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Frances Ayers Jun 2010
What The Spring Knows

The Spring knows to wait its’turn
To sparkle after the winter dread
And burst forth with life anew
Reviving nature long since dead

First she’ll bring forth the flowers
Then she’ll awaken blades of grass
As she slowly increases the hours
A gift to man and all living things

She’ll impart a fragrance so inviting
As flowers bloom by her hand
The fragrant smell of the springtime
Spreading quickly through the land

Birds soaring across  the sky
Echoing such a pleasant tune
With Spring as their conductor
Flying underneath the moon

For Spring knows she must finish
and complete the task of natures birth
Giving the task over to summer
To refine and prune the entire earth
Frances Ayers Jun 2010
No More Tears Have Fallen From My Eyes

No more tears have fallen from my eyes
I look to Heaven and The Starry skies
To comfort and guide a spirit broken
Destiny takes charge:God has spoken
Bewildered and blessed,now I am free
Sadness fades as spirit lives in me.
Giving our all,expecting the best
of all lifes pleasures,not excepting less
Trusting life's tides will carry us along
To a better place and uplifting song
Reaping the benefits of a life well done
Enjoying the fruits of victories won.
Frances Ayers Jun 2010
As Old As The Sea

Deep and mysterious
With an endless roar
Lies the ancient sea
With its’ mystical lore

What creatures you hold
You harbor such secrets
Rich stories you’ve told

Both complex and moody
In storm or breeze
Showing a Clear blue face
Man sails across with ease

Deep within its depths
Lay cradle and grave
A final resting place
For the seafaring brave
Frances Ayers Jun 2010
A Patient Time

A time for waiting,a hibernation
Before we follow through on dreams
Careful planning,with determination
Putting away half baked schemes

No day or night is ever wasted
Patience builds slowly day by day
The fruit of forbearance is soon tasted
Sweet as honey where we lay

Suddenly we are engaged in life
Our souls’desire reaches out
And wraps its lasso around the moment
Discarding all our useless doubts
Frances Ayers Jun 2010
From Sorrow to Acceptance -By Frances Ayers

On sorrows'wings I journeyed to a land where I had never been.
Each loss was undiscovered country,landscapes I had never seen,mountains I had never climbed.

I had taken a journey past familiar landmarks I missed, and memories that were past.I had buried the familiar stories and neglected the happiness,which lay buried deep beneath the earth,only now and then pushing to the surface.

I drank from bitter springs and sat among the weeds,neglecting to seperate them from the flowers.
Beheld only the sunsetting but forgot the beauty in each new day.

When I had shed enough tears,I remembered the laughter echoing in the valley and heard the birds chirping a new song.

I saw the sun reflecting on the water.
and instead of weeds,I saw flowers. Where there were empty patches of dirt,I saw seedlings and the possibility of new beginnings.

— The End —