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17h · 19
shattered quiet
fasna 17h
the sorrows and sadness
the secrets and dreams
wrapped in the night dark embrace
the moon once a silent witness
now steps back unable to bear the weight of the word
the depths of the pain shared
even the stars those distant keepers of light
dims their glow as if the truth revealed is too much
for the heaven to hold
in the stillness only shadows
remain carrying the burden of what's been shared as
the night deepens and the world turns away
she stayed still with the blank sky
when the pain and grief is so heavy that the sky turned away
17h · 146
simply "HER"
fasna 17h
she wasn't a pacific ocean to tackle
she was just a serene river
flowing gently through the valleys
with grace that whispered peace
it's a thing that usually happens around us women are seen a thing to controlled tackled or owned but in reality she is just a simple thing need a gentle hand to hold her strong enough to protect her, understand her, give comfort, grow with her, respect her, and give colors to each other's life
Feb 7 · 40
hues of grey
fasna Feb 7
Everything is grey again,  
Familiar as an old wound.  
Just a new shade of grey  
But what if this hue nears pitch-black,  
Threatening to drown me in eternal night?  
Will I ever see the sun again,  
Or is it fading,  
A distant echo in the dark?
just pure fear

— The End —