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2.4k · Jun 2014
allie Jun 2014
Listen to the wind screaming
And the air howling
The thunder rolling
Lightening illuminating the black skies
You will hear the storm
And remember me;
She wanted storms
944 · Mar 2014
allie Mar 2014
She cried tears of black,
Weeping with lips scarlet
The pale foundations of her face,
Into nothing
While the teardrops of ink
Created a new facade.
705 · Mar 2014
allie Mar 2014
Faster faster
The white wheels turning to ivory hooves
The murky grains changing to golden shores
Bleak grey turning azure
The entire picture
Evolving into something worth capturing
She releases the reins
Her arms  are spread wide
Eyes closed
Soaking up the feeling of lightness
Until she comes to the bump in the road
She soars through the air
Arms still spread wide
But eyes wide open
The hooves turn back to wheels
No longer ivory
Golden turning bronze
Azure disappearing
But this time black clouds come
Reflecting perfectly
Onto the transparent ripples
She forget that with light
Comes the shadow
453 · Jun 2014
Burning Room
allie Jun 2014
As we whirl around the darkened room
The dust swirls with us
Creating a cloud to protect us
From the flames and smoke
I grasp tighter to you
My fingers curling into your jacket
But you
Loosen your hold
Letting me drift out of the cloud
It's then I realise
My dear
We're slow dancing in a burning room
444 · Aug 2014
Happy Endings
allie Aug 2014
You know it really shocks me
But somehow doesn't
How oblivious you are
After all the heartbreak
You claim to have suffered
You wear your heart on your sleeve
Expecting nothing to happen
You babble about happy endings
But you don't realise that
Happy endings are stories that haven't finished yet
440 · Aug 2014
allie Aug 2014
The rain taps on the window
Ever so politely to be let in
The wind, a horse of a different colour
Charges through itself
Roaring as slams into the glass barrier
It can't get through
Whining, screaming even
Begging to enter
Pleading to send it's icy gusts over my bones
Freezing them, making them brittle enough to shatter
But let us forget not about the rain
As polite as it is, slyness comes also
At least with the wind
You know what it wants
But the rain
Will drown you while your still breathing
356 · Nov 2014
allie Nov 2014
We try so hard
Plaster our faces
Wear masks outside and in
We claim not to judge
But then act as if we're in a high court
We carefully pick out flaws
And then say everybody is perfect
Our lives are books
Or so it seems
We are supposed  authors
Of our own adventures
When really all we are
Is tepid stories for nobody's glory

— The End —