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Jun 2015 · 999
4. (Pretzel Love)
Felix Jones Jun 2015
In the wrapping of her arms and legs,
And the squeeze of a hug:
A binding pretzel love.
Jun 2015 · 340
3. (Rose)
Felix Jones Jun 2015
A fresh rose
Crumpling into
A closed fist
Jun 2015 · 467
2. (Dreams)
Felix Jones Jun 2015
The life we have in dreams,
Is a navy life, underwater,
Hiding in a submarine,
And rarely surfacing.
How do we spend
So much time dreaming,
Only to wake, and forget?
Invite the dreams,
And in they flood,
Happy to fill your mind.
Living through dreams
Is better than
Sleeping through life.
Jun 2015 · 647
1. (Little breaths)
Felix Jones Jun 2015
The deepest feelings
Don’t extend through time:
Chapters of the heart,
Come in little breaths.

— The End —