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K Apr 2013
They say there's a man called the Doctor

With two hearts and a magical box.

If you travel with him—

Dash away on a whim—

You will find he is lost when he talks.

"Hello!" he will say; "I'm the Doctor!"

Yet there's something so sad in his grin.

He won't voice it to you,

Lest he spoil your view,

But he dreams of and yearns for his kin.

And the awful thing about the Doctor,

Which he rues and resents but requires,

Is that everyone leaves

And his loneliness cleaves

Both his hearts and their desperate desires.

So if ever you meet the good Doctor,

If he offers to take you away,

And if you fall in love,

Know that he stands above—

Don't expect him to want you to stay
K Apr 2013

Fires light the sky

Smoke and grass

The lemurs stand

Watchful glance

Society crumbles

The fall of man

Mother earth rumbles

She's taking back her land

All that's left

Make a stand

The sheep move

While the eagles soar

A follower today

Leading them to shore

Tears now

Breathe is gone

Body alight

One soul

One sound

This green ignites

A blaze of color

New earth

It stands asunder

Allow the currents to fall

Staring in wonder
K Apr 2013
Half a pint is still a cup

A good amount to drink

Half a blink means so much more

As a secret wink

Half an earbud works just right

To hear two things at once

Half a pencil's all you need

To keep drawing for months

Half a shoe is best for sun

And splashing in the sea

Half a notebook feels just right

To write a short story

Half a secret's good enough

To keep your mind at bay

And that's the way it ought to be

Until I'm brave someday
K Apr 2013
You've killed us with sword, and you've killed us with bow

Killed us by dropping us down far below

You take our remains and use them for crafting,

Now, Minecrafter, we have questions for asking.

Which of us 'mobs' do you the most fear?

Who makes you shake when our name you do hear?

Answer us, Notch-Child, answer us well

Your innermost fears to us you shall tell.

Is the Creeper, the camouflaged one

That scares you the most (Even in the Sun)?

For whenever he sees you, he flashes in white,

And will, lest vanquished, explode in the night?

Maybe the Zombie, who travels in hordes,

Attacking Testificates, breaking down doors?

When the terrible moan comes forth from his throat,

Do you despair, do you lose all hope?

Perhaps a Skeleton, wielding his bow,

Is he – do you think – the most terrible foe?

The ****** that sees you, wherever you are,

Draws back his weapon and kills from afar?

Could it be a Spider, eyes glowing red,

That climbs up the walls, does he fill you with dread?

Perchance it's his brother, down in the mines,

With poisonous fangs he waits, biding his time?

Perchance the Silverfish, hiding in rock,

That swarm and attack should you break down its block?

Is it them you fear whilst exploring the caves

Faced with them, can you call yourself brave?

Or the Slime, living far underground

That scares you away with its odd shape and sound?

The small ones can't hurt you, that much is true,

But the largest ones bring harm swiftly to you.

You've crafted a portal, and think yourself clever,

But can you withstand our dear friends in the Nether?

They dwell in a land full of lava and fire

Do you fear the ones in the burning mire?

The Zombie Pigman, needing no explanation,

They protect one another, an undead nation.

Are they the ones that you find most frightening?

And appear in Overworld when a pig's struck by lightning?

Is it the Ghast, silver tear in its eye,

That scares you away and makes you cry?

It really is best not to get in one's way

If one shot at you, would you run from the fray?

What of the Blaze, whose body burns bright,

Guardian of fortresses, that sets you alight?

Maybe it's they who send you running to

Your home where you dream of the water deep blue.

We're nearing the End of our little game,

Our question, however, is always the same.

Are you scared of the 'mobs' in the land full of void?

Or maybe, perhaps, you're just vaguely annoyed?

Fear you the Enderman, standing so tall

Him do you fear, the most of all?

Look not to his eyes or he'll teleport near you

And **** unless you swim in water clear and blue.

Or the Dragon, whom to leave the End you must fight,

That heals himself with pillars of light?

He flies through the air, majestic and black,

But face him you must, for there's no turning back.

You've killed us with lava, killed us by drowning,

But now whom the most fearful one are you crowning?

You've killed us, even, with your bare fists.

For now, questions answered, we retreat to the mists.

Which mob do YOU fear?
K Apr 2013
Roses are red.
Portals are blue.
How can I explain the feelings of love for you?
I gave you a turret, Shiny and new.
You gave it right back, because it shot bullets into you.
I gave you a Cube Companion, weighted and fine.
You threw it down a hole, because it threatened to stab you all the time.
I gave you a combustible lemon, nice and ripe.
You burned my house down in the middle of the night.
I gave you real confetti, Colorful and full of taste.
You threw it away, because it was just taking up space.
I gave you a portal of orange and blue
You saw that I loved you and now you do too
K Apr 2013
I was supposed to write a poem for you
(Very sorry, if it's horrible)
But here's all you need too know.
You don't learn to write it just comes and goes
And once you experience Ocarina of Time
But to finish, it'll take a while
You know I like you right?
But you really are polite
At least you like Doctor Who
Because I don't know what I'd do
If someone as awesome as you
Hated it as much as others
People call you names
But you aren't lame
Remember that my friend
Because one day
You'll need all the
Inspiration you can get
K Apr 2013
a poem about what happened at Lake Silencio, enjoy :)

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

Running all your life,

Hiding from the strife.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock,

Time has come to stop,

Because he couldn't drop.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

She wouldn't let him die,

No matter how he tried.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

Your time has come to end,

So has the bow tie-trend.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

They heard that he would fall,

So they answered her call.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

The doctor did not die,

River looked him in the eye.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

It ends by the lake,

The Universe is at stake.

Tick tock,

Goes the clock.

The question about you,

It is, doctor who?
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