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Fiakfairok Dec 2014
Just like my voice
I wish I could hear from you
Just like my heart
I hope you could feel the same

Never happen, never open
Unable to meet yours and mine
Never enough, never stop
My putting you within my soul
Never realize, never think
You would be this cruel to me
Never know, never end
My loving you within my blood
Never show, never tell
What made you to make me wait
Never lie, never will  
You are number one in my heart

Just like my sadness
I do not want you to see them
Just like my sorrow
I never want you to have them

Fiakfairok Dec 2014
They stepped on my heart
They took out all of my soul
I didn't dare to give anymore
Afraid to love that would break

Never think until I met you
I would ever love someone again
Never dare to open no more
Till you're standing in front of me
I am too close, I can't control
You melt my heart into the original
I just can't stand back anymore
I won't let sadness keep me away
I won't let pain get you away
I will face all the fears with my within
I started to love you recklessly
Even if I'm bleeding, please let me be

You shine within my heart
I will give you my everything
I will love you with all my heart
That is where I will start for you

Fiakfairok Dec 2014
I never thought
This rain season would be this long
Like uncountable times and lives
They stepped on my broken roads
I yearned for rainbows to show

I always hoped
The clouds would be clear enough
For me to feel beauty in life soon
I'd hurt no more in the life of loves
They're just unreachable dreams

Now I'm gone
The cold season has come as before  
To take out all the soul I have left
They do not know I am dying inside
How long do I have to feel this?

Fiakfairok Oct 2013
My heart please stop beating
My mind please stop thinking
My eyes please stop opening
If not, my heart might come out
If not, my mind might blow up
If not, my eyes might blind in
Cuzz I miss her so terribly in me
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
No matter how much you hate me
Promise that you will change
No matter how long you hurt me
Promise that you won't do forever
No matter how far you go away
Promise that you'll turn around
No matter why you don't want to listen
Promise that you will understand
I'll cry, miss, love and care, wait for you
Promise that you will change
In the best way for me
I'm begging you like this crazy again
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I know I have to never give up
But there is nothing left for me
I know I have to forget you
But you always in my mind ever
I know I don't have to love you
But my only heart chose you
I know I don't need to miss you
But I can't control my heart
I know I don't have to tell you
But hard to keep inside here
I know I don't have to be still  
But my can't take my step
Fiakfairok Oct 2013
I don't have age,
but I keep a true love in my heart
I don't have two eyes in my heart,
only one for you
Nobody can complete my heart
and life except you
You are the most I need
in this world for life, Dingdi
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