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Toni Mar 2014
The man with the golden hair falling
Nothing to hang on to as he descended

He took a deep breathe
I couldn't make out the words

Nobody acted like they believed me
I was floating

Walls and ceilings were lost in vast, arching shadows
Distorted like funhouse images

Who wants to die alone?
Where no days break or nights fall

The rising sun was shining now
But besides that, there's nothing
This was another assignment in my poetry class. This is a found poem, so all the lines were taken from "The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp" by Rick Yancey.
Toni Mar 2014
Above me, stars. Beneath me, constellations.
Still, endless, haunted by the dark.
I have passed by the watchman on my
Evening stroll, unwilling to explain
Why God does not leave us.
Still, endless, haunted by the dark.
And now far off in the fragrant
Darkness I see him,
And further still at an unearthly height.
Still, endless, haunted by the dark.
This poem is a composition of other artists' lines, from poems I read in my poetry class. The assignment was to take lines or phrases from three poems about night and include words of your own in order to form a poem.

— The End —