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Mar 2015 · 493
How do I praise You?
FigTree Mar 2015
I seek to sing in praise of You
But my tongue will wither,dry.

I long to write odes and verses,
lauding You,
the world of its ink,I would deprive.

Extolling You is like giving the ocean a droplet.
Would the Sun be made splendid by my lit candle?

But my soul is soothed by an answer from You,
"Your failure to praise is praise enough."
Sep 2013 · 520
Adjust your vision
FigTree Sep 2013
Adjust your vision.
It seems to me that
it seems to you that
your sins are small
    your good deeds,tall.
Sep 2013 · 828
FigTree Sep 2013
The warm meal shall soon be cold,
all that is new shall soon be old,
all this you have been told,
just sleep in your ageless soul.
Sep 2013 · 753
FigTree Sep 2013
Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, Worshipper, lover of leaving.
It doesn’t matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.
Come, yet again, come, come.

– Attributed to Rumi
Mar 2013 · 628
Somewhere in this world
FigTree Mar 2013
Somewhere in this world,
someone is weaving your burial shroud.
A shovel waits cold,
for it's time to dig your grave.

What have you prepared for this inevitable meeting?
Feb 2013 · 517
You haven't......
FigTree Feb 2013
You haven't dared yet lose faith---so how can faith grow in you?
You haven't dared yet risk your heart--so what can you see of reality?
You're obsessed--still!--with the carnal screams of your life.

How do you hope to step into the Mystery of the King?"

---from a work inspired by the poetry of Rumi(may God have mercy on him)
Jan 2013 · 416
How Many
FigTree Jan 2013
How many a person has laughed and cheered
life and every breath,
teary-eyed and regretful as they are approaching Death.
Jan 2013 · 413
The Good Die Young
FigTree Jan 2013
The good die young.
The young die good.
Plato said
only the dead
the end of war.
Those who wish to have immortal glory
should find
glory in the Immortal

The good die young
The young die good.
Dec 2012 · 3.6k
FigTree Dec 2012

Sympathy. Empathy. Unity.
Tranquility. Honesty. Generosity. Sagacity.
Purity. Sincerity. Quality. Amity. Morality.

Sep 2012 · 417
Stay the same.
FigTree Sep 2012
Get praised.
Stay the same.
Get criticized.
Stay the same.
Without status.
Stay the same.
With status.
Stay the same.

Be humble.
Aug 2012 · 3.3k
The orphan child
FigTree Aug 2012
We often soften our cotton linen
the tears of the hidden orphan
We trod on the sod bought
the sweat of the hidden orphan
We don gems that are ******
the curses of the hidden orphan

We never listen to the forsaken and abandoned
hidden orphan
Aug 2012 · 441
Spinning Poet
FigTree Aug 2012
As the poet spins,
and spins a tale
the crowd celebrates his twirl,
his whirl
But not a soul heard a word.

The poet stopped.
Aug 2012 · 1.9k
Charon the ferryman
FigTree Aug 2012
The gentleman in the black trench coat
breathed out
a puff of smoke
and said,through the fog,
"I am a breeze of relief
to some
a storm of wrath
for others."

He took out a crumpled piece of paper.
Read it and mumbled,
"I wonder what your share is?"
Nov 2011 · 576
FigTree Nov 2011
The seeker
runs quicker
around every street,
his knees getting weaker..
The city fog,getting thicker
The seeker can't figure
out this mystery..
Feels close but he doesn't know
that the speck of gold
he's looking for...........

is on the tip of his nose.
Nov 2011 · 897
Whirling world
FigTree Nov 2011
The dervish
wished to begin this..
now around he spins
he twirls
he whirls
he swirls
as the world...spins

The constellations rotate
the heavenly orbs circulate

the heavens circumambulate
And the dervish is not nauseous..
but all the more conscious
Nov 2011 · 865
FigTree Nov 2011
Kicked a stone.
Picked up the stone.
An ageless stone...timeless stone
A stone that forgot about time.

A stone that remembered tomorrow,
awaits yesterday,
forgotten the now..

In that stone,
I saw
Nov 2011 · 2.2k
FigTree Nov 2011
Simple man
Simple life
Simple way
Simple days
Simple taste
Simple face
Simple time

But never a simple mind.
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
FigTree Nov 2011
For all the stories,
the worries you had,
the gory steps towards glory
This apology might get boring
before you get to snoring
I went through a storm's fury

to tell you


I'm sorry
Nov 2011 · 430
FigTree Nov 2011
From ever,
this be the only night
I felt the holy Light
in my mind
and made me wholly right
in longing
for this holy Light.....

From ever,
now this be the only night.
Nov 2011 · 597
Concrete Words
FigTree Nov 2011
Words stand tall     concrete towers
They never fall       full of power
False power.
The poet chases among the words,
chasing after his Beloved
his Dove
his Love..
almost within reach of his fingers
but The Desired eludes the poet
because the concrete,unbending words

The Beloved.
Nov 2011 · 934
Plant a seed
FigTree Nov 2011
Plant a seed
with thoughts
of it becoming a tree
that shall provide
for others...

Even if today was your last,
plant a seed.
Nov 2011 · 613
O Veiled One
FigTree Nov 2011
O Beloved,
Your beautiful veil
never fails
to veil Your Beautiful Face
O Beauty,
I long to burn the veil away
with the flame
of my love.

But only Death shall unveil
Your Beautiful Face.....
Nov 2011 · 505
Banner in the wind
FigTree Nov 2011
Banner blowing
in the wind
Images dancing
in the wind

The fool believes
that the images move
I claim to know better
but I don't see the wind

The lion on the banner
Nov 2011 · 756
Rose Petal
FigTree Nov 2011
Rose Petal
within my shirt..
I ignored You at times
Forgive me..
I implore You
never leave me
Rose Petal
Sweet Pearl
within my shirt.

Never leave.
Nov 2011 · 547
FigTree Nov 2011
Eyes heavy
heart growing lively
Hope rising up my throat
Pulse in my chest,

Every slight movement,
I mistook as You

Answer my reply,
O Awaited One.
Nov 2011 · 522
Daily Bread
FigTree Nov 2011
I am hardly fed
of the daily bread
of the barley bread
before I see me dead,
in my head
And my Friend in the Garden
Eat,live and anticipate.
Fear not,I shall wait......
Nov 2011 · 721
FigTree Nov 2011
The fish claims,
There is no water
The sand claims,
There is no desert
The trees claim,
There is no forest.

And I claim,O Friend,
that there is no You.
Nov 2011 · 824
A pot of date juice
FigTree Nov 2011
A *** of date juice
carved by skillful hands,
the *** is beauty itself.
Colours and patterns
on the body of the ***,
but as foreign eyes
soak in its form......
I sip some date juice.
Nov 2011 · 811
O Beloved
FigTree Nov 2011
O Beloved,
In this pomegranate garden,
I wait.
O Beloved,
You are already here,
but I wait.
O Beloved,
You are in me,
but I wait.

— The End —