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Frances Ayers Aug 2014
The sea
Was free
Of  petty
And heady
Games humans play
Yet on display
A rough and tumble
Albeit humble
Visage of simple grace
She keeps an onward pace
To march with the sands of time
And cherishes the sublime
With a truthful gaze,for all men
And welcomes all into her den
Creatures that boast with unending pride
Called forth to answer,they can not hide
All who honor her,are sent on a path
A life changing journey,without her wrath
Frances Ayers Jun 2014
Summer is silent
For your voice lays in stillness
Begging to be heard

Counting memories
Among familiar scenes
Of what you once loved

Searching for echos
Only pictures come to mind
The heart keeps them close
Frances Ayers Jun 2014
Sometimes askew
As seen through filtered lens
And a cargo of emotions
Frances Ayers Feb 2013
Your machinations
An abhorrence that haunts me
I sit silently

As someone shell shocked
Feeling numb like Winter ice
In need of refuge

Expressionless face
Tears hidden beyond a veil
Searching for reasons

But dawn will soon come
As swiftly as the dark
Life in earnest waits
Frances Ayers Feb 2013
Does it ask much?
Clothed in simple attire

How still it is
Slumbering with the earth
While flowers dream

Beckons man and beast
It's fragrant bed
Always ready
Frances Ayers Feb 2013
Purest essence
The foundation of life
Lies within us

Washes over us
And purifies the soul
A new beginning

Forever one with nature
A gift to mankind
Frances Ayers Feb 2013
Pictures of her past
Lovely bright colors
Though dark at one point
As seen through filtered light
And a once darkened mind
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