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Dawson May 2013
I had a thought
If I make it out of here alive,
I will

I won't,
I can't

Dawson May 2013
One in the same,
how dare you

Judge me?
We've all been

We've all felt the

Dawson Apr 2013
I see you whispering at the shows
Your words will never harm me
My jeans aren't black enough?
Girl please, I’m ~~PV RoYaLtYy~~
Dawson Apr 2013
come and go
as you

It doesn't even matter,
It was only a
Dawson Apr 2013
Took me for granted
Used me to get by
You were so lonely
Needed a one and only

But Just for a little while
Until another one came by
Dawson Apr 2013
I feel guilty,
grabbing a drink first thing in
The mourning.

Only then
I look at my phone
and see that it is 12pm

And everything feels alright again.

— The End —