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591 · Dec 2016
Ecstasy and Melody
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
We'll **** our way to heaven
Not even God can stop us
Nor the devil
We'll get a taste of ecstasy
You and me
483 · Dec 2016
Felix natalis
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
On the day that you were born
The angels rejoice and blew their trumpets
For an angel was born without wings yet can soar higher than them
The stars bow down to you, each planet was aligned to give their respect and gratitude
For a heavenly body was created, celestial yet down to earth
All the gods was blissful
For they thought a mortal can not possess such beatific smile
266 · Dec 2016
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
1. Me without you
263 · Dec 2016
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
I was calling for your soul
you must have heard another voice
237 · Dec 2016
My Succubus
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
I'll walk through the 9 circles of hell
Just to get to you
203 · Dec 2016
Everyone, drink
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
Let there be peace, let there be war, and let me die quietly in the bar
194 · Jan 2017
Pablo Honey Jan 2017
Is it wrong to compare your eyes to stars when I know yours are the brightest?
181 · Dec 2016
non dimittam
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
I can't imagine going back to my life before you.
It scares me
156 · Dec 2016
So take me home tonight
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
I was never sure
whether you were the sun
or the moon
but either way
You were the light
that guides me home
125 · Dec 2016
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
You **** me every night, everytime you look at me
You make my heart stop beating
Wrap your hands around my neck, grip it tight and
Smother me with your love
Choke me with your kindness
Suffocate me with your thoughts

And in the morning, expel your breathe softly so I can breathe you in and hold in, close to my skin
123 · Dec 2016
Pablo Honey Dec 2016
Life's a great thing,
but if you live long enough,
it wears out before it runs out
Read it from Stephen King's Bazaar of Bad Dreams (Mister Yummy)

— The End —