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Fee Berry May 2012
It's raining tonight
Smearing the light down the window
as though the paint hasn't dried on the night

It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I can feel the rain wet upon my face...

Many miles apart
You are in your eyrie alone and asleep,
I am imagining you there, me there, us together, tonight

It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I am hearing the rain, in my heart

The moon, the same moon
Stares down at me, and watches over you
I take comfort from the silver moonlight falling on us both

It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I'm seeing the rain illuminated by the moon, sparkling underfoot

Lonely, I'm lonely
Sitting here, awake, alone... longing.
I am imagining me there, you here, us together always

It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I love the smell of rain in the grass at night

Can I take the step toward you,
Out into the night?
Can I take the step to another life
That may mend or break my heart?
Can I take you from your life, make you step lightly into mine?
Can I live without you still?

It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I can taste the rain, salt upon my tongue....
Fee Berry May 2012
These other people
This other life
They trip to France or Italy
Or die or leave their wife

These other people
That other life
The one I might have lived
The one without the strife

Those other people
And their tidy lives
Their tidy houses
Their tidy wives

Those other people
And their messy lives
Their dead husbands
Their missing wives

I find...
The life of a famous actress
As far from my life
As those memoirs of drug runners
Or the stories from refugees
Fleeing unthinkable brutality.  

My life...
Potters on from day to day
No big tragedies
No big triumphs...
Unless a word here
And a phone call there
Could count as either.
Fee Berry May 2012
To live and let live,
To know that my passion isn't your passion
To allow you to believe what you believe
As long as it harms no one
To do as I would be done by
And to wrestle with that question if you behave in a way that
I never would.

To love
To try to see that of God in everyone
Me and God is all that there is,
And all that there ever will be.
To try to remember that other person is God,
And if He needs my help,
To be there for him.
To be there for me too, because
Loving thy neighbour as thyself
Cuts both ways.

To forgive
To judge not, that I be not judged
Even when the culture I live in regards judgement as a skill
To forgive myself also because
Loving thy neighbour as thyself
Cuts both ways

To walk the walk and not just
Talk the talk
To live my beliefs and not just espouse them
To show light at work
Not simply to cast a shadow with it
To walk in the light and lighten it.
Fee Berry May 2012
if i could write my heart out loud
i'd colour all my words with you
if i could only capture this
i'd seal it up inside a kiss

if you could love me half as much
as i'd love you, forgetting fear
we'd live in poverty and bliss
and i'd forget to go to work....
Fee Berry May 2012
Hate never wins
It burns itself out on a hundred victim pyres
consuming the souls of the haters
whereas love burns eternal with the spirit light
A silver thread which knits us together
They are many, but we are one.

Love connects people
In their compassion, the knowledge of how a mother feels
When her child is taken
Lives with me, although my children are but a phone call away
I feel her pain, her loss
I want to be able to turn back time
Give those children back to their families
I don't want one to suffer as I know they are
I want to be able to hug them and say it's all right
I want to be able to step into their lives and heal it
And I can't...
But we are one, though they be many.

I can't bear to think about the sudden end
The fear, the pain, the last thoughts
I can't bear to imagine what it's like
To run for your life
I can't bear to think about the families
Learning that the goodbye they said happily
Was the last one to be said
Learning that the goodbye hug
Was the last one to be felt
and they couldn't know it.
We are one and they cannot break us.

Hate never wins
Darkness is a prelude to the light
Dawn breaks
Chasing away the night
What endures is the love,
Hate never wins,
For we are one.
Fee Berry May 2012
Time slips by me, wearing a disguise
I don't notice him stuffing my youth into a pocket as he passes.
Time slips by me and covers my eyes with magical glasses
So I don't notice the lines arriving on my face,
on the faces of others.

Time slips by and takes with it my friends' children, suddenly tall
Suddenly adult, suddenly married with children of their own.
Time slips and the hours turn to days turn to weeks turn into months and it is
eight months since I touched you, since I kissed you, since we said goodbye.

Time went past and suddenly I am old,
Peering into misty autumn days, worrying about pensions and arthritis.
Time and tide wait for no one and the truth is that there has only ever been this moment... this now...
That even as I grasp hold of it, time snatched back into the past.
Remember when your grandmother told you time flies...tempus fugit... yesterday?
Time flies, it was forty, no forty-five years ago and
seemed like an age to aspire to.

Living in the moment as we all have to do has dragged you to this place, and whether all your moments spill out of time's pocket at the moment of your death and parade past you in their toe-curling glory, or whether they simply fade into the winds of eternity at your passing...
remember to live before you die, experience the moments that you have to come and
in the pleasure of living.

Tomorrow and tomorrow are unravelling from the tapestry of time,
all you can do as they pass you by and ****** your moments away is to be alert to their passing and
the ones you love.
Fee Berry May 2012
I could have had one hundred thousand pounds by now
If I had stayed in the daily grind
Found someone else and given them my babies to mind
I could have bought them anything they wanted.

I could have had exotic holidays each year
If I had kept at the coal face
Trekked up and down the tube at a snail's pace
I could have gone anywhere I wanted.

I could have had clothes and shoes and jewels
If I had left my children at home
Left someone else holding the brush and comb
I could have worn anything I wanted.

What I wanted was to feel my heart squeeze
Every time I turned and caught sight of my children
What I wanted was the joy of squidging the face paint
Even if most of it was squidged into the carpet
What I wanted was the tears and tantrums, the fears and nightmares,
and the firsts that scatter the land of childhood

If I had a million pounds by now
I couldn't buy one day in the past
The work is always there, but childhood doesn't last
The time I have had is priceless.
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