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Dec 2014 · 383
My Soul and My Blood
Fiakfairok Dec 2014
Just like my voice
I wish I could hear from you
Just like my heart
I hope you could feel the same

Never happen, never open
Unable to meet yours and mine
Never enough, never stop
My putting you within my soul
Never realize, never think
You would be this cruel to me
Never know, never end
My loving you within my blood
Never show, never tell
What made you to make me wait
Never lie, never will  
You are number one in my heart

Just like my sadness
I do not want you to see them
Just like my sorrow
I never want you to have them

Dec 2014 · 392
All of Me
Fiakfairok Dec 2014
They stepped on my heart
They took out all of my soul
I didn't dare to give anymore
Afraid to love that would break

Never think until I met you
I would ever love someone again
Never dare to open no more
Till you're standing in front of me
I am too close, I can't control
You melt my heart into the original
I just can't stand back anymore
I won't let sadness keep me away
I won't let pain get you away
I will face all the fears with my within
I started to love you recklessly
Even if I'm bleeding, please let me be

You shine within my heart
I will give you my everything
I will love you with all my heart
That is where I will start for you

Dec 2014 · 276
Life at Edge
Fiakfairok Dec 2014
I never thought
This rain season would be this long
Like uncountable times and lives
They stepped on my broken roads
I yearned for rainbows to show

I always hoped
The clouds would be clear enough
For me to feel beauty in life soon
I'd hurt no more in the life of loves
They're just unreachable dreams

Now I'm gone
The cold season has come as before  
To take out all the soul I have left
They do not know I am dying inside
How long do I have to feel this?

Oct 2013 · 675
Please Stop
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
My heart please stop beating
My mind please stop thinking
My eyes please stop opening
If not, my heart might come out
If not, my mind might blow up
If not, my eyes might blind in
Cuzz I miss her so terribly in me
Oct 2013 · 557
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
No matter how much you hate me
Promise that you will change
No matter how long you hurt me
Promise that you won't do forever
No matter how far you go away
Promise that you'll turn around
No matter why you don't want to listen
Promise that you will understand
I'll cry, miss, love and care, wait for you
Promise that you will change
In the best way for me
I'm begging you like this crazy again
Oct 2013 · 406
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I know I have to never give up
But there is nothing left for me
I know I have to forget you
But you always in my mind ever
I know I don't have to love you
But my only heart chose you
I know I don't need to miss you
But I can't control my heart
I know I don't have to tell you
But hard to keep inside here
I know I don't have to be still  
But my can't take my step
Oct 2013 · 331
Only For You
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I don't have age,
but I keep a true love in my heart
I don't have two eyes in my heart,
only one for you
Nobody can complete my heart
and life except you
You are the most I need
in this world for life, Dingdi
Oct 2013 · 429
Waiting For You
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
We wait for something since we're born  
Until we take our last breath fading away
We wait for every tomorrow from today
We wait until we're healed when we're hurt  
We wait for the better moments to come
Until my heart un-breathe, I'll wait for you
Oct 2013 · 430
If Mean
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
If waiting for you means the rest of my life
I'll use my last word to say I love you to you  
If waiting for you means the end of the world
I am going to use my last eyes to see you  
If waiting for you means will never come true  
I will keep waiting and waiting for you, Dingdi  
Because you are just the only one I can love
Oct 2013 · 856
Best Friend
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
You are mine since the world began  
My Lord has made you just for me  
To make me happy and joy the earth  
To give me strength when I'm down  
To give me hope for every tomorrow  
To love me when no one is around  
A heart that takes me to my lovely home  
No matter what, you are my best friend
Oct 2013 · 491
I Dare
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I dare to tell you
how much I love you
I dare to tell you
how long I miss you
I dare to feel pains
for your happiness
I dare to hurt
in order to put your smile
I dare to do anything
if it's good for you
But I do not dare
to hurt your feelings
Oct 2013 · 351
The Way You Are
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
You told me
You are ugly, stupid, and crazy
I just love the way you are  
You told me  
You are no good, no heart, and no love
I just love the way you are  
You never know
You are the most beautiful one  
I just love the way you are
Just the way you are made me
Fall in love with you...
Oct 2013 · 243
One Day
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
One day,
I will walk away from this loneliness
One day,
I will be strong enough to fight
One day,
I will be loving by lot of girls
But there will be no day
when I stop loving you
I miss you from my heart and soul
Oct 2013 · 688
I Hate Love
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I don't like love, because I hate goodbye
I hate morings, cuzz I know I'm still alone
I hate the sleepless, cuzz I always miss you
I do not want to be alone, but I hate love

I hate the tears in my eyes that falling down
I hate the pains that always hunt my heart
I do not like myself for the way I love you
I have enough not to be in painful anymore

I wish I would able not to love you anymore
I'm sick of wishing that you would come to me
It's too much, but I love how it feels with you
I hate love, but I cannot stop loving you
Oct 2013 · 293
As We Go
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
As the time flows to forward  
We can't never change the past  
We can't control the way we want  
Things are getting older or lose
The way we travel with happiness  
Will stay in our hearts endlessly  
As we continue traveling the world
Oct 2013 · 285
The Meaning Of Morning
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
The meaning of morning is to start a new life
Give your heart and soul a new perfect smile
Forget already the bad things from yesterday  
Don't mind the sadness face from yesterday  
Get new strengths as you jump into a new day
With the endless smile on your beautiful face
And go toward without looking yesterday things
Oct 2013 · 275
No Matter
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
No matter how much I love her,
she doesn't understand it
No matter how much I miss her,
she doesn't want to hear it
No matter how many words I used to explain,
she can't see it
So no matter how many tears I shed,
how much lonely I am
So no matter how old I am,
how crazy I am without her
So no matter how long it's going to take her to feel the same
I will love, miss, and care, wait for her
until I take my last breath
Oct 2013 · 659
Forever Love
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
Sweet love is too hurt for me
The moments that I spend with you
They are all live in my empty place
Your love made me sick of everything
Last forever is too short for me
Your word,"I'll love you on forever"
The most light word like the wind
Your forever made me crazy everyday
Oct 2013 · 2.5k
Best Friend
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
A best friend is
Who understand which you don't say
Who see which you don't want to speak
Who give you time when you need someone
Who cry with you when you have the tears
Who walk with you even when your road is hard
Who carry when you cannot walk anymore  
Who love you even at your worst time  
A best friend is who you can lay on
Oct 2013 · 351
Be There For You
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
When loneliness gets you and fights you
All your energies are gone and afraid  
I'll be there for you
When you are blind of hope for tomorrow
The tears keep falling from your eyes
I'll be there for you
When you fall down and cannot get up
All you need is a love from someone  
I'll be there for you
No matter what, you are my best friend  
Happy time or sad time in your life  
I'll be there for you
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Craziness In Me
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
Today, I now know that she has a feeling
for someone else, but not for me.
However, I still wish that my though would be wronged,
which will never happen.  
I miss her a lot in me, I want her so badly in me,
she will never understand.  
The love that I have for her maybe just little thing
that won't help on anything.  
But I put all my love and my life on her hands
she will never know
It's me who should be blame on
for loving her so much.  
My friend told me that giving up on her is
the only choice I have
But I still want to wish that waiting for her
on forever would get a return.  
I'm too crazy now. I wanna go insane..
so that I wouldn't be in this pain anymore.  
I wanna give up on her now,
but it is my heart that can't unloved her...  
I wanna write, I don't love her anymore,  
but it is my hands that only know how to write,
I still love her.  
I wanna kick her out off my mind,
but it is my mind that only wants to think about her.
I miss her so badly in me..
She will never understand..
I'm still standing on the road side of loving her.
Oct 2013 · 326
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I try to forget the sadness
With a little laughter b
But the pain still remains.
I try to forget the past with
All the smile I have
But the scar still gets bigger
And bigger as the day goes by.
Oct 2013 · 333
That Is You
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
Just like you said, I should've left you alone
Just like you meant, I should be moving on
Just like you spoke, I shouldn't have cared
But for unknown reason and unknown heart
I am not the way you saw me in your eyes
When I started to fall in, I only fell for you
Every time I try to move, I cannot breathe
To be honest, I don't want to love you anymore
But the heart in me keeps loving and caring
Just for the only one my heart wants to love
That is .................Sarah V.H.P................YOU
Oct 2013 · 342
Will You Be Mine?
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
A love that I couldn't spell correctly  
A heart that I couldn't see clearly  
A love that I couldn't understand fully  
A heart that I couldn't know truthfully
Now, it lives in me for you endlessly  
Will you be mine?
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Daddy, Please Stop
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
Daddy, please don't be a drunker anymore
Give us joy and happiness like before again
Show us that your love is still in your heart
Just after you made friendship with alcohols  
Haughtiness afraid of passing our house by
Loneliness gets in our house like you gave it
Please look at our tears and make us smile
Take away our pains and make it a home  
Where we can find our family's love again
Please change to before you were alcoholic  
I beg you with the tear and pain from inside
Daddy, please stop drinking what made you bad
Oct 2013 · 589
Love & Forgive
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
When you hate someone, what credit do you get?
Either you love or you hate, it still the same level  
Hate gives you negative though and feeling all day  
Love gives you positive though and feeling all time  
They both live on your mind as you take a breathe  
Live by simple rule for every step you take in time  
Love who love you for the future you'll take in life  
Forgive who hurt you for the sake of your happiness
It's a way to solve every problem without hard fight
Oct 2013 · 270
One More Time
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
From your eyes
To your chin
Don't wanna see
The tears to roll down
For both of us
I have cried enough
For your happiness
Don't ever miss me
For both of us
I have miss enough  
Forgot all the past
For both of us
I've memorized enough  
But love in me
Just one more
Just one more time
Turn around  
And show me a smile
Oct 2013 · 362
I Didn't Know
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
As the tears rolled  
From the heart
You were there
To make me happy
With your loved
And your cared
I did not know
You did everything
Just for me
I broke your heart
Pretty badly
I did not know
Now with regret
You are gone
Wanna be with you
But now forgive me
Like before you did
I will love you
On forevermore
Just to pay you back
All your pains and loved

— The End —