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May 2013 · 2.6k
no. 14 (nomadic love)
flower May 2013
It was a moment so chilling when I realized I had feelings for you again.
Yes, again.
This rotation of endless "agains" has kept me up day and night in anger,
love, lust,  but most of all, confusion.
This relation we have is driven by ****** jabs and hurtful comments
designed to inflict the most pain on each other.
This "again" that I feel will fade into nothing more than another hatred for you.
But just like every other time, soon we will both start gazing at each other from across the room
and quickly looking away as though the other hadn't seen our eyes on their face;
We will begin once again lose the offensive spews
and our small conversations will evolve into tense talks with blushed cheeks and hot ears;
Yet somehow, I cannot get enough of this cycle of "agains".
It is addictive like your personality.
It is an obsession like your ability to make me crazy.
I am crazy for you,
but at the same time I fear that this ***** craze with wear off
and we will be left with nothing but silence.
Could this be true admiration for one another? Is this chemical?
Or is this passionate relationship powered on by our teenage hormones and sexually-frustrated bodies?
Just tell me what you want.
If you are happy, I will be content.
I guess, if you look at our situation from afar,
you could say we're in love. I’d disagree.
This is nothing but an infatuation between two people both sharing one common thing:
somebody who they can imitate passionate love with again and again.
I crave your physical touch and your boyish humor.
I need your attention most of all.
You need it too; you need me more than I need you.
How you wish to brush your lips against mine and feel my body and hold my hand and be mine. Nonetheless I wish for that too. Badly.
Nightly I torture myself over what to think, what to want.
But every time this happens, I push you away.
And the cycle of "agains" return, only to ruin us inside even more.
May 2013 · 1.1k
no. 13 (frills are fake)
flower May 2013
my mom gave me a lovely pair of pajama bottoms
sewn from baby pink satin
with cream lace edges.

i loved to wear those frilly little shorts
day and night and night and day
until i realized something not-so-lovely.

they soon became a lacy representation
of your see-through personality
with the way my ******* showed through.
flower May 2013
if i had one wish
it'd be to capture the darkness in your pupils
and store it in a glass vial;
so whenever it felt necessary
i could pour the cosmos from your eyes
and feel as luminous as the stars
May 2013 · 1.0k
no. 11 (the noose)
flower May 2013
i have a rope around my neck
and it's  sliding
         ­             tighter on my throat.
                  my life is in peril
            for a string of corded jute has proven stronger than man
flower May 2013
you petty people should thank me
for all the work i've done.
what work, may you ask?
why, have you not read a classic?
have you not heard beautiful orchestral music?
don't tell me i'm worthless!
for from my invisible ***** have sprung
millions of brilliant works
admired by humans on a daily basis.
why do humans seek love
when the route to me is less ragged?
what did love ever bring to the table?
artwork? literature? no!
the novels you read about passionate lovers
springs from the very emotion that i behold!
love never typed or scripted
or sang or acted
for it is me--sadness!--who spins the earth.
he's crazed! you may gasp
but when my influence finds you
it'll seep from the music notes
and drip from printed words
like the blood of a slit vein
(which, may i humbly add,
i have also given rise to)
and overcome your mind likewise
to the countless others
doubtful of my solitary strength.
but nonetheless my beautiful wrath is here to stay
in the form of human emotion and creation
but i will never succumb to my own nature
because frankly
i enjoy my work.
May 2013 · 1.2k
no. 9 (devil's handicraft)
flower May 2013
your eyes are the devil's work
but your hands, good heavens,
and the work of god*

he told me
May 2013 · 1.1k
no. 8 (hex//capture//keep)
flower May 2013
hex / my / soul
with the promise of "forever" ;

capture / my / emotion
with a softened expression in the morning sun ;

keep / my / heart
with three words of priceless definition
May 2013 · 796
no. 7 (i)
flower May 2013
the word i
is the most interesting of all letters and words
because i contains all of your raw emotions and raw ideas
    because i drives all of humanity to succeed and conquer
        because i withholds the secret to inner thought and inner feeling

but the word us
is the most fascinating of all by far
because us contains all of our accomplishments and successes
    because us drives all of our passion to love and intensity to love
        because us withholds the secret to eternal happiness and eternal love
flower May 2013
tell me, my love,
why do the birds sing
while humans are killed?
(because they are oblivious, you said.)

explain to me, my love,
why do humans ****
while the birds sing?
(because we are evil, you said.)

so tell me, my love,
are the birds
just like humans,
and are humans
just like the birds?
(yes, because we are both ignorant, you said.)
May 2013 · 632
no. 5 (a request)
flower May 2013
my knees are weak and
       i wish nothing more but for you to steady them
by pressing your wine lips to mine
       and moving to the hymn of my shivers
and keeping tempo to the beat of my heart.

my eyes are tired and
       i wish nothing more but for you to relieve them
by humming a tune into my ear
       and breathing to the rhythm of my bloodstream
and sleeping to the sound of silence
May 2013 · 653
no. 4 (cloud//wind//water)
flower May 2013
you are the clouds enveloping the sun as you wrap your arms around me
you are the winds swaying the grasses as you rock my body to calm me
you are the seas eroding the rocks as you hold my shoulders to console me
flower May 2013
flower May 2013
oh i dont seem like much
but when i trap you and fill your mouth with
verbs and synonyms youll see that my syntax has
been begging to touch
your lips and feel your lungs and there isnt
much punctuation in this poem which you can clearly
see but it doesnt really matter to me much because ill
know with your disgust at my inability to
use proper grammar that youll have acknowledged
my existence
May 2013 · 862
no. 1 (burnt)
flower May 2013
i took (one) look at you
and a sip (of) my whisky
and both burned with (these) emotions
raw like the cold (days) of january;
but nonetheless (you'll) always give me pleasure
and i'll always (be) receiving it
like a child of (mine).

— The End —