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FireZombie Dec 2011
Above the din her voice went on the air
Away with cupid, out of here my soul
Desires nothing – save a love affair
A siren’s song to her sound like a troll
Starlight hath shine a kin to deep, black coal
Compared to you; how then do I still stand?
Callus and coarse is silk for ever droll
My hand out stretched to hold my soul demand
You laugh and in my arms you wish to be
Meaning of time to us had gone away
No wish had I to move so there stood we
Into my eyes were you as I did pray
To heaven above that she would not miss
Of my intent to hold her in a kiss
FireZombie Dec 2011
Walking did I to her a summer’s day
Song birds had flown about and guided me
To her; twisted the street had done in play
My path to her unblock without debris
A soft sound of a pitter pat that my hart
Tattoo inside my chest as I walk on
Not sure of how but knock at with a start
Super aware of self for I’m not brawn
Long had the time laid thick weighing me down
Did she hear me, had not the rapping awoke
Alarms to who was here?  At this I frown
But no my doubts have turn into a joke
Before me stood an angelic wonder
That time and space would be blown asunder
FireZombie Dec 2011
The wrongs that you have been done in are strong
And torturous to be hold.  O’ a pain!
A pain of such a lost to you the wrong
To keep in deep hate, unsure to be wane.
Cut by unvalued blade of love’s curl malice
You stand against her vaulting hate abash
But you have been made rough by her callus
Now done away with her vicious backlash
Set free are you to live a life a new
From lover’s quarrels made to new found peace
Of long spent wealth now able to pursue
Endeavors till the day that your heart cease
Look onward my old friend and be joyful
For it is time to pass me another bottle.
FireZombie Dec 2011
His work is done – and
Slow is his pace, our Sun has
Laid himself to sleep.

As he, the Sun do
Sleep and held is he in night’s
Ever long embrace.

A sickness walks
There under her stary vial
The walking nightmare.

Soulless are his eyes
With pricing gazes of cold, death
Rob you of valor.

From the bows of Hell
He cries out a long moan set
For his running pray.

I cut you, fire
Upon you and yet still sir
You don’t bleed like me.
Many names have you
But we will all know you as
This, the walking dead.

Long roads have gone by
Filled with blood and tears and lost,
Oh, how hope is gone.

More hope is given
To a man far gone at sea
Then I here with you.

The moaning surrounds
Like fire to a coaldren
I am doom to die.

Boom, bang, boom I hear
The rapping of rotting hands
Have come to get me.

To be ripped apart
By tooth and nail or shall I
Pull the swift trigger.

Aye, yes better quick
As batting of an eyelash
Then torturous pain

Here as I hold you
Cold metal up to my head
Your kiss I ask for.

“So this is the end.
After all you have been through
You would end like this?”

Behold it is I
But not I who stands in front
My mind is cheated.

I speak “Who are you
Specter that stand before me
Am I so far gone?”

He “In a way, yes.
But before we continue
Please put the gun down.”

Uneven they bang
And more come to join the fray
I put the gun down.

He “Now that’s better.”
“But why have you come to me?”
I did say to He.

He “Do you not know?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t,” said I
Fire in his eyes.

Slowly he came forth
And raised his arms to meet me
Took hold of my head.

“Look out there,” He said.
“Don’t forget why you still live,
Live for those in need.”

Out upon I saw
Through the broken glass there were
The marauding dead

Bright did her light shine
Through the darkness in my soul
I thank you moonlight.

Silhouette of face
Dry blood had clung onto her
Dead eyes unseeing

I look behind me
And none there but the darkness
I look before me.

All ahead was death
But as the light has the dark
So does death have life.

Steadfast are my hands
As I lift my arms aloft
Pointed for action.

Her in the crosshairs
I without hesitation
Snuffed out her candle
FireZombie Dec 2011
How sweetly lover's kiss to you late sun
Stay, will you not, and hold the moon some more
For darkness I do dread, till sleep has won

Of dark the world has gone wile moon doth soar
Up high she reins supreme above in sky
Night Queen her name as we look to adore

Closing the curtains from the moon so nigh
I turn to bed full of apprehension
And softly had I done it that I cry

Surrounding black engulf with high tension
The tricks a mind does play when drench in void
To all insomniac's no need to mention
When sleep does come how I am overjoyed
FireZombie Mar 2011
The only thing that
I ever wanted was to
Hear you say my name.
FireZombie Mar 2011
You are, I’m sure, the one of purest wit.
The words you wiled cut the mind that let breath
Lungfuls of worldly knowledge that can’t quit.
That word-sword you swing pray it never be sheath
Never will I forgive that evil crime.
The world cannot accept a voiceless you.
My eyes forever miss a silly rhyme
Composed by an almost sweetly hue.
A heavenly trumpet called out ago
The coming of a baby girl did they sing.
Moonlit is her skin that surpasses snow
Her intelligent, piercing, green eyes do bring
Truth to the surface something never known
But softly, never will she leave you alone.

— The End —