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Oct 2010 · 1.5k
The Sorrowful
FM Oct 2010
From under her lids
do the tears flow,
into a sea that surrounds her.
it does not touch her
but yet breaks her with it's pungent darkness
and eerie story behind each drop
and into a  sadness yet not spoken.
Sep 2010 · 583
FM Sep 2010
I look in the mirror,
And what do I see?
A nose the size of Jupiter
A mouth that looks like I swallowed a train
And hair that would only look good if the afro came back
A So-Called
With clothes that always seem too tight,
And thighs that could double as hams
I feel so far away from
I may be 13, but I still have the face of a 2 year old.
I know they say it matters what’s on the inside, and
A size doesn’t make a person,
But what am I to do in a world where
Beauty triumphs brains
And you want to be some plastic thing
On the cover of a magazine
The world is so distant from
Aug 2010 · 590
I Am...
FM Aug 2010
i am a dream for whom brings you to either your biggest fear
or live your fantasy
you see me as a lullaby, your cloud,
the ever beckoning hand in your mind,
calling you to sleep.
I am a child's memory that never was,
I am a vision of everything and nothing,
I appear only to the call of the night
I create tall tales you wish were real but are merely a wish.
I carry you away and wrap you in ribbons of joy that fade away only to be rediscovered later
My Song will call you in.......
Aug 2010 · 580
FM Aug 2010
This little, bitty object I hold is love.
Too small? Unheard of! This love is like a flower missing sunshine and water.
Right now love has no one to be given to.
How to find such a person?
Your heart will help you, for your heart and love are connected like Yin and Yang. Together they survive.
Why is mine growing?
Why because I give my love to anyone who reads what I write. Isn’t that a gift to love? To be given?
What gift are you giving to your piece of love?
Aug 2010 · 699
Never Left Alone
FM Aug 2010
The deeper sadness I cannot comprehend is deeply buried in to my mind,
The feeling knotting in your stomach, not from a virus, no, but from your sorrow.
But it can come from anything.
The human life endures much, and takes its toll on the heart,
Picking it away, slowly, in different shapes and sizes depending on how much your soul hurts.
you cringe at the idea of speaking, you wish to be left in the background, and yet, all eyes are on you,
as the next heart-wrenching soul takes another bit out of you
Aug 2010 · 661
FM Aug 2010
ever look up and see yourself drifting?
ever see what could be?
what road you could take,
what you could choose?

if you could choose would you choose me?
would you choose a light-heart that's been made heavy?
would you find a way to get rid of my burden?
or would you choose to leave?

would you find a way to escape?
or would you find a way to make us disappear,
to be alone,
just for a day?
or would you stay tucked behind the pages of your book to be alone
with the girl inside your mind?

when you find yourself drifting in and out of a conversation,
you're usually distracted.
most times its because you've just fallen for someone.

if you find yourself drifting,
see if you can find out why.
and if you uncover me,
you'll probably find me drifting as well,
because of you.

i'll be dreaming only of you.
love me in memories not yet made,
but will you dream of me too?
Aug 2010 · 791
FM Aug 2010
I’m an effigy
That you don’t see
Through the blinds
Of another kind
of emotion
and this notion
of when I see his eyes
That passes me by
I sing a song
Of my lifelong
Tears cut and broken
I’m just forgotten
presently an image in the water,
I only seem to fade
like a disregarded effigy.
How can it be,
That the water deep and cold
can hold a little effigy like me,
lost in pain?

— The End —