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243 · Feb 2019
Urgent Request
FM Feb 2019
By Farrah Murphy

Please say a prayer for the children who are hurt each day. They didn't ask to grow up this way.
They don't deserve the bruises and pain. What is happening to them is insane.
They want to have fun, laugh and play. But their innocence and childhood has been taken away.
Children need to be protected...they are a gift from above. So many of them have never known love.
This is an urgent request....please pray!! Abuse is happening everyday!!
158 · Jan 2019
The American Flag
FM Jan 2019
Our flag waves boldy from day to day. A sign of freedom that hasn't been taken away.
It flies high to remind us of sacrifice, unity and pride. Its a symbol we have to remember those who still fight as well as those who died.
Our country is not perfect and it never will be. But the American flag will always be a sight I'm proud to see.
153 · Feb 2019
Message to a Caregiver
FM Feb 2019
Message to a Caregiver

Times are hard right now. It's okay to be tired and feel blue. You are dealing with things the best you know how. You are doing what you can do.

It's okay not to feel strong. Don't apologize for crying. Your days and nights are long. These times you are in are very trying.

Don't be afraid to call and share.  It's
okay to let it all out. Your true friends really do care. Please pick up the phone without any doubt.

I'm praying for you as you walk down this road. I'm asking God to help you make it through. I know you are overwhelmed carrying such a heavy load. Please always remember I'm here and I love you.
137 · Nov 2019
Happy Halloween
FM Nov 2019
Monsters, clowns and ghosts made of sheets. Spooky music, haunted houses and a whole lot of treats.

Families and friends together late on a school night. All for a good time of thrills and fright.
134 · Sep 2021
He Knows Me
FM Sep 2021
The One who knows me best whispers his truths when I'm longing to hear. He knows my struggles and He calms my fears.
He knows my flaws but he never turns away. He shows me His goodness day after day.

The One who knows me best doesn't leave me alone with no where to turn. He gave me His words to read and learn.  His promises are real and  His wisdom prevails. He knows my every need and his love never fails.

The One who knows me best knows my whole story. He has provided me with His peace, grace and glory. He cares about me and all that I do. He wants to make sure that I know Him too.
133 · Jan 2019
Never too Late
FM Jan 2019
It's never too late:
To reconcile relationships that need to be mended,
To apologize if I have offended.

To forgive if i feel someone did me wrong,
To move on and not let the battle prolong.

To start over again and take a different route,
To do it with confidence without any doubt.

To try real hard to do what's right,
To work on a resolution, even when it seems out of sight.

To lay down my burdens and try to let go,
To nurture and replenish, and try to grow.
122 · Dec 2021
My God
FM Dec 2021
He is the anchor that holds me stable. He gives me strength when I don't feel able. When everything seems dark he is my light. When I feel like I'm falling He holds me tight.

He is my compass when I feel like I've lost my way. He never leaves me, He continues to stay. He is my shelter when the storms come and take their toll. When I feel broken and defeated he restores my soul.
109 · Jul 2020
I'd Rather
FM Jul 2020
I would rather spend my energy lifting others up rather than tearing them down.
I would rather make someone smile rather than seeing them frown.

I would rather stay quiet or use kind words rather than judge critically and start a debate. I would rather be known for peace and love rather than harshness and hate.

I would rather talk with close friends rather than people who don't know me. I would rather keep my opinions to myself rather than posting them for the whole world to see.
103 · May 2020
Release and Begin
FM May 2020
Be still and quiet....let the noise fade away.
Breathe deep and sigh.....pushing the negativity away.

Kneel down and close your eyes...release all from within. Enter into prayer...let your new day begin.
96 · Jun 2020
Hiding Sorrow
FM Jun 2020
Sadness held inside, hiding it so no one can see. Putting on a smile, but when I'm alone I let it flee.

Things get complicated and my world falls apart. Trying to hold things together, especially pieces of my heart.
87 · Jan 2020
Looking Forward
FM Jan 2020
2019 is over & done. It held some hard times but also some fun.

We shared tears, laughs, ups and downs. Some days started with smiles and some ended with frowns.

But we made it through and overall our blessings were plenty. Now, here's wishing you hope, health, joy and love in 2020!
85 · Jul 2020
Awaken Me
FM Jul 2020
Let my soul be awakened and my mind be clear. Help me to be still and quiet so that I might hear.

Let my eyes be opened to see the glory you bring. Fill me with your spirit and let my heart sing.
80 · Jul 2020
4th of july
FM Jul 2020
4th of July

Hanging out with friends and family with drinks by the pool. Grilling burgers and eating homemade ice cream... trying to stay cool.

Yards decorated with flags and everyone wearing red, white and blue. Cities with activities planned, people choosing what to do.

Dark sky filled with loud sounds and light. Fireworks booming with colors so bright.

A fun time to celebrate but let's not forget why. Let's remember our history on this 4th of July.

We will gather together with much to do and see. Let's be proud Americans and be thankful we are FREE!
77 · Jun 2020
Who Am I... Really?
FM Jun 2020
When we leave this world what will people think and remember most? A person with character and dignity? Or our judgements and opinions on our Facebook posts?
74 · Nov 2020
Remember Thanksgiving
FM Nov 2020
Christmas is here, or so some may say. The music is playing, decorations are on display. Stores have more merchandise than ever before. People are scurrying and planning to buy more. Kids are making lists for Santa to see, while some parents are  stressed as can be.

I have been called a scrooge and some may not like my ways. Please forgive me for not counting down the days. You see,  I will slow down for something important I don't want to skip....a holiday others may not believe is as hip.

When Christmas comes I will remember Jesus is the reason but not before I  celebrate the Thanksgiving season. I will bring out the sweet handprint turkeys and memories from each one. And I will reminisce about past Thanksgivings and all of the fun.

I will think about those who look down from above....the lessons they taught about gratitude and love. I treasure the traditions  of recipes shared, stories always told, and football in the yard even when it was cold.  

And still to this day excitement will mount as we gather together with so many blessings to count. Family and friends and so much food to eat....but the time we spend together will be the ultimate treat!!!
59 · Sep 2020
Today's Challenge
FM Sep 2020
Today, I  challenge you and myself to be positive and do something great. Spread good news and stay away from hate.

Give away smiles and show people respect. Have some fun and let go of regret.

Turn your radio up loud, sing and be free.
Look around and point out all the blessings you see.

We can make a difference with our attitude today. It will take work and effort but we can find a way!

Use kind words and strive to do what's right. Let others know you care and be a shining light!
59 · Mar 2020
Weathering the Storm
FM Mar 2020
Times are crazy right now, we all know it's true. People are running around , not sure what to do. Grocery store shelves are empty and schools are out. Some people are scared, others have doubt.

But one thing is certain, everyone has something to say. There is no silence, the noise grows everyday. Everyone is busy telling each other what's wrong or right. Chaos is among us and we are all losing sight.

It's not a time to judge or criticize decisions that have been made. No one needs us giving them a passing or failing grade. Instead, let's respect each other and be kind. And realize we don't always have to speak our mind!

We are all human trying to make it day by day. Everyone won't see things exactly the same way. But we can practice patience and pray for wisdom through this storm we are trying to weather. And remember at the end of the day we are all in this together!
56 · Jul 2020
Time in Heaven
FM Jul 2020
Listening to country music on the cloud of your choice. Thankful to be together and hearing each other's voice.

Having a joyful time with no worries or fears. All happy thoughts and no more tears.

Living in beauty that you had to see to believe. Rejoicing with your Father knowing you never have to leave.
55 · Aug 2020
The Gift of Today
FM Aug 2020
Today was a gift....did I unwrap it with a smile and appreciate it? Or was I ungrateful and pitch a fit?

Did I say thank you and tell others how happy the gift made me? Or did I take it for granted and let the excitement flee?

Did I let others enjoy their day by having a good attitude? Or did my words and actions put them in a bad mood.
50 · May 2020
South Georgia
FM May 2020
We like boiled peanuts and high school and college football. We like country music and we have a southern drawl.

We like peach ice cream on a hot summer day. We like sitting on the porch, even though we have to fan the gnats away.

You may find us drinking beer on the tailgate of a pick up truck. Or you may find us waiting in the woods for a doe or a buck.

We believe in southern hospitality and saying yes or no ma'am. We believe in sitting around a table eating fried chicken or ham.

We always say ya'll and we drink sweet tea. And to us, south Georgia is a great place to be!
47 · Mar 2020
Time Out
FM Mar 2020
Why are we in a hurry? We seem to move in a constant scurry? Why do we want everything right now? We act like we can't wait or maybe we have forgotten how. What are we teaching our kids? Is this how we want them to be? Is our busy lifestyle all they will ever see? We tell them to be patient, but we do not show them the way. They watch us rush day after day. We complain about the long drive thru line, but we are too busy to go in and dine. They hear us say move fast, that we have to go. But what's wrong with taking a break and moving slow?
Perhaps we are not as busy as we claim to be. Maybe it's what we are choosing as our priority. What we say to our kids and what we show them are not the same. Surely it's confusing and it really is a shame. We tell them we are too busy to play because we have to clean and cook.  But first we sit down and check facebook.. We tell them they should stop playing games...that they should go outside and ride their bikes. But we stay in and post a selfie and wait for all the likes. We say time has flown but how much of it was wasted staring at a phone.
We do not have to continue this way. We can choose to change today. I, for one, want to take a time out. Being busy is not what I want to be about. I want to enjoy my family face to face. My desire is to move at a slower pace. I want to live in the moment and look forward to what's next. I don't want to worry about responding to every text. I want to have a purpose in all that I do. Maybe if I stop rushing and put my phone down.... I will be able to.
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