It's raining tonight
Smearing the light down the window
as though the paint hasn't dried on the night
It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I can feel the rain wet upon my face...
Many miles apart
You are in your eyrie alone and asleep,
I am imagining you there, me there, us together, tonight
It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I am hearing the rain, in my heart
The moon, the same moon
Stares down at me, and watches over you
I take comfort from the silver moonlight falling on us both
It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I'm seeing the rain illuminated by the moon, sparkling underfoot
Lonely, I'm lonely
Sitting here, awake, alone... longing.
I am imagining me there, you here, us together always
It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I love the smell of rain in the grass at night
Can I take the step toward you,
Out into the night?
Can I take the step to another life
That may mend or break my heart?
Can I take you from your life, make you step lightly into mine?
Can I live without you still?
It's raining...
Is it raining where you are?
I can taste the rain, salt upon my tongue....