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Jan 2021 · 154
Firoiu Daniel Jan 2021
The tides are bringing dread again,
As men are running from the beast,
The mast is creaking from the strain,
For wind is blowing from the east.

She weaves her web with careful eyes,
As if she spins the wheels of time,
The ship must reach and meet her ties,
Of all her thoughts this is the prime.

For at the shore she knows who waits,
And want to get a glimpse so madly,
Of the man anointed by the fates,
The only one she wants so badly.

Her magic fingers twine the knots,
She sighs, and finally lets out a gasp,
This time the net is filled with dots,
This time, he won’t escape her grasp.

He glance the storm with troubled eyes,
As the waves are getting darker still,
‘Poseidon could not blacken the skies,
It must be you’, he whispers with a thrill.

The news of war have reached the land,
And sorrow has engulfed his heart,
The enemy has risen from the sand,
As king, he now must play his part.

‘I know you're watching through the veils,
We’ve met so many times and kissed,
And danced and intertwined our tales,
Yet every time I slipped away in mist’.

She listens quietly, with hungry eyes,
The web is strong and well sustained,
This time, she will ensnare her prize,
By thousands ties he will be chained.

The oracle has spoken against the war,
He knows there is no time to wait,  
For the enemy has reached the shore,
He must now face them at the strait.

‘I know you’re waiting in the shadows,
So many times I’ve slipped your snare,
And since each time you got so close,
This time, I might be out of luck to spare’.

Fierce and unafraid he leaps into the fight,
With just his guard he must delay the storm.
He swings each blow with all his might,
By every mean he must detain the swarm.

Shield in hand as spear is red with blood,
His brothers falling to the scarlet ground,
While enemies are coming like a flood,
To die in this place, now his fate is bound.

'The time has come for our last dance,
I know you crave me as I now crave you,
It will be warm and safe in your embrace,
As we cross the river Styx into Elysium’.
Oct 2020 · 160
Firoiu Daniel Oct 2020
'Oh, look how bright the stars now shine,
You must sleep tight sweet child of mine,
Now that the sun had set his last,
And one by one the stars will pass.'

The night is young my one true love,
While darkness sprung and rise above,
You must your heart now to succumb,
For him to part, the time has come.

'You speak of things I don't possess,
For as time swings my heart beats less,
To give away my flesh and bone?,
To let him stray in the unknown?.'

The gods forsaken this foul world,
As depths awakens the last chord.
The core's unsteady and will waste,
The vessel's ready, we must haste.

'You plunge a dagger in my chest,
As Krypton stagger to its rest,
You rip the soul out from my core,  
And leave a hole I cannot bore.'

The void you speak will fade away,
For in the wreak that comes this way,
We will be ash, and dust, and glow,
And in a flash our times will flow.

'Arise, and fly into the dark,
As life here dies you light a spark,
And as I cope with you apart,
I die with hope inside my heart.'

You must not grieve for him again,
For he will live among the men,
And though be raised as one as well,
He will be gazed, as god Kal’El.

'Oh, look how bright now Kandor burns,
You travel light, as life now turns,
Whatever odds might bring the tide,
I pray the gods your path to guide.'

Fear no harm for he will reach,
Time will charm and space will breach,
Through all your fears, Earth at last,
And all your tears would have passed.

'Alone and scared, my poor small child,'
Do not despair, he won’t grow wild.
'But… who will teach him to be kind?'
A way to reach, the Kent’s will find.
'And who will shield him from the harm?'
He will be healed by the red sun.
'That world he’ll run upon his flight?'
I hope it’s one that doesn’t fight.
'What if the vessel will not reach?'
The pod will wrestle and should breach.
'The fuel consumed, or engine torn?'
Than we have doomed our souls to mourn.
Mar 2016 · 334
Hero of war
Firoiu Daniel Mar 2016
I was brought into this world by the miracle of birth,
Just another living thing on the planet we call earth.
But as time has gone beside, I was taught that I am more,
I've been told that I am human, that I am superior.

I have grown up in a world, full of tales of the war,
While the bad part of the stories I have chosen to ignore.
And enchanted by the dreams of the fool that I have been,
I have followed up my heart and the warrior within.

And I went to join the army, out of vanity and pride,
In the name of our fathers, for the glory of my flag.
So I packed up all my bags and I've taken up my gun,
As I went to fight the shadows of the desert's hungry sun.

And I needed to remember all the reasons that I fight,
While I'm setting up my armor like a medieval knight.
As my knees start to tremble on the weight of all this gear,
So my mind is being burdened by the gathering of fear.

There is smoke and dust, as explosions start the dance,
As my life is being taken by the cruel vortex of chance,
And my muscles start to fail me as I stumble to my knees,
While bullets fly around me like a swarm of angry bees.

And my instincts start to guide me, as I fire up my gun,
As I fight along my brothers, 'till the enemy is done.
And I stop among the ruins, for I hear someone is crying,
And I see four children asking their father to stop dying.

I have woken in a nightmare, and I just have realized,
As my gun falls to the ground for my hands are paralyzed.
And I drop down to my knees and I look around with horror,
While the children of the desert are devoured by the sorrow.

And they pick the gun and point me, As I'm standing in the sand,
For they want to tell me something, yet I can not understand.
And I want for them to **** me, for the coward that I am,
Hoping that in death won't follow all this images of ****.

But they give me back my gun, with their teary hazel eyes,
And they let go of the hate in their sad and bitter cries.
And I wish to take all back, and this outcome to avoid,
For they've wrong me not, yet their lives I have destroyed.

And I feel like I have pulled, out the pin of a grenade,
As my heart explodes in pieces thrusted by a thousand blades.
For I go back as a hero, yet their eyes have seen a monster,
And I'll always be remembered as the man who killed their father.

I've been told that I am human, from the day that I was born.
But I've sold my soul for glory and the things that I now scorn.
For if this means to be human, I don't want to be so called,
For I left alone those children who where less than 12 years old.

And they'll probably die of famine by the outcome of your strife,
While their skulls will take the bottom in the pyramid of life.
For you stay up in your towers made of ivory and diamonds,
While the children of your brother are abandoned to the lions.

And I look around with horror in a world that's getting cold,
For the stories of this children will probably remain untold.
And we carry on our lives, like machines that have no soul,
While the engine that sustain us is the darkness of our core.
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Firoiu Daniel Dec 2014
Imi soptesti vorbe dulci, in timp ce-ti ascuti spinii,
Ca prin vraja ma atragi printre portile gradinii.
Si se-nchid in urma mea cu un scartait incet,
Soarele dispare-n zare lasand cerul violet.

Eu te caut fermcat printre atat de multe flori
Ce ma incanta si m-atrag cu ale lor calde culori,
Frunzele fosnesc in juru-mi, in explozii de ecou
Tu incet prepari veninul in amurgul indigou.

Si pasesc increzator, nestiind ca o sa m-ataci
Fiindca asupra ta vegheaza o armata de copaci,
Si ma zgarie si-mi par un sinistru labirint
Luna imi ghideaza calea cu a ei raza de argint.

Stralucesti printre frunze atragandu-mi privirea,
Caci mirosul tau ma cheama si-mi ineaca gandirea,
Inima-mi tresare tare fiindca tu-mi promiti saruturi
Inauntru o simt *** bate simultan cu mii de fluturi.

Si imi canti incet un cantec intr-o liniste de gheata,
Insusi labirintul verde se trezeste usor la viata.
E o lume de poveste, totu-mi pare ca-i un vis
Tu sirena din adancuri, ma atragi inspre abis.

Simt liane *** se aproapie, si se incolacesc pe mine
Si ma trag tot mai aproape aducandu-ma la tine.
E de ajuns sa te privesc si raman pe loc lovit
Simt doar inima *** bate, caci in rest am amortit.

Nici medusa insa-si cu ai ei ochi patrunzatori
N-ar putea sa ma inghete si sa-mi dea asa fiori.
Cu niste lanturi cuprinzi intreaga mea fiinta
Impietrit si fascinat eu privesc cu neputinta.

Ghimpii-ncep sa ma intepe  si in carne isi fac loc
Simt veninul *** patrunde si *** sangele ia foc.
Caci cu cat m-apropii tot mai mult tu ma ranesti,
Si in crunta-mi suferinta tu continui sa zambesti.

Sfaramat in mii de cioburi, ma atarn de-un fir de ata
Doar prezenta ta himera ma mai tine acum in viata.
Insa tu dai drumu lantului, si ma zgarii violent,
Din atatea rani deschise veninul se scurge lent.

Naucit ca sunt iar liber, tremurand m-am ridicat
Chiar si ghimpii tai uscati, eu incet i-am scuturat.
Doar in inima au ramas, caci mi-e frica-n lipsa lor,
Viata incet mi se va scurge printe gauri s-am sa mor.

Simt un foc adanc in suflet care arde irizat
Si cu infinita lui ardoare, ma consuma infometat,
Caci te vad acum mai clar si incep sa realizez,
Ma ranesti doar stand acolo desi eu ma-ndepartez.

Nu sunt ghimpii ascutiti ce m-au stors usor de sange
Nici veninul tau fierbinte ce din vene mi se scurge
Nu-s nici vorbele otravite ce le spui tu cu blandete,
Caci desi nu vrei s-o faci, ma ranesti prin frumusete.
Dec 2014 · 815
Firoiu Daniel Dec 2014
You whisper sweet words while you sharpen your thorns,
By a spell I am called, and I pass through the doors.
And they slowly close behind me in a squeaky little cry,
As the sun begin to fade in the distant purple sky.

Enchanted as I am, I keep searching through the flowers,
And they charm me and I'm drawn by their majestic colors,
While leaves rustle around me, in an echo of explosions,
In the purple twilight you slowly prepare your poisons.

And I carry on with confidence unaware of your attack,
For an army of trees is watching you like a wolf pack
And they scratch me and they look like a horrible maze,
As my path is now guided by the Moon's silvery rays.

You keep shining through the leaves, still catching my sight,
For your smell is calling me and is drowning up my mind,
And you promise me your kisses and my heart begins to rise,
As it beats inside at once, with a thousand butterflies.

And you slowly break the silence and you start to sing along,
While the maze awake to life by the charming of your song.
It’s a world of peace and magic and it shines away in bliss
Like a siren from the depths you ensnare me in the abyss

And I feel your vines around me as they all begin to fold,
And they drag me closer on and you stun me in your hold.
For thy beauty knows no limits, I can see it through the veils,
From the sharpness of your thorns to the poison of you veins.

Not even medusa herself with her piercing glacial eyes,
Could have chilled and turn my body in this monument of ice.
I am rooted in this place and you crawl your thorns around,
Enchanted and terrified I keep watching from my bound.

As your thorns begin to sting me deeper within my flesh,
And you pour your venom in, while the wounds are still fresh.
For with every step I take you inflict more pain on me
Cause you stick each thorn inside me like the needle of a bee.

And I shatter in a thousand, pieces of a stainless glass,
As my body starts to tremble as I'm falling in the grass.
But you let go of the chain and I stare at you heartbroken,
And the venom starts to drip for a thousand wounds are open.

I am free and yet astonished as I get up to my feet,
And I pluck the thorns away and the pain now taste so sweet.
Even if they hurt me still, in my heart they get to stay,
For I fear if I remove them it will drain my life away.

There’s a fire deep inside me and it shines iridescent
It consumes me from the inside as it burns incandescent.
Cause I see more clear now as it all start to make sense,
You hurt me by standing there, as I'm getting further, hence.

They’re not the sharp thorns that have dripped me of my blood,
Nor the venom that is running out of my veins like a flood,
Nor the poison of your words that you whisper with your cruelty,
Even if you do not want it, you still hurt me with your beauty.

— The End —