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Farah Hizoune Feb 2014
A galaxy of beauty mind spirit body tongues lips teeth
The way our teeth clink together due to our ever eager mouths
The way I meld into the rhythm of your body's every move
I'd take your heart if I could and encase the perfect beast in a million glass shards I glued together myself
Seems selfish I know but I was only hoping that you'd stay long enough to hand it over freely
The blood from my mangled fingertips leaves stains across your body as I delicately trace your flesh
What a fragile place to be
Brittle and bitter
I want to crawl into your lungs and hide away from everyone we've ever known
Yes, you, my love
You're the only one who isn't terrified of my honesty, with your soul of glistening gold
I am the waves breaking over & over your blanched bones
There is nothing as simply fulfilling as lying on raw earth with you ear to ear
Trying to hear the blood moving through our veins
Your magnificence and indifference mean everything to me
Please love me how you need and leave me where you found me when you're through

Farah Hizoune Feb 2014
I am failing
I am flailing
Like midair
I am trailing
Leaving a wondrous wake
A shimmering trail of blood
Glistening & mistening
Behind me, hear it whispering
Then comes the flood
Of emotions & of notions
The battered thoughts of you
I am burning
I am darkened
A little bird, a lark and
I am fallen and obscenely splayed
My heart is pumping
I am jumping
At the chance to see
Your pulsing body
So decayed
And I am unafraid
Farah Hizoune Dec 2013
I realized early on that the world and its inhabitants are virtually an unfeeling entity as a whole.
I now know that heartbreak comes in many disguises.
I know a feeling of utter loneliness contented only by the mere knowledge of its commonality.
Farah Hizoune Dec 2013
If you'd just tell me that
you're happy I could leave you be
But you've revealed to me
your consistent sadness
You've let me see
the dark parts that I love
My lips are sore from
repeating the same words to you
My heart burns as if
I haven't expressed it well enough
I would love all thyn flaws forever
I would let you bury thynself in my soul
You could put your sadness there
and I could keep it cold
So many questions
I am ok without answers
for they may hurt worse
than ignorance
Farah Hizoune Nov 2013
I can feel my slimy beet colored heart pulsing
beating at its height through my perfect left ******
My left your right as we are chest against chest
Nothing tastes as good as the leftover heartbreak on my lips
Or as bitter as the bad decisions left upon your own
No one can predict the bottomless mess of human emotions
But we are ever too fluid to care
More like fire than fluid
Mindless flames burn everyone equally without pity; ever-changing and depthless
Beautifully tragic, unpredictable at best and has a violent fluidity all it's own
The beat travels up my shoulder and down my spine unto the very center of my womanhood
I feel a craving for you and it is border-lining madness
I am teetering on a edge of hysteria that I thought I could ne'er again succumb to
I am being driven wild with an unasked-for passion
Alas - it all must remain internal for there are proper politics to be remembered
That of a taken man and secret so deadly that it entitles me to feel a certain power of having a precious life in my hands
I may be a forebearer of evilness - but at least I am the only one BEING HONEST
Farah Hizoune Nov 2013
He makes his rounds bounding around town between cobblestones
And I am last I never mind but I am always last
And you'd feign quelle surpris at how long I would wait for this uncourtly gentleman
Although that is a reaching description because he totters between gentle and aggressive
Just the way I like
We have nothing but the way we have everything
It's nothing permeably enviable but oh if you knew I swear you'd just seethe
Neither of us belong to the world and the world does not want us
We are far too content in our miseries to fathom fear of change
I have others and he has his but I know his body aches for mine thousands of thoughts away
I don't know all the triggers that makes his mind wander to me just as he will never know that when I smell new rain on old earth it's he who comes first
But I think just knowing that there are things that bring him back to me warms my ever pumping heart until the worlds sees fit to cease it's beat
And with that said I hope he's there to care and I am not last forever
Farah Hizoune Oct 2013
I had someone ask me once
A stranger befuddled
Why are all your writings
*** grime or death
I replied quite honestly,
For a strangers questioning,
'Because those are the most honest things in the universe
Because I don't believe in unimagination
Id rather read of feeding on entrails beautifully written
Than the wet smell of new love
We'd rather see gods creatures splayed red and pink on the sides of highways
Than to live without cars and roads
I'm not sure if that's relevant or poetic but who really cares anyway
I'm certain that fire raining from the sky incites more passion than a newly born anything
The most fun I've ever had I'm sure I was unclothed
And I don't know about you, consumer, but sweaty ****** vicious *** is more pure than the most heartfelt love I've ever felt
If that means I'm damaged - I don't think I mind it
If that makes you pity me - don't
These are just the darkened folded alleyways of my curly brain
I can't relate to normalcy but I've heard that's nothing to be ashamed of
Your glass words cut my face and guts sharply but I'm certain I can't feel it
And I am not bothered by your gore - I feel contented by your devils
And I'd like to know who's with me in this all too descriptive sickness'
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