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1.1k · Nov 2014
Qui suis-je?
Floris Nov 2014
Je suis né ici, je suis un enfant de l'héraut
Un enfant de france et un enfant du monde.
Mais je ne suis plus un enfant,
Alors qui suis-je vraiment?
Je suis fils de mes parents,
Le fils d'une tragédie, le fils de l'eau et le frère d'un ange.
Mais je suis en vie,
Je suis le fils du terroir et de la pluie,
Des animaux et des plantes qui m'ont nourris
Mais le temps est passé et j'ai grandi,
Alors qui suis-je aujourd'hui?
Je suis un homme, de taille moyenne,
Avec une tête pleine de questions,
Avec une bouche qui souri souvent,
Et des yeux qui pleurent presque autant,
Parce qu'on m'a appris a avoir des sentiments,
Et a savoir être faible autant qu’être fort,
A partager toutes mes idées,
Et ne chercher que la vérité.
Je suis un élève du doute,
Et aujourd’hui plus que jamais,
Je me demande où mes pensées vont m'emmener.
On m'a enseigné l'harmonie et gentillesse,
Mais comment ne jamais blesser?
Comment se faire des amis
Sans se faire autant d'ennemis?
Quel que soit ce que je suis,
Quels que soient mes choix,
Quelqu'un les appelleras erreurs
Et me haïra pour ça.
Mais on m'a aussi dit que les choix ne sont pas des erreurs.
Alors qui suis-je? Je suis moi.
Je forge mon petit bout de miroir, et je l’appellerais vérité.
Et si quelqu'un viens me le reprocher,
Je lui dirais: "désolé,
Mais j'ai dû faire un choix."
This is a poem about me, about my origins, so it's written in my mothertongue. Sorry for those who won't understand it.
692 · Nov 2014
Floris Nov 2014
Hello little piece of sunshine,
I'm currently searching for you
I just want to see you smile
And then to smile back at you

I don't know what you've been through
Nor the scars on your poor heart
But I'll make them fade away
When I will find you

When you're getting too lonely
And you feel like losing hope
Just sharp your will and remember
I'm there, somewhere, caring for you.

But I beg you, my dear sunshine
Don't let sadness take you away
Don't cut the life out of your heart
Before I come to hug you.
378 · Oct 2014
Floris Oct 2014
They are around me, laughing and singing, dancing like there is no tommorow.
I'm among them under the starry sky, but i'm not with them.
my body is here, but my eyes gaze unto the firmament.
My mind fly to the stars. They take me back to the days when I was close to you, instead of this unknown crownd.
When I could be myself, true and whole, naked of any disgusting disguise.
But then I remember. I'm alone under the stars. You are long gone and only the cold embrace of night is here to hug me now.
You are under the same stars but far away on earth, you are living and i'm only wasting my pale life here.
Your thought are blossoming like a hundred flowers while i'm sitting in my empty mind stuck on repeat.
So I accept my fate and come back to my body among this people I don't trust, I put back my smily mask and I start dancing to the same music.
I blend into the sound, move my body accordingly, hoping my heart will burst as the bass drop.
And when the music is over, I come back on my feet and continue walking alone as if nothing never happened.
369 · Oct 2014
Another lonely day
Floris Oct 2014
Another lonely day filled up with tears and cries
Another wish of death into the silent night
Another stained blade with the blood of my veins
Another endless hour, will the morning light come?

But the blood is flowing throught the deep gaping wound
And I feel like the death, slowly, is taking me...
I think about my hopes, my friends, my family
I think about the tears my death will engender

I start to fall asleep, into final coma
But right before the end, I think about the one
Who's chosen by my heart, but who'll never take it
And who love someone else, a beatiful jewel

And I let the death come to destroy this body
Who never won the love from the beloved one
And lying in my grave, in my very last sleep
I will be the angel who guard him in dark times.

— The End —