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 Dec 2013 fragile
Jamie Horridge
Do you think your pain would fit in this bottle?
If so, baby, fill it up
'Cause look, I know you've been hurting
-- Sorry I'm not good at this stuff

I know all the words that make you smile
But I forget them when you look at me

Could you fill it up and send it back to me?
I wanna take your pain away
Don't laugh at me
Float your worries on the surface of the sea
I'll hold them for a while because I like when you're happy
Oh, I wish it was that easy
I wish you were that easy
 Dec 2013 fragile
i am every unfinished poem that sits in piles of crumpled paper by your waste bin and every crowded thought in the cranial space above your neck. i am every word that begs to be free from the tip of your tongue but remains just out of your memory's reach. i am comprised of the colors of sunrise but am more the mood of a sunset. i am the familiar  fingerprints on your favorite coffee mug. i am a wicker rocking chair on somebody's grandmother's porch. i am bite marks on your pencil and the crick in your neck. i am the vacant blurry buzz of an old television set. i am all of the places i have never been. i am lovers' names carved into summertime tree bark, promising "forever" - only to fall short of that promise by the time the leaves change. i am here. i am not where i belong.

you are the gravity that keeps my feet on earth. you are the atmosphere i breathe. you are the rain that feeds my soul & makes flowers grow. you are my revival and my revolution and the courage i kept hidden inside of closed fists for so long i formed crescent moons in my palms. you are an unstoppable fire that is burning me alive in the best way. you are the only rooftop i have ever visited that i haven't felt the urge to jump off of. you are the gentle hum and rumble of the washing machine i used to nap beside when i was a little girl. you are the creaky wooden swing in my backyard where i sat for countless hours and smoked and cried and pondered. you are all my favorite odds & ends bound together by my wildest dreams. you are sometimes so beyond my understanding, that i wonder when i'm going to wake up; and if i ever did find out that you were just a dream, i would bang on heaven's gates and plead with god to let me sleep. you are there. i am here, you are there.

one of us needs to move.

- m.f.
 Oct 2013 fragile
the shared hot breath is what makes me so crazy. the small battles of tongues are what make me so insane. in this instant in this moment i want it all back. i want it now and i want it forever. my senses are selfish. i want your hands pulling my legs over yours and i want to feel you smile as you pull away only to come right back. i want the pressure of your lips making love to my neck but so gently. i want to feel your hair slipping through my fingers. i want to brush your cheek with my fingertips and feel the sand. i want to hear the small laugh as you pull back. i want to ask are you laughing at me and to say dont laugh at me. and i want to say your name. then i want to say it again. i want to hear you laugh again and hear you say no youre just funny. it is all these things and more that make me so

(it is everything
all at once
that makes me so)

what if i want to hear you say should i not have kissed you? and what if i want to respond no thats not it. what if i kiss you again just to make sure you understand. and what if i ask okay? and your eyes look straight into mine as you nod and what if you say okay. and what if i kiss you again?

(i kissed you again)

and it makes me so
 Oct 2013 fragile
haiku four
 Oct 2013 fragile
never strong in swimming
but keeping my head above
these waves for you, dear
 Oct 2013 fragile
Jamie Horridge
I used to write you everyday. You begged me to. So even when I had nothing to say, I'd write you to tell you I did nothing that day. That was enough for you. It was enough for us. We fell even more in love through words, and I wonder if that is why I still wake up with you fresh on my mind some days. I don't dream of you like I used to. Lately I dream of your friendship. Valuable to me as our relationship was, comfortable in your presence just as I was.
I truly fell in love with poetry around the same time I fell in love with you.
 Oct 2013 fragile
haiku six
 Oct 2013 fragile
the words in my throat
endless reverberating
like bats in a cave
 Oct 2013 fragile
haiku seven
 Oct 2013 fragile
your love, an ocean
upon which i float - your arms
anchors; i won't drift
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