost in infinite totalities
Those that drain away my vigor and vitality
I feel that existence is nothing more than a parody,
And that we are the source of ultimate  hilarity.

I have sought to transcend, with zealous fervor
But I fear that my wisdom has become lost in the server
I can't earn her respect any more than I've hurt her
Destruction of love is something far worse than ******.
Franswa Hackett Jul 2010
I looked deep into nothingness, and I felt fear
The emptiness within me became vivid and clear
The cycles of deception brought shame and a tear
I thought her love would save me, but she isn't here.

And now I am left to reconcile my shame
I sacrificed virtue, seeking respect and fame
But respect is something I could never attain
Because the courage in me I'm unable to maintain.

I became so lost within my selfish revelries
I could not strike back and awaken bravery
There were no weapons left in the armorey
For cowardice had broken and devoured me.

I saw a ghost, in my prolonged absence
I realized I could not undo all the damage
And now I'm left, to search and to salvage
In pursuit of truth this whole earth I will scavenge.

I take heart in darkness and delirium
Though I am merely a slave to the imperium
A black hearted piece of bacterium
Though from my shame I will compose a requiem .

I looked into myself and saw a coward at heart
I held her love in my hands, and I ripped it apart
I realized that I was empty from the start
I thought that I'd find some measure of solace in Sartre.

I had forgotten the love for my comrades
Those I'd nearly lost in egotistical contests
One must escape from such cyclical mindsets
And awaken with honor when the red sun rises.

But from the brink of nothingness, I must return
Even it means I must light a torch and be burned
Strength is never given, it is something to be earned
For it is virtue itself that I must fight to discern.
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