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Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
The insanity that you left with me with

has become all-consuming.

It has eviscerated me and I have no organs left,

only maniacal thoughts and illness.

The lunacy is my epidemic,

the madness is my disease.

The inferno where my heart once was,

supplants the warmth that your wicked love used to fill me with.

My mind has been dethroned by ghoulish memories and succubus visions.

My two lungs no longer breathe air,

but rather intake black roses and expel brimstone.

The deranged delirium is my only comfort.

The hysteria, in lieu of love,

is now what keeps me intoxicated.

The most garish part of all,

is that I've never felt more alive.
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I was born in a pauper’s grave,
with the metallic taste of a silver spoon still lingering on my palate.
A passed life of exuberance,
lost like the previous days’ sunrise.
Golden beams; symbolic of only a desire for an intangible ecstasy.
I grew with a sharp tongue and a black heart,
the quality of my soul marred by the bitterness of regret.
I craved a euphoria that I could never quite attain,
a deranged obsession to feel at home again.
Though, I knew I would ne'er again experience,
the touch of fine lace on my flesh.
There is now a palpable separation of the wicked and the righteous,
and I have been caste down from my glimmering throne,
to walk among the dead.
I cringe away from their decrepit hands,
and the sickly-sweet, decaying smell of their breath.
These rats eating rats, this cannibalistic life,
I feel its effect moving through my layers of psychosis.
It gives me that déjà vu feeling that the sky and sea, unfeeling as they are,
have heard enumerable cries like mine, all too many times before.
I have a yearning in my bones for the days of Summers' passed,
with the smell of sweet honeysuckles and red roses perfuming the air.
Delicate words whispered through the vines of cherry blossoms,
dressed in soft, white cotton and lying amongst the Juniper trees.
It calls a tender feeling of nostalgia,
but my vision is shattered and beaten by a retched reality.
That of broken moon beams and a devastatingly darkened, burgundy-lined sky.
There is a perpetual insanity that lingers after every passerby,
like a dense trail that is all consuming.
The residents of this apocalyptic dimension are all obscene and ******,
they all ooze a voracious odor of lingering death meat,
and no one seems to mind at all.
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I am insatiable

I am an insatiable disease

I have an unyielding thirst for the hearts of men

I am voracious

I am yearning

I am desire

I am carnage

I suggest you keep your distance

I will brutalize you

I am transported nightly into the mind of a maniac

be cautious of these creatures that stalk my conscious

beware of these beasts on a quest for my soul

meet me in the land of the midnight sun

caress my withered bones

but take heed of my hunger, dearest

for if you aren’t careful

you will fall victim to my wicked appetite
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
our love was formed

under the cover of fallen angels’ wings

it was ashes before

it ever hit the ground.

the rain, the rain

comes down and down,

a killer’s heart

is bound and drowned.

and even on the most brilliant of days

there hangs a sullen haze

over the beauty of all the world.

poetic words,

and my red love unfurled.

the euphoria faded long ago,

with the last intake of violent air.

all that’s left of our ancient love,

is emaciated and pallid,

cold, dead and decayed.

and I wish you never would have stayed.
Farah Hizoune Jan 2013
I was once a beautiful, & colorful girl.

I had a lover of my own,

and hair of great bouncing curl.

My dearest and I had the truest of loves,

the kind that sent pangs,

through the hearts of white doves.

Ages ago, we were out on a sail,

t’was a beautiful day,

with a marvelous gale.

‘Till, in seconds, there came,

a downpour of rain,

and a scene that would change,

life of this poor dame.

I discovered my dear,

he was shrouded in fear,

clutching and fleeing and never looking back.

He abandoned our ship,

while we were under attack

I was thrown overboard,

with a most violent shove.

There I felt hands,

not of the usual class,

but thinner and sharper,

like that of broken glass.

It was then I was pulled,

roughly down to the dim.

The endless depths of the sea,

without him.

I looked up to the sky,

but oh, by & by,

the light of the world,

was shrinking rapidly.

The vixens and creatures of the dark,

surround me.

I would float, breathlessly,

among a world, under water.

Where the sea-souls of men,

are taken for slaughter.

It wasn’t the vast sea,

of splendid blue-green,

you know the kind,

that you see in a dream.

It was red and green and horrid, pitch black,

and he never looked back.

Didn’t toss me a float,

or a rope for my throat.

And when I rose to the top,

I swam to the shore.

The tide came and went,

a swift, gentle roar.

I stood there for what,

had seemed like years,

and your back facing me,

couldn’t fathom the tears.

The world spun on,

as she always does,

and my heart broke again

a million ******, pieces it was.

you had left,

you had gone,

but I was still holding on

to a past full of lies

and of tainted goodbyes.

my cries,

should have been,

for all of my wasted time.

— The End —