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2.0k · Jan 2014
Still bitter vent to my ex
To my ex (you know who you are)

It's been over a year, guess what???

You've got a lot of nerve. First of all, it is you, the one with the insecurities. The one who CHOSE to carry your past into our future. By doing so, you destroyed us and the fake family you portrayed to everyone while I was "Daddy" to that ******* baby since he wasn't man enough to be a father. You use people to get what you want and when you drain them of every single last little bit you throw them away and act like a victim. But I digress.

Do you know what it feels like to live your life in fear? Oh wait, you do! Then why the **** would you have subjected us to that abuse!?

The games you played with my mind. Making me think I was the one with the problem. Making sure EVERYONE thought it was me. The lies that would come out of that hole in your face with that messed up pretty smile. The constant yelling, mental abuse, and your physical abuse of hitting me in the face several times and then lying about it!

*******, *****! You thought you were the "man" of the house. The one who wore the pants. Everyone was wrong and you were always right. Constantly putting me and others down....*******.

You had me feeling lower than dirt. I thank GOD for sending me a guardian angel disguised as a disagreement at my business. It was the kindness from a business partner that woke me up. Gave me hope and gave flight to my dreams.

God knows the truth. Be glad it's not up to me to judge you. I'm just glad it ended when it did! I thank God EVERYDAY for the strength he gave me to get out from under your thumb and start new. Yet you lied to everyone again trying to be a victim.

Now I'm bigger, better and stronger. If any women did that **** you did to me, now, I'd knock them flat on their *****!

Every time I think of you, I get ******. You make me sick to my stomach! You don't deserve the people in your life that you still have fooled and one day they too will wake up and see who you really are. Even more you don't deserve that son of yours that is just a pawn to you. He deserves better, much better than you will ever be able to give him.

What's ******* ridiculous is that you CONTINUE to play these mind games with other people who haven't a clue to your deception and fall under your spell.

Your son needs a mother who loves and adores hims. Not some drunk loser pretending to be something she's not.

That's what you were doing right since losing your job for abusing seniors, drinking, smoking *** and ******* ******* again? That's what I hear your new hobby is anyway.

And by the way I don't need your forgiveness for anything!!! I was falsely blinded by your ability to pretend and deceive people, while you spent all my money, ran my businesses into the ground, used me as a baby sitter, then when things finally fell apart you lied to everyone and managed to convince several people that I was the problem, the lier, insecure blah blah blah. Guess what ***** your time will come. Under that fake *** front you put on (which fails when your drunk) you are nothing but an insecure loser who hangs out with people whom you think are "below" you in efforts to make yourself feel adequate... I do have to say you have a gift to play people, you learned from the best, look what it's done for your Dad lol, by the way what's it like having a stepmom & grandparent to you son who is only three years older than you? I mean you both are in your early twenties! and your dad is how old?? Your time will come! Hopefully I be around see...
1.7k · Jan 2014
Kiss my ass
******* *****.
I laugh at your misery.
Subtle is not your style.
I look in your stupid eyes and see you are up to no good.
You're a wild *****..
Misunderstood by the world? Hardly!
Try sleeping around you when I was tired.
You blew your snotty nose on my pillow case.
Your ***** smelled like nasty perfume.
like the scent of a dead tuna fish.
My nose smelled you nasty *****.
When I smelled your rotting *****
I puked for days.
Take a bath you nasty stinking *****.

— The End —